Little Purple

Chapter 97

The sun just woke up from its deep sleep. Its rays created a halo above the horizon, bathing the leftover green plants in light of middle winter.

Qing Bo, who just finished his warm bath, called the servants to help him put on the new clothes he especially ordered for this joyful day. Unlike his usual dark and solemn clothes, this one was bright and colorful.

After the servants finished helping put on his clothes, one of them was about to fix Qing Bo's hair with the fish-shaped hairpin, but Qing Bo stopped him. "I will do it myself, all of you can leave," he said.

The servants went out of the room soon after. He looked at the fish-shaped hairpin, and in his heart, something shattered every time he recalled the day she came back holding this fish hairpin in her beautiful yet cold hand. "Fish stick… Your third sister is going to marry today. She is marrying into the family that has been trying to harm the Hu family, but don't worry, Zhi Yu said that she is in the right hands. Moreover…"

He gave a gentle yet helpless smile. "I am not going to let those people hurt your precious sister. I will protect her and your whole family in your stead."

He gripped the fish hairpin before fixing his long and silky hair in a bun. He added a decoration around the bun before walking to the door. He slid the door open, but then…

He felt like someone hugged him dearly from behind. Qing Bo's eyes widened as he could hear a very faint yet soothing voice, a voice he could never forget even if he went to the world after death.

"Thank you, Qing Bo."

"Cheng Se?" He abruptly looked back, but there was no one inside the room. He wondered if it had just been his imagination. A very likely conclusion, considering just how much he missed her.

"Master!" The grey clothed man, Qing Bo's right hand man, came up to him with a joyful expression. "The preparation is done, you can go to the Hu household now… Master?" The grey clothed man's eyes widened when he saw QIng Bo's face. "Why are you crying?"


Hu Zi looked at her wrist where the bracelet Shou gave her was glittering brightly. The purple color against the white one made her think of a purple flower on top of a snowfield. She put her hand on the bracelet, contemplating. For some reason, whenever she made this gesture, she didn't get any bad dreams before she slept, so this had now become a habit of hers.

But now, it was time to put it aside. Hu Zi took the bracelet off and put it in a box that was going to be picked up and brought to her new courtyard later on.

"You look beautiful, Aunt Zi!" Zhi Shao Yao praised. "Don't you think so, Xiao Yi?"

Xiao Yi answered with three nods instead of his usual one nod, indicating that he agreed to it three times over.

Hu Zi was wearing a red bridal gown, her cherry red lipstick and blush adding to her charms. Perfect color contrast and perfect shape, the small yet cute girl had transformed into a beautiful woman. She smiled and pet Zhi Shao Yao's head. "Thank you."

Fa Sui ran to her courtyard and shouted, "Third miss, the sedan chair has arrived!"


"You are not going to see the wedding, Ten?"

"No, we should go home before we missed the drama." Ten smirked. "I am sure Terra is going to flip when she hears about this."

"Heh, damn right." Tora chuckled.

"Tora, did you learn of Meng Ru's whereabouts?"

"The crown prince of Meng? Unfortunately, no."

Tora looked at the boy that was sitting on a rock he made from earth with his own power. He left his fur jacket a bit lose, looking at the horizon with a solemn face. Sometimes, Tora couldn't believe that this boy hadn't even reached ten years old. Although he was a bit weird and loved to joke around, he already had that dignified aura around him. If only his body was in a better shape, maybe he would be able to become the next leader. All of a sudden, Tora remembered something. "In the end, I didn't managed to sniff that man again!"

"Huh?" Ten looked over. "Sniff who?"

"That blood scented masked man."

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