Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 581: big appetite

  Chapter 581 Big Appetite

There is no problem with the ranch of a hundred horses. Even if Toby and Huang Xiaodong are too busy, Jian Heng can recruit one or two more cowboys. If more than a thousand horses come, it is simply luck, and if it is not done well, it will be a disaster.

Although the total area of ​​Jian Heng's pastures is more than 6,400 acres, and the area of ​​the lake is also more than 6,000 acres, but if the woods are removed, it will be more than 5,000 acres at most. With more than 1,000 livestock and more than 1,000 horses in an acre area, the entire pasture is almost full.

Jian Heng didn't want to make his ranch look like this. If it was like this, the ranch would definitely not look like it is now. There are so many cows and horses. The horse manure produced in a day is insignificant, and the whole air may always be filled with With the smell of horse manure, and talking about self-cultivation, a group of students have long been smoked and disappeared.

   After being happy for a while, Barley and Wheat also discovered this problem, and turned to Jian Heng and asked, "What should I do, there are too many horses!"

Jian Heng said: "What should I do? Cold salad, I'll call first and ask Wu Yong if he wants it. He has already taken a fancy to our horses and asked me over and over again how many more horses he wants. I refused to use it, but this time there are so many at once, so I will let him come over and pick first?"

   "Let him come over and pick first? We don't want it?" Huang Xiaodong asked.

After hearing this, Jian Heng said: "How is it possible? If we don't want it here, then next spring we will buy horses with tickets. How can the dozens of horses be enough now? Let's choose, choose beautiful horses, choose them. Such a hundred or so horses rushed over and stamped on me first, and then waited for Wu Yong to come over and let him pick the rest."

Huang Xiaodong and Toby are now dazzled by these horses. They can't bear to give up any of them. Not to mention that next year, another batch of cattle will come in.

   "How about we pick two hundred horses?" Toby said.

  Jian Heng asked rhetorically: "What do you need so many horses for? A hundred or so horses are enough, plus there are still dozens of horses in the ranch, enough for each student to share one horse."

Toby and Huang Xiaodong couldn't refute Jian Heng's words, but Mai Mai was a little unhappy, and said to Jian Heng: "Such a good horse, only keep a hundred horses? How can it be done, at least keep Two hundred horses, you also pay attention to the selection of mares."

  When Toby and Huang Xiaodong heard this, they looked at Jian Heng and found that their boss looked helpless, so they happily said yes, then got on the horse and started to pick up the lasso and start lassoing the horse.

Jian Heng and Damai Mai watched for a while, and then came to help. The five of them worked together, and it took almost an hour to get two hundred of the best horses. They gathered these horses and put them in the fence of the pasture. Xiaodong and Toby used the liquid nitrogen branding method to brand each horse with the brand of the ranch.

  Jian Heng watched for a while, and found that the two of them worked well together, so he asked them, "How is it? Can you handle the work now?"

Toby didn't know what politeness meant, and Jian Heng himself had worked on the ranch, so he said, "It was okay before, but now with more than two hundred horses, the two of us alone can't handle it." Yes, at least two cowboys need to be added, and it is best to be a skilled player. If you are a novice, you will not be able to catch it for a few months."

   "Is it easy to find a skilled person now?" Jian Heng was still a little worried.

Toby reached out and patted his chest: "It must be a bit troublesome to find people in other ranches, but our ranch has no problems at all, and the working atmosphere of several large ranches is not very good, so we can start from the employees of these ranches." .

Now the cowboys around all know that Jian Heng Ranch pays well. If Jian Heng is specialized in ranching, some ranchers would have objected a long time ago. However, the main income of Jian Heng’s ranch comes from students, so the old ranch The masters will not make a fuss, because they have a reason to explain to the cowboys who work for themselves, that the surname Gene has other ways to make money, and the money earned elsewhere is used to support the ranch, so the salary is naturally high.

This is not someone else’s nonsense, but the fact is true. Jian Heng’s ranch really doesn’t make much money, and the cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks he feeds are exclusively for his own ranch, let alone a ranch, even a farm is like this of.

   "That's fine, you can recruit two, no, three! Everyone's work will be easier, and you can spend more time with your family. Everyone is big and big," Jian Heng said.

After hearing this, Toby said to Jian Heng: "A boss like you is really rare. Everyone here is eager to earn more money from fewer people. It's good from your side. It takes three people to do the work of two people." ".

"Others have one day off a week, so I can take one and a half days here. Anyway, you are now five evenly divided, and you can just divide the seven days and keep at least four people on the ranch every day." Jian Heng smiled said.

With Jian Heng's current income, he doesn't care if there is one more person or one less, and Jian Heng also understands that employees like Toby have children, and we can't let them miss the growth of their children because of work. As far as Jian Heng is concerned, making money is naturally important, but being with his family is not optional. He can't face each other day and night with barley and wheat, and turn the couple of his employees into Cowherd and Weaver Girl.

   "OK, I'm going to find some people. When the time comes, you can take a look. Whoever agrees with you can just keep the person," Toby said.

The experienced cowboys nearby don’t have much to say about trial work. Jian Heng’s side used to try Toby’s before. That’s because Toby’s side was fired by someone. Whoever does a good job, is willing to endure hardships and is not picky cowboy, you will know after a few phone calls. They are all people who live nearby to make a living. Who doesn't know who.

   "Okay, hurry up, these guys don't wait for anyone to eat and drink," Jian Heng said.

  Toby said: "Okay, I'll call when I'm done here, what about the remaining horses over there?"

   "I'll call right away and let Wu Yong come over to pick first, and then let Old Walsh and the others come over to pick if he picks the rest. If there is no one who wants them, we will drive them out." Jian Heng said.

These horses are nothing new in the United States, not to mention anything else, there are tens of thousands of wild horses living in the wild here in Montana alone, because the pastures are not used, of course, once a good horse among the wild horses appears, it will He was lured away by the ranchers around him and trained as a ranch horse.

  After a few rounds of selection, there are some bad horses and crooked horses left. It is estimated that no one wants them anymore. It would be easier to just throw them away.

  He took out his mobile phone, and Jian Heng directly dialed Wu Yong's number.

   This guy didn't seem to wake up yet, he answered the phone in a daze, and asked lazily, "Who is it?"

   "Me!" Jian Heng said.

"Who are you?"

   "I'm Jian Heng, and more than 800 wild horses came rushing in from my ranch, do you want it?"

  Wu Yong immediately said impatiently: "What's so good about wild horses? If I need them here, I won't go to the mountains. They are not very good horses in your ranch. Don't!"

"What do you think I'm telling you? I'll call you for an ordinary wild horse? If it's an ordinary wild horse, I'll just drive it away! It's the kind of horse from my ranch, but the quality of running over this time is better than that of the previous one. The second is even higher, and now some of the middle-class horses are better than the old Walsh's..." Jian Heng explained on the phone.

  When Wu Yong heard that it was this, he immediately turned upside down. He didn't know if it was his wife's hair or something. Jian Heng only heard a scream from the other end of the phone.

   "Video, let me watch the video!" Wu Yong didn't care about his wife at all, so he sat up and made a new request to Jian Heng.

  Jian Heng got on the snowmobile, went back to the horse herd and scanned the horse herd with his mobile phone, Wu Yong was so bored: "How many horses? How many can I pick?"

   "You can pick as many as you can, and I'll let Old Walsh and the others pick if you pick the rest..." Jian Heng said.

Wu Yong immediately said: "You silly boy! These horses belong to our biological company. This is a new breed. Even if we don't own the ownership, as long as the good horses are in our hands, it is still a golden nest. Even if it is not Even if it is outstanding, it can be used as a bargaining chip to increase the value of our biological company. Do you know how many people have applied for planting our pasture? Prodigal son, you are really a prodigal son. All those horses will remain the same, don’t wait for me No one can touch you, do you know? You are a fool..."

   Regarding Jian Heng's decision, Wu Yong would have jumped to scold Jian Heng if he had spoken face to face.

   "You want it all? I have a big appetite!"

  Before Jian Heng finished speaking, Wu Yong had already hung up the phone.

   Seeing Jian Heng put down the phone, with a dazed expression on his face, Toby asked, "What's the matter, Wu Yong doesn't want it?"

   Jian Heng smiled wryly: "It's not that he doesn't want it, he's going to take all the horses in one go."

   "There are more than seven hundred and nearly eight hundred horses. I heard that his ranch is not big!"

  Toby also didn't understand. He had heard Wu Yong mention his family's small ranch before, and he didn't need more than 800 horses at all.

Apart from specialized stud farms, where there are more than 800 horses now, even the professional stud farms with high scores are all taking the approach of miniaturization and specialization, for example, those who specialize in breeding thoroughbred horses, and those who breed Arabian horses Every small stud farm has a certain professional tendency. It is rare to raise several kinds of horses at once and all of them are excellent. In a small stud farm like this, there are only more than two hundred horses. It is rare to see someone raising 800 horses of the same breed at once.

  (end of this chapter)

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