Chapter 575 Ideas

Toby, as a native Montanan who would throw up when he saw the snow, seeing these tourists wrapped in a ball like a ball taking pictures around a pile of snow is called hi, he doesn’t really understand how these people feel about snow Where does such great enthusiasm come from.

  Come to Jian Heng's side and asked in a low voice: "Is there no snow in China?"

Jian Heng smiled and wanted to explain, but before opening his mouth, Huang Xiaodong said: "There is snow in China, and the Northeast is as cold as here. These people who come here are usually from the south, and they may have seen snow on TV before." Like people living in Florida or Hawaii, they have almost never seen such heavy snow. Generally speaking, there are some snowflakes in the sky. Even if it snows on their side, the ground will not be white after it is over. It's over, but the snow in Northeast China is quite heavy, sometimes it's about the same as here, and of course it's not as big as in Canada."

  Jian Heng doesn't know whether it's because it doesn't snow in Florida or Huang Xiaodong is talking nonsense here. Anyway, Jian Heng hasn't been to the two places until now.


   In this way, Toby understood, but soon he asked another question: "Since there is snow in China, why do these people come here to see the snow?"

  Huang Xiaodong continued: "China's domestic tourism has been ruined by some people. There are money and money everywhere. It is not as good as it is in foreign countries."

Toby didn't really understand it, it wasn't because he was innocent, but because the business of slaughtering customers was very serious here, and it was so serious that he would go to jail. The cost of crime was much higher than the profit, so a normal person would not do this kind of thing. . To use domestic terms, the legal system in capitalist countries is sound, while the laws in socialist countries are always being improved.

Of course, the United States and Japan also have the phenomenon of ripping off customers. What is even more speechless is that almost half of the ripping offs in these developed countries are companies run by Chinese, especially in Japan and South Korea. Most of these companies are run by The Chinese who have just left the country for a short time, they don’t have the ability to cheat foreigners, so they point their fingers at compatriots to live their lives.

   "Why?" Toby was very strange, and he couldn't understand this with his imagination.

  This is the reason why many people who go abroad and the middle class in the United States feel that these old Americans live very simple, because for them, doing such illegal things is not worth the harm, so they judge others by themselves, thinking that others are just like them.

  Of course, there are more unscrupulous people in the United States. For example, the black community and the South American community are quite chaotic, mainly because of the level of education. This is why people who go to the United States are divided into two levels. Some people say that the United States is very good, and they do not close their accounts at night. The social security and the quality of people are much higher.

  Huang Xiaodong took great pains to explain to Toby. After explaining for a while, Toby didn't turn the corner, but the big carriage had already arrived at the venue with Jian Heng and his group.

  Following the guidance on the sign, Jian Heng parked the cart at the designated place. Apart from Jian Heng's four-wheeled carriage, there were already a lot of cars parked here, including cars, carriages, and various horses.

  It looks like a small market here, not only horses neighing, but also pigs grunting, and even sheep bleating.

Jian Heng was about to leave the cart here and put the horse here as well, when he suddenly heard a Chinese voice, turned his head and followed the direction of the sound, and saw a few men and women in their thirties curiously passing by. I went.

   "Ah, the quality of Americans is really high. No one is looking at your so many things here. If they were put in the country, they would have been taken away by others," said a woman.

The person standing next to her opened her mouth directly: "Returning the things, my sister sent a message in the group yesterday, a sanitation worker was working with a child on the side of the road, and a woman picked up the child and ran away. Even children are robbed, what else do these people dare not rob.”

   "These human traffickers should be shot if they are caught. How many wives and wives have been separated, I don't know what the government is keeping them for!"

   "What is this? What if someone with a mental illness certificate is murdered? There is nothing wrong with the certificate!"

"Have you heard that the daughter of a family was poked blind by a boy, and in the end, because he was underage, the boy was not punished at all. The daughter's father couldn't bear to kill the child with a knife, and finally squatted at the scene without saying a word, waiting for the police to come Grasp"

   "Oh! How disappointed this man is to do this. My child's life has been ruined in this way, and there is nothing wrong with the violent family over there!"

   "If you can't count on the law, you have to count on the knife in your hand! Comparing your heart, no one has children." One of the men sighed.


Damai and Maimai both understand Chinese, and when they heard the conversation of these people, they suddenly grabbed Jian Heng's arm and said, "My God, is China really so scary? I think it's better to bring Ningning here? It's too much." Dangerous."

   "..." Jian Heng really didn't know how to tell the two sisters, is what these people said true? It's true, this thing really happened and it didn't happen once or twice, but if it's true, it's so dangerous that no one would be in danger.

   "Hello! How are you?"

  At this time, Mai Mai walked over to the group of people and greeted them warmly.

"Have you eaten?"

  The three characters of wheat stunned a group of Chinese tourists, and it took them a while to recover.

   "Do you know Chinese?"

   "I know a little bit, not a lot, and I can communicate in daily life!" Mai Mai said politely.

   "Wow! You speak Chinese better than me. I never thought, did you grow up in China?"


  Jian Heng looked at Mai and chatted with a group of tourists, not knowing what to say for a while.

   A group of people are waiting here for Mai Mai to come back, chatting with Mai Mai started, it seems that a group of people praised her Chinese to make her very proud, and she was a little flattered and didn't want to come back.

  Balley was a little anxious waiting here, because the two of them still had things to do, so they opened their mouths and shouted: "Mai, we still have things to do after we leave."

  It is also in Chinese, which naturally aroused the astonishment of the group of people.

   "That's my sister Da Mai, that person, the one with black hair and black eyes, is our husband!" Mai introduced.


   All the women in the crowd opened their eyes wide, looking incredible.

   "You two have twins and a husband?" An old man looked at Jian Heng with envy.

   "That's right, we'll sleep in the same bed!" After finishing speaking, Maimai made a point of mourning: "Every night!"

   After speaking, he waved his hand at the group of tourists, twisted his waist and returned to the crowd. As soon as Mai Mai came back, a group of people from Jian Heng's side walked towards the venue.

   "Damn, this guy is really awesome... Oh, what are you **** me for?"

"If I pinch you, I'll hit you lightly. Look at your useless appearance. When you saw a foreign girl just now, you had a squinted face. When you heard that a man is looking for two golden silk cats, what do you think?" Is it all grass..."

  The woman next to the man was very angry, put her hands on her bucket waist, and yelled at her man with a fierce face. When she put on this posture, her 1.8-meter husband trembled in shock.

  The people next to him immediately began to persuade.

  Jian Heng didn't see the bustle, now Jian Heng, Damai, Mai and the others separated, each went to the place where they should go and called their names.

After Jian Heng became famous, he started to wander around. He turned around and turned to the front of a small stall, and found Lauren Martinez with a sad face, Gavin Martinez's only daughter. The guy is only twelve years old, and he's standing in front of his stall, pouting, looking like I don't like it.

   "Hey, little Lauren, what's wrong?" Jian Heng asked with a smile.

   Lauren saw Jian Heng approaching, and immediately cheered up: "Mr. Jean, let's have a drink!"

  Jian Heng didn't care about the small money of 1.99 U.S. dollars, so he took out two dollars from his pocket and put it on her small stall: "What's the matter, the business is not good?"

  Little Lauren said while helping Jian Heng make a drink: "I am the only real guest now, and there are no other guests except my father and brother."

After hearing this, Jian Heng stretched out his head curiously, and he understood why there were no customers here, because the little girl sold cold drinks, at least at room temperature, and normal Chinese tourists would definitely drink water at zero degrees in this weather. I can't stand it.

   After receiving the red drink from the little girl, Jian Heng took a sip, but it turned out to be cold, so Jian Heng said, "I may have an idea that can improve your stall's business."

   "What idea?" Lauren asked.

   Jian Heng smiled and said, "I'll tell you if you buy me a drink!"

  The little girl seemed to be reluctant to part with good fortune, her small face was full of entanglements, Jian Heng wanted to laugh when she saw it.

   "Really, you want to lie to me?"

  The little girl is quite alert.

  Jian Heng smiled and said: "How about this, you don't have to hire me yet, wait until my method really makes money, and then invite me, okay?"

  Jian Heng is just teasing the little girl here, how can he really let a child buy himself a drink, which is a matter of two dollars.

  The little girl listened to Zheng Zheng and nodded: "Okay, you say."

Jian Heng then bent down and leaned closer to the little girl, and said in a low voice: "Chinese tourists are not used to drinking cold things, and they won't let their children drink them. You reheat the drinks before selling them. Replace the brand with hot drinks, and if no one comes, just yell, yell.”

   "Why do they drink it hot?"

  The little girl looked curious.

"Get used to it, just get used to it." After finishing speaking, Jian Heng didn't want to be entangled in a question, smiled at the little girl, stretched out his hand and patted her on the head lightly, and walked while holding his drink drank up.

  (end of this chapter)

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