Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 578: Snow battle

  Chapter 578 Snow Fight

   Everyone lined up to buy something to eat. Jian Heng likes burritos, and Barley and Wheat choose burgers. After buying, everyone ate and chatted casually while holding their own food.

   After eating, Jian Heng collected the paper bags containing food in the hands of the three of them, and took them to the trash can not far away to throw them in.


   Just as Jian Heng bent down and put the garbage in his hand into the trash can, before he straightened up, he suddenly felt that his cowboy hat was knocked crooked by something.

  Stretching out his hand to support his cowboy hat, Jian Heng raised his head and looked around, and soon Jian Heng found the person who did the wrong thing. I saw old Walsh smiling thieves while still holding a new ball of snow in his hands, and he was making a gesture to attack Jian Heng again.

   "How old are you, and you still play such childish games!" Jian Heng said helplessly.

  At first, Jian Heng thought that the one who hit him was a kid who was joking with him, but he didn't expect it to be Old Walsh. As soon as he yelled at Old Walsh, the old man threw the snow dumpling in his hand again.

Jian Heng's attention was on Old Walsh's body where he might be hit again by the old man, so Jian Heng easily dodged Old Walsh's snow bomb, bent down and retracted his head to take the snow on the ground, forming a ball He threw it at Old Walsh.

Old Walsh hid while laughing and dodged Jian Heng's snow ball, but the old man didn't dodge the snow ball shot from Ke's face, and was directly stuck on his head by the snow ball and knocked off his cowboy hat .

Standing on the side of the old man, Gavin Martinez was laughing, and at the same time threw the second snow ball towards Jian Heng. Fortunately, Jian Heng hid quickly, otherwise the snow ball would have been caught directly. head on.

It was only then that Jane realized that it was not an old man who got angry, and the two old men not only lost Jian Heng, but also lost others. How could everyone who was hit by a snowball be so close to each other, so within a short while, with Jian Heng this With a few people at the center, a snowball fight was staged, and it spread rapidly to the surroundings like a 'plague'.

   A group of cowboys are not at a disadvantage, and everyone is here to play, and soon this snowball fight became the main theme of the entire venue. I could only hear the sounds of the people who were hit, and the laughter of the people who hit others.

At the beginning, Jian Heng's side was full of worries and opened fire. Unfortunately, within five minutes, Jian Heng's side was under the intensive care of a dozen people. Five or six 'cannonballs' were attacked, but these guys had flat palms with calfs, and all of them had good accuracy, so Jian Heng's body would be covered with a few snow spots every time he bent down.

   "Stop! Stop!"

   Because Jian Heng had no choice but to stop, but unfortunately, no one answered Jian Heng at all, and Xueqiu couldn't help but greet Jian Heng. So Jian Heng had no choice but to retreat to the group of Damai and Mai while fighting back.

   Arriving at Damaimai's side, I saw two women fighting fiercely now. The two women were attacking others by relying on a carriage.

The two women are very thieves, and they retracted their heads after sneak attacking others. So far, they have been the two of them who beat others, and others have not found them, so almost all of Jian Heng's side are not covered with snow slag. Naturally, I was surprised.

   "Why have you been beaten into such a bear?" Seeing Jian Heng fleeing back in a panic, Mai Mai immediately stretched out his head and asked Jian Heng.

   Before Xiaomai finished speaking, a huge snowball hit Xiaomai's face directly. When the snowball hit Xiaomai, it scattered instantly, and now half of Xiaomai's face was covered with snow.

   "Haha!" Jian Heng stretched out his finger to touch the wheat, and at this moment, his ex-husband felt a snowball hit his neck directly, and some snow scum slipped into his clothes along his neck. He quickly reached out and patted the snow on his neck, and quickly shrank behind the carriage to seek cover.

  Balley stretched out his head at this time, and was about to find a target, when suddenly he saw four or five snowballs flying towards him, and immediately retracted his head.

   "Why did you offend so many people? Are you a bit stupid?" Damai looked at Jian Heng with his head sideways.

Jian Heng quickly rolled the snow, and replied: "How do I know, so many people have been provoked by the name, and the others are nothing, mainly the two old guys, Old Walsh and Old Gavin. They are all quite high.

  Jian Heng was explaining to Damai and Xiaomai here, when suddenly he heard a loud oops from someone outside, and then a Chinese rang out.

  "What are you doing!"

   "Don't acridine, why are you so rude".

Hearing this, Jian Heng stuck his head out and saw a tourist couple in their thirties who had been hit by three or four snowballs. It was obvious that the two of them were not prepared at all, maybe they just bought drinks or something, All of a sudden, he was stunned by Xuetuanzi.

   "sorry! sorry!"

The person who threw the snowball thought that these two were also joining in the snowball fight. Seeing the two standing upright, he naturally threw the snowball in his hand, but he immediately raised his hand to signal when he saw the reaction of the two. , expressed his apologies.

  The two of them may not be able to accept this sudden attack all at once, or they have been tense in their daily lives, and they have not let go of their bodies and minds, so now they are a little angry after being hit.

   "Come here, come here, fellow!" Jian Heng waved at the two of them.

   As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw a Chinese man wearing a cowboy hat with snow **** on his head and hat. He didn't know how many snowballs he had suffered, waving at him, so they subconsciously walked over.

  The two of them don't know that they will react like this now, maybe because they are in a foreign country and in shock, they gave up thinking when they heard a Chinese voice, and walked straight to the direction where Jian Heng spoke.

   "Come here, lower your body, or you don't know how many snowballs you can eat!" Jian Heng saw the two coming and quickly stretched out his hand to signal the two to squat down.

  The two of them squatted down immediately after hearing the words.

The man here is quite polite, even if he knelt down and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Sun Weiming, this is my love Chen Wei, why did it suddenly become like this, we just walked less than five In a few minutes, I went to buy a drink."

   "Are you here to travel?"

   Seeing the two nodding their heads, Jian Heng said, "Just relax a little bit when you come to travel. If someone beats you, hit them too. Don't you see that these people are playing crazy?"

   "We don't know them!" The woman named Chen Wei opened her mouth and said something that sounded silly to Jian Heng.

Seeing that these two people were really speechless, Jian Heng said to them at Shi Shi: "Take it easy, don't care if you recognize each other, I don't know some people, but since everyone is playing, you should relax a little bit. It should be noted that you should not make the snow ball too tight when you hit someone you don’t know.

  Sun Weiming heard the sound of the snow ball hitting the wooden board of the car, and opened his mouth and said, "Then you know so many people!"

  When Jian Heng heard what Sun Weiming said, he couldn't help scratching his head, thinking that this man was really a bit dull.

  Emotion Every snow ball that hits the cart is very firm, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a crisp sound when it hit the wooden board.

At this time, Jian Heng assembled two snowballs and put them into the hands of the two of them respectively: "Try to throw it, I will cover from this side later, and you throw it from above, pay attention to throw it! Listen! Got it?"

Seeing that both of them and Damai and Maimai nodded, Jian Heng threw out the newly rolled snowball while yelling, and the ex-husband jumped to a small pickup next to the wooden car by throwing it, and borrowed the small Pickup gives cover.

  When Jian Heng moved, everyone's attention was naturally attracted by Jian Heng, so countless snowballs chased Jian Heng and flew towards him.

  As soon as everyone's attention was on Jian Heng, Damaimai and Sun Weiming, who had just joined the group, seized the opportunity, and six snowballs immediately flew towards the group of people.

  Why six, Barley and Wheat hold a snow ball in each hand.

   "I hit it, I hit it!"

   I don’t know if it was the first blow in my life, Chen Wei shouted excitedly, this shout was so terrible that it immediately attracted back some of the forces that originally surrounded and suppressed Jian Heng.

  After a few snow **** and hitting a few more people, the serious couple gradually enjoyed the fun of snowball fights, and started to fight snowball fights like everyone else, giggling and giggling.

  The entire site turned into a huge snowball fight field, and finally even the stalls were abandoned, and they joined the ranks of snowball fights.

The tens of minutes of snowball fight directly exhausted everyone's physical strength. When watching the game in the afternoon, everyone in the venue who could sit did not stand, and no one disliked the cold wooden chairs as they did in the morning. . I have to say that even the cheering whistles during the game were much quieter than in the morning.

   and Jian Heng's family had a snowball fight for tens of minutes side by side. Sun Weiming and his wife seemed to be a lot more cheerful all of a sudden. The two families sat together to watch the game in the afternoon.

  When the couple learned that the two sisters Jian Heng and Damai Mai were together at the same time, they suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

"That you…".

Chen Wei didn't know what to say, she couldn't understand it with her mind, because the couple were the kind of people who said it nicely but were kind of dull, and in their hearts they were the same It is absolutely correct for a man to match a woman. Other people are not serious things, but now when I meet Jian Heng and the others, I feel that they are no different from me. This made both Chen Wei and Sun Weiming think: This world is so strange!

  (end of this chapter)

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