Little Purple

Chapter 18

"Xiao Zi."


"Didn't you say that there will only be two more people coming today?"


"Then, what's up with that pair over there?"

Shou asked Hu Zi who was standing right beside him. Hu Ye and Qing Guang came with Hu Zi and Shou to train, just like what Hu Ye said days ago. But then, Qing Bo felt very worried to let his sister come with the Hu siblings. Qing Bo thought that his precious little sister should not be friends with the likes of the Hu, especially Hu Zi who was illiterate. Hu Cheng Se who heard that Qing Bo was coming, packed her luggage and decided to come too. She would never let Qing Bo said mean things to her Third Sister.

'No way I would let my precious little sister go alone to far away places with you, illiterate bunch!'

'He must have been thinking about not letting his sister go with some illiterate bunch! Say something around the word illiterate, see what I will do to you!'

Qing Bo and Hu Cheng Se glared at each other fiercely. They gave off so much hostility. Hu Zi gasped because she could feel the air around them trembled.

They are now walking through the mountain path. Fei Ying didn't like the air around them and decided to fly ahead.

Fei Ying was that injured baby bird that Qing Guang found four years ago. When she realized that it was an eagle, Qing Guang felt remorse. She regretfully told Hu Ye that they couldn't roast it anymore. Hu Ye drew a cold breath, he did not think that Qing Guang was so serious about roasting the little bird. At the same time, Hu Ye was thankful that she finally give up on it. After taking care of the bird for such a long time, Hu Ye felt magnified to the bird, he wanted to make it a pet. Since Qing Guang was the one who discovered the bird, he told her to give it a name. Qing Guang named the bird, Fei Ying, which literally mean eagle. Hu Ye drew another cold breath, in his heart he said.

Such simple name, ah!

"This is a good chance to settle our score, Hu Cheng Se."

"Hmph! Bring it on, Qing Bo!"

Just when they were about to clash, Hu Ye stopped them. "You two, you can go and quarrel all you want, but do that after we arrived at the camping ground." Hu Ye told them in a clear voice.

"Huh?" Qing Bo was not happy that Hu Ye disturbed him. "Are you preaching me? And why do I need to listen to you?"

Hu Ye simply smiled and said. "For once, Qing Young Master, your sister's step seems slower than the rest of us. I don't know why she seemed way slower than usual. But, I do advice you to keep your eyes on her so she won't be left behind."

Qing Bo looked past Hu Ye's and saw his sister carrying the heavy luggage. He felt pity for her and decided to left the matter with Hu Cheng Se aside. Qing Bo walked slowly and accompany his sister.


This is the story of the Qing twins.

Qing Guang who can withdraw the bow before she was three, rarely gets a chance to go out of the capital to train for more. She learned ways of archery from books.

She is interested in it. Before her mother's death, the family called a teacher for her. But after her mother's death, her stepmother fired her teacher, saying that it is not good for a woman to learn how to fight and that the money to pay for her teachers should be kept for her future dowry.

Ever since then, she secretly experimented herself in hers and her brother small bedroom and with it create her own true archery, with only a black bow that didn't match her size and two old arrows. When she was eight, she registered herself in the school archery class, where she had her own teacher, and can freely learn without the influence of her stepmom.

When she met Hu Ye, she thought about coming to his house to practice, but she immediately put the idea on the back of her mind. Because the ministers and generals are not on good terms, her stepmom will have a good reason to starve her later.

Hers and Qing Bo's mother is the only child of their father predecessor, soon after they were born, their grandparents from mother side passed away. Their father, upon marrying their mother, had a smooth career and became the left prime minister.

She gripped her bow tight until the palm of her right hand turned white, and her nails digging her skin. But soon enough, a large man hand entirely covers her dainty hand. When she looked up, she will always found her older brother, looking at her with warmth.

"You okay, Guang'er?" Qing Bo took her bow and carried it for her. "Are you tired?"

Qing Bo sharp eyes looked at her feet.

"..." Qing Guang and her brother had to survive the harsh life of a noble back courtyard. They did everything they could and need to do in order to live.

Their stepmom poisoned their mother till death, they poisoned her back so that she could never have another child. They placed their bedroom in a storage-like room with not a speck of sunlight, they make their way to get their mother courtyard. They took their mother's dowry, they schemed to get an even bigger one. They took all of their father's love, they struggle to earn the society's recognition and unshakeable reputation, steadying themselves in the household. They tried to kill them a hundred times, they schemed their plan back at them.

This is how the Qing twin lives, but in the end, their father still loves their stepmom and her child more than his own heir and first daughter. Guang polished herself and are able to gain a few simple notice from their father, now he came to their late mother's courtyard more often, although the courtyard is smaller than their stepmom, they won't argue much because they planned to drive that mother-daughter pair out of their house soon after Qing Bo gain a formal position. Other than the second wife mother-daughter pair, there used to also be some other concubines, but not even Guang knows where they have gone.

Qing Bo and Qing Guang were always together as long as they lived, but sometimes, Guang can't predict his action. A long time ago, around a month after their mother's funeral, Qing Bo had gone missing for a whole day, making Qing Guang worried so much she cried in the dark damp corner of the storage-like room.

The next morning, she found her eyes swollen red and her body covered in a thin blanket, her brother hugged her to sleep all night, when he woke up, he said that he just went to take the first revenge for their mother. A few days later, a doctor diagnosed that the left prime minister's second wife was infertile after having an extreme fever and sickness.

One time, when they are still living in the same room, her brother will be by her side when she closed her eyes, but he is not there at midnight. When she opens her eyes in the morning, he is there again.

Qing Guang took a good long close look at her handsome twin brother, she warped his arm in her arms, while getting closer to her brother's chest.

Seeing his sister getting all cute, he can't help but tease. "What's wrong? It is not like you to suddenly act spoiled." He pinched both of her cheeks.

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