Chapter 570 Goal

  Jimmy, who had eaten and drank again, was no longer sleepy. After everyone cleaned up, he would take Jian Heng to hunt. And the only thing Jian Heng can do is to sacrifice his life to accompany his father-in-law.

In fact, for Jian Heng, hunting is no longer fun now. Thinking about going into the mountains, there are only a few types of big guys that can be hunted. The first type is deer, such as reindeer and red deer. Among the deer, there are also bears. There are many grizzly bears, brown bears and black bears in Montana. Except for these two, they are wolves. The jaguar is gone.

Jian Heng has seen jaguars but has never fought them. The size of this thing looks smaller than a wolf, but there is a characteristic of this thing, that is, they cannot be allowed to eat human flesh. As long as they succeed in preying on humans once, these guys will They will put humans on their menu, because compared to wild animals, ordinary humans are really easy for them to hunt.

   Of course, these things are also cunning. Generally speaking, if someone with memory sees a gun in your hand, they will not appear at all.

For example, the main goal of Jimmy and Jian Heng today is to hit a jaguar. Of course, the ideal is plump. I don’t know what the reality is. Anyway, the main purpose of the jaguar is for the purpose, as long as the one that comes out is not a female. Tiger, then the father and son decided to have a good time with tiger skin gloves.

  The two fathers held their guns, and each set off with a pair of skis, leaving Wu Yong and the bodyguards at home to guard the house.

Jian Heng is not very good at skiing, and Jimmy is very good at skiing, but it may be because of the embarrassment in the morning, and Jimmy is not in the mood to show off in front of his son-in-law, so the two are not fast. It became Jimmy who taught Jian Heng advanced skiing skills.

   "Notice my movements!"

  Jimmy has demonstrated to Jian Heng no less than seven times, but Jian Heng still hasn't mastered this movement. Jian Heng, who is very talented in other sports, is a bit stuck now.

   "Try it!"

Jian Heng followed Ji Jin's movements and tried to do it again. He slid up a small **** and flew up along a vulgar ramp, but when he landed, he still couldn't master Jimmy's handsome landing style, and still fell A donkey rolled, but fortunately, Jian Heng was clever and able to protect his body every time.

  Jimmy didn't want Jian Heng to take a break. Seeing Jian Heng, who was covered in snow, walk in front of him, Jimmy even reached out and patted the snow on Jian Heng's body.

  Jian Heng is a bit old and not used to this kind of intimacy. It is no problem for Jian Heng to get along with Wu Yong and He Ye like this, but he gets along so closely with his father-in-law, which makes Jian Heng always feel a little weird.

   "What is Matthew doing?" Jimmy asked while pulling his snowball fight.

  Jian Heng said without thinking: "What kind of art photography is he doing in San Francisco now? I don't know the specific situation. I have to ask Barley and Wheat."

   "Still so out of tune!" Jimmy heaved a long sigh, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Not all Americans are willing to donate their property. For example, Jimmy wants to hand over his ancestral property to Jimmy, hoping that his children will be stronger and bring the farm to a higher level. situation.

Let’s not talk about the problems Jimmy is facing now. Matthew has been different from other boys since he was a child. He does things that Jimmy is not used to all day long, so there is very little communication between father and son, and it has almost reached the point where there is nothing to talk about. the point. In fact, Jimmy has not been the most disappointed yet. As for barley and wheat, it is only an option.

"Actually, he is pretty good!" Jane Lazy said sincerely: "He has been working on my ranch for a while, although he is not as good as I imagined, but he is willing to put in the time and make continuous progress. Give him time to adjust."

"I hope he can get used to it, but you see, doing things is all about three minutes of enthusiasm. Once the enthusiasm is over, you just forget about it and always leave the rest of the mess to others to clean up. It's like this every time. , If I hand over the farm to him, he will most likely sell the farm at home, exchange the money and go to Los Angeles to live drunkenly until the end of his life.”

Speaking of this, Jimmy seemed a little angry, and pulled the goggles on his face to his forehead: "The farm is not only mine, but also more than 200 workers. What if he takes over the ranch and these people, you know Some families have worked on the farm since my grandfather's grandfather, and we can't just throw them away."

  Jane Hengxin said: You have a long history of hiring slaves! From Jian Heng's point of view, his grandfather's grandfather may have been before the Civil War, when the United States was still a slave society.

I thought so in my heart, but Jian Heng didn't express it in his mouth. In Jian Heng's view, this is a family matter of the McAvoy family. Wading in the muddy water, just listening to Jimmy complaining about his son Matthew.

   "Good guy!"

  Jimmy stopped talking suddenly, and his body tensed up.

"What's wrong?"

   "At three o'clock, between the second and third fork on the tree!" Jimmy said.

  Jian Heng turned his head abruptly, and Jimmy immediately shouted: "Be careful, that guy is watching us."

Jian Hengyili turned his head and looked over there, and found a jaguar squatting on the branch of a big tree far away that Jimmy mentioned. The jaguar here is not the kind with leopard prints. It's the kind with brown fur. Jian Heng saw it, and obviously that thing also saw Jian Heng, but the thing was very calm, still staring at Jian Heng motionlessly, and that look seemed to be like a tiger. Look like a rabbit.

  Jimmy observed for a while and said: "This one is observing us as prey! It is weighing which one of us is the easiest to catch. It seems that it has a good vision and has chosen me!"

  Jimmy had a sneer on his face, and the joy of being picked could not be heard in his voice. He slowly took off the shotgun on his back and filled it with two bullets.

   All movements were very slow, Jimmy asked Jian Heng: "You stand here to attract its attention? I will find a place to ambush it."

  Jian Heng smiled and said: "I think it's better for you to retreat directly to Xiaopo where we passed by just now. Where are you waiting for me to pass it over, and then you can shoot directly."

   "Is it okay?" Jimmy was a little skeptical.

  Jian Heng nodded: "Try it, if you can't, wait for the next opportunity."

  Hearing what Jian Heng said casually, Jimmy felt that the son-in-law in front of him had an indescribable freedom, so he said with a smile: "Then I'll go!"

   Without hesitation after finishing speaking, he immediately put the gun on his back again, and slid forward with a snow pole with both hands.

The jaguar hesitated for a while, because it felt that the target it had chosen had run away, but because Jian Heng was still standing there, staring at it with staring eyes, this jaguar had no choice but to turn its attention away from the target. Ji Jin's body was transferred to Jian Heng's.

  For the jaguar, it doesn’t want to face a young and middle-aged target like Jian Heng alone, it’s too dangerous, but now that Jimmy’s side is gone, the jaguar has to temporarily put its target on Jian Heng.

  What Jian Heng didn't know was that this jaguar had just enjoyed a human feast, and what he ate was the companion of the bounty hunter that Denzel had rescued.

These four people were killed by the wolves, but the wolves did not eat their bodies. Generally speaking, the wolves would not let go of corpses, but now the wolves around here seem to have changed their habits. The people who came to hunt them didn't eat people. For example, the corpses of these four people were eaten by foxes, minks, and jaguars. As for the bears that are hibernating at this time, they don't need to eat, otherwise they can be counted as a share.

After eating human flesh, these guys changed people into the primary target. The most tragic thing about this jaguar is that the army still doesn't know the power of human guns, that's why it looked at Jian Heng and Jimmy so boldly, and Pick the old, sick and disabled Jimmy as his target.

  (end of this chapter)

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