Little Purple

Chapter 103

Qing Bo was inside a dimly lighted room, filled with heavy atmosphere. In front of him was his father, looking solemnly at him before shifting his eyes to another shadow that moved behind the screen, seemingly reading a difficult text which was filled with arguments from both parties.

Qing Bo thought that he would finally meet the grand chancellor that seemingly always been missing. But it seemed that he needed to wait a bit more since the grand chancellor chose to use the bamboo screen which hindered Qing Bo's curious gaze.

Even though he was the grand chancellor, he never saw him attending any meeting, big or small. However, according to his spies, the grand chancellor often went to the palace, just that he never went to the Grand Palace, basically only went to the Dragon Palace where the emperor spent most of his time if he didn't go to the inner palace or to the Grand Palace.

It was harder for his spies to go to the dragon palace, more so after Jin Min tightened the security and changed the palace's servants. His leftover spy could only barely enter the dragon courtyard, it was impossible to enter the dragon palace and investigate what he was doing there.

The Grand Palace was located on the front most part of the palace complex, followed by the Dragon Palace, then a channel to the inner courtyard. Towering in the middle of the imperial palace complex, the Dragon Palace served as the heart and had the highest security.

Even a high ranking official like Qing Bo only went there for a special occasion only. For the grand chancellor to be allowed to go there so often, indicated the privilege the emperor gave him.

Since he never saw him, Qing Bo only heard his features from his spies. Dark eyes with inky black long hair, typical of a man on this day and age. Yet, there was something weird about him.

Qing Bo frowned, he cursed the screen for hindering his vision. If only he could see what his spies vaguely saw that night.


Although because of the princess of Jin title, Hu Zi's movement was limited only to places inside the castle walls, her days were peaceful.

While at home, Fa Sui had been restless of wanting to meet Jin Lan and asked about Hu Zi's purple eyes and Zhi Shao Yao had been busy helping out with the shops that she didn't visit the courtyard anymore, Hu Zi had been spending her times harmoniously. She didn't know why the emperor let her days went by like this, but she certainly enjoyed them.

Jin Lan still wanted to know more about his sickness, so he frequently went to the library, in which, she followed.

It was very important for her to study him, or so she thought, as he was the only prince that didn't have any alibi concerning the night of the massacre. He might not be the culprit, however, as his body size became the silent evidence that proved his innocence. But, Hu Zi felt that it is very important to get close to him. As he was literate, very much so. And she was lacking the exact adjective.

Following him around, in and out of the library, reading books, increased her own ability to read. She still couldn't read many of the strange characters in books he read, but slowly, she learned. She thought that by understanding what he read, she would be able to understand this little creature that seemed to frequently switch from being a warm little bear to a solid cold piece of iced illusion, something she couldn't touch and reach.

He and she were different but similar in a way, as - sometimes - his existence was like her very eyes, peculiar to this world. Odd, yet if she looked closer, very beautiful.

She slowly grew a certain liking to this little creature, a special one. Although, unfortunately, it certainly wasn't love. Love like how she felt toward her one and only playful shifu. It was more like love toward a sibling or maybe even a friend. These two kinds of like, was very hard to differentiate, especially if your partner wasn't just; not your sibling, not your friend, but your very own husband.

How could one be certain of what she thought of him?

The night will show.

As she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. The nightmare started, bringing hellish lullaby to the poor cursed prince.

Just like tonight, the prince was laying on her side, trying to calm the girl down as she started to cry again. Her crying was tolerable to him, but the next thing came after made him felt very bitter these days.

Her hellish lullaby as she called her shifu name made him really loft his concentration. After the third month of their marriage, he started to gradually lose his concentration and leaked the energy he painstakingly gathered from the power bank, making him grew to a man again.

He lost count on how many times he grew up. "This needs to stop, somehow." He sighed, thinking of a way to make Hu Zi stop making those calls.

"Is there any way to make her stop having nightmares?" He asked himself. She would stop if she hugged her and let her hear his heartbeat. But if he did that, it would be hard for him to suck her energy.

When he sucked, she had nightmares. Making him lose concentration and resulting in the leakage. When he calmed her down, he couldn't suck. Making him parched in the morning and weakening his body.

The cursed prince thought hard, trying to find a way. He found one after a night of thinking. It was something his father thought him once.

Women love adventure.

At least, his mother certainly loved them. Wondering whether his wife loved it too, in the morning, he asked,

"Zi, let's go on a honeymoon."

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