Chapter 585 debut

After dinner, Jian Heng harnessed the horses, drove into the old Walsh's four-wheeled carriage and took Wu Yong and Toby to the meeting place. This time, Barley and Wheat did not accompany Jian Heng, because the two sisters planned to be different from Jane Heng. Heng went with him to train his new mount.

While driving the carriage, Jian Heng continued to practice his horse-drawn carriage skills, while turning his head to look at the cardboard sign Toby put at his feet, he saw that it said “Take a Cowboy” on it, and nothing else, just these few words There will be no more.

  Toby saw Jian Heng turning his head several times, and finally couldn't help asking: "Boss, is there something wrong with my brand?"

   "It's nothing, even your brand name is too careless, and there are no requirements," Jian Heng said.

  Toby laughed and said: "You don't need to write so much, people who want to make money will naturally come and ask."

  Jian Heng curled his lips when he heard this. It is hard to refute this, because it is true.

On Wu Yong's side, he turned his head and looked at the four-wheeled carriage: "I said, Jian Heng, why didn't you find that you still have this thing in your ranch? What age are these things? I think it looks like it was in the time of the Great Western Development. A plaything, a work of art, right?"

   "This is not from our ranch, but from the old Walsh's family. This thing has a history of at least 30 years. Generally, new ranches don't have this thing." Toby reached out and patted the four-wheeled carriage and said.

   "I said, this thing is really rare." Wu Yong took a closer look at the carriage, seeming to be very curious.

   "You are so interested in this thing, why don't I ask Walsh to transfer it to you, anyway, you have money, and I will give you 30,000 US dollars," Jian Heng joked.

  Toby heard this, and smiled at Jian Heng: "Maybe this car is really worth 30,000 US dollars!"

   Jian Heng was surprised and said, "No way?"

  Toby said: "You don't know, the four-wheeled carriage of Old Walsh's family has a history of more than two hundred years and almost three hundred years. You can see that some parts of the frame of this carriage still retain the original casting process...".

At first Toby thought that Jian Heng knew that this thing was an antique, but now seeing that he didn't know anything about this carriage at all, this thing doesn't seem to be considered an antique in any country, where things that are two or three hundred years old It is called antiquity, but it is different in the United States. This is a country without history. To be precise, it is a white country without history. The history of the Indians is quite long, but the uneducated colonists from the West came over. After messing around, burning, killing and looting, the entire United States has no history.

Jian Heng pretended to listen carefully, but in fact he didn't care about this matter at all. What he was thinking now was that Old Walsh could always lend this thing to himself, and he didn't mention whether it was damaged or not. It was really interesting. .

Wu Yong knew Jian Heng too well, and when he saw his eyes scattered, although he gathered again in an instant, he knew that this man had started to lose his mind again, but he was really interested in listening to Toby's story, so It didn't bother Jian Heng's mind wandering in Taixu.

  Knowing that it is an antique, Jian Heng unconsciously became more careful. He didn’t know it was a broken car before, but when he found out that it was broken, Jian Heng felt a little bit sorry.

   "What's the matter, are you worried?" Wu Yong saw that the venue was already in sight, and said something to Jian Heng.

   "There is an antique sitting under the buttocks, and it may be a family heirloom of the old Walsh family. Why don't you come over and have a try?" Jian Heng said very bluntly.

  Wu Yong smiled and waved his hands: "I won't come, what if it breaks, you don't want to owe favors, you think I just want to."

After rejecting Jian Heng straightforwardly, the carriage also brought everyone to the vicinity of the venue. Toby and Wu Yong got off the carriage directly past the entrance of the venue. Jian Heng drove the carriage in alone and stopped at the venue yesterday. The place.

   After parking the car, Jian Heng walked around, feeling that it was not interesting, and wanted to turn to the door to see how Toby and Wu Yong were doing.

   Before he had walked a few steps, Jian Heng suddenly heard someone calling his name, and when he turned his head, he saw old Gavin walking towards him, accompanied by his twelve-year-old daughter Lauren.

   "Hi, Mr. Jean!"

   "Hello, little Lauren!" Jian Heng greeted Lauren with a smile.

   Gavin took his daughter to Jian Heng's side, Gavin reached out and pushed her daughter, signaling her to take a small step forward.

  Jian Heng saw the attitude of the two fathers and immediately understood that there is something to tell him, and the protagonist is not Gavin, but little Lauren.

  In order to show respect, Jian Heng squatted down and looked at Lauren, and asked with a smile: "Miss Lauren, is there anything I can do for you?"

  Lauren glanced at his father and saw his father nodding towards him, so he took out a small green ticket from his pocket and handed it to Jian Heng.

   "This is?..." Jian Heng was a little confused.

Lauren said: "Mr. Gene, we made an agreement yesterday. If my beverage business is good, I will treat you to a glass of juice. I followed your method and heated the juice for sale. Sure enough, many people bought it. Tourists I also like it, this is the drink money I collected from you yesterday, and now I will return it to you, thank you for your advice."

  When Jian Heng heard about it, he immediately smiled and said, "I thought it was something. What I said yesterday was just a joke with you. Take back the money."

   Jian Heng is such an old man, how can he care about these few dollars.

  Looked up at Gavin and said, "It's just a matter of a few dollars, and you brought your child to me on purpose, and you're not afraid of trouble."

Gavin smiled and said to Jian Heng: "Take it, money is a small matter, but as an agreement between the two of you, it still needs to be implemented. The child woke up early in the morning and told me about it, saying that he must find it today." You, bring you the glass of juice you deserve."

  Hearing what Gavin said, Jian Heng reached out to take the money, and then said to little Lauren: "Thank you, I wish your business is still prosperous today."

   "Thank you!" Lauren stretched out her little hand and shook Jian Heng like a little adult, as if she was happy to cooperate after finishing the business.

   Gavin finished his business, chatted with Jian Heng about today's competition, and casually asked what events Jian Heng and Damai Mai participated in.

   Jian Heng said: "Now there are only two items left, Mai's two-wheeled carriage, and my four-wheeled carriage."

   "A carriage? Old Walsh's carriage was actually lent to you to participate in the carriage race, and you are not afraid of running away with the carriage." Gavin asked curiously.

  As soon as he heard Gavin's words, Jian Heng understood: Hey! This one also knew about the carriage.

   "If I knew, I wouldn't have borrowed it!" Jian Heng said with a wry smile.

   After hearing this, Gavin realized that Jian Heng didn't know the value of the carriage, so he smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Jian Heng's arm, then turned around and prepared to leave.

   At this moment, little Lauren suddenly pointed to the entrance and said loudly: "Look, what a beautiful horse!"

Jian Heng and Jia Duo looked in the direction of the girl's finger, and saw Barley and Wheat riding their new mounts. To be more precise, Barley was riding a new mount, and Wheat was riding a new horse. The mount came in dragging a light two-wheeled vehicle.

Not to mention the four people on Jian Heng's side, almost everyone's eyes lit up when they saw the new mounts of Barley and Wheat, because the colors of these two horses are really too shiny, and the mane and body hair are different. There are few horses with differences, and generally speaking, they are not very common. Now the two horses not only have a big difference in mane and body hair, but also have long mane and hoof hair. Barley's horse mane is tied into a There are more than a dozen beautiful little ponytails, each of which looks like a girl's ball head tied on the back of the head, even the ponytail is tied like this.

  Wheat's horse is braided, with a black complexion and snow-white mane and hooves, so beautiful that it is almost enchanting.

  The two horses have obviously been well-groomed, one black and the other white seem to be shining with brocade-like light.

   Gavin casually asked Jian Heng: "Why did the two of them dye their mane?"

Jian Heng is now also shocked by the appearance of the two sisters. He really did not expect them to appear so ostentatiously, and he has never seen each other before. This kind of strange color will be so conspicuous outside the space of the horse. The appearance became the focus of the audience.

  (end of this chapter)

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