"I don't know!" "Maybe you need to find the immortal Xuankong God, and then you have a way to find the answer," said zhuojier

"Where does Xuankong shenzun sleep?" Luo Jun and Qiao Ning asked in unison. Obviously, these two goods are not very interested in the matter of dragon slaughtering. Their biggest interest is how to get back to Tianzhou.

Drogill took a look at them and said, "I don't know." After a pause, he said, "no one knows where Xuankong shenzun lies. But there is a folk saying that Xuankong shenzun never died. If he died, the rules he made would be invalid. Now that you are here, you still can't cast your magic, which means he's not dead. "

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are also helpless. It seems that the future is difficult. They have a long way to go!

Later, Luo Jun said, "grandfather Zhuo, how far are we from the Central Plains?"

"It's about five thousand miles away," said drogil

This distance, if before, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning really don't care. But at the moment, they can only rely on two legs, which makes them feel a little bitter.

"Are you going to the Central Plains?" Asked drogil.

Luo Jun said: "after all, the Central Plains is a crowded place. We go there to find a way to return to our own world. If we have the chance, we will also accomplish the mission of dragon slaughtering. "

Luo Jun is telling the truth.

He can't come here as soon as you make a prediction, he will take it as his mission.

Zhuojier was a wise old man, so he didn't say anything more, just said: "it's late today. You'll have a rest here. Tomorrow, I'll give you two horses, and you'll take some dry food and go on your way. "

"Thank you, Grandpa Zhuo!" Luo Jun said immediately.

He knew that two horses would be a great gift for a family like zhuojier.

Unfortunately, all the gold of Luo Jun is in jiexumi. Now he can't get the gold out.

After dinner, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are full of wine and food. Qiao Ning is a little dizzy. She doesn't drink so much. Of course, she can also restrain the drunkenness. She's super tough with her body control.

But Qiao Ning said to Luo Jun: "this kind of dizzy feeling is very good."

There are two beds in the yurt, one is for grandfather zhuojier, the other is for Zhuoma.

At night, Qiao Ning naturally sleeps with Zhuoma.

And Luo Jun and zhuojier sleep together.

Outside the yurt, the wind is blowing. But it was very warm inside. Zhuoguier didn't feel sleepy for a moment. He asked Luo Jun: "little brother, what is your world

"The whole world!" Luo Jun said.

"Oh, there's a word about the world in the old books," said drogill. Our ancestors came from all over the world. "

Luo Jun a smile, say: "yes!"

"It's said in the ancient books that the whole world is in chaos, there are many wars and the people are in dire straits. Is that true?" said zhuoger

Luo Jun said: "it's all in the past. The war has long been over. Now the world is singing and dancing, and the people live and work in peace and contentment! "

There is nothing wrong with that. Just because there are a few poor people, we can't deny the efforts and achievements of our country!

Drogil said, "Oh, that's good, that's good!" When he said that, he began to snore.

Luo Jun was so shocked by the snore that he couldn't sleep at all, but he had no other way.

Until the second half of the night, Luo Jun barely fell asleep.

But as soon as he fell asleep, drogil suddenly sat up.

"There's the hoof of a horse. No, they're coming." Drogil got up quickly, and at the same time he yelled, "droma, get ready, get out of here at once."

"Good, grandfather!" Zhuoma was also surprised. She quickly turned on the light, but drogil yelled, "no lights!"

Zhuoma blew out the light immediately.

"Grandfather Zhuo, what's the matter?" Luo Jun was in a state of confusion.

Zhuojier suddenly said to Luo Jun fiercely: "it's not your informer?"

Qiao Ning quickly came to Luo Jun's front, she said to zhuojier: "it's not us." But she was afraid that zhuojier would attack Luo Jun.

"As soon as you come, they come." "It's a coincidence," said drogil

Luo Jun said: "grandfather Zhuo, if I'm the messenger, I'd like to be hit by five thunders from the sky, and I'll never surpass my life!"

"No matter how much it is, let's go first," he said

Soon the four were out of the yurt. Zhuojier and Zhuoma rode a horse.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning ride a horse together. The main reason is that Luo Jun's legs are broken. He can't keep his balance even if he breaks his legs like this.

Qiao Ning is in the back and Luo Jun is in the front.

The horse galloped out quickly.

"If we don't know magic, what are we afraid of?" In the night, face against the wind. Luo Jun says to Qiao Ning suddenly."Be honest, you lame. Now is not the time for you to be brave." Said Qiao Ning.

"Damn, I said I was lame. I was hurt in my heart." Luo Jun said.

The horses in the rear seem to be more powerful. Zhuoma and zhuojier run faster. But Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are very tragic. In a short time, they are surrounded by about 20 horses.

"Not them!" Those people see clearly after Qiao Ning and Luo Jun, immediately scattered, and then chase up.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning stay on the spot, with a muddled face again.

These people come as fast as a whirlwind and go faster.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning also saw their clothes clearly, but they were not grassland clothes, but Han people's clothes. The first of them was a woman whose face was covered with gauze, and she could not see what she looked like. But a black strong dress, but it is the graceful figure revealed exquisite.

The rest of the nineteen were strong men, all of them fierce.

"If they catch up like this, they will certainly catch up. At that time, Zhuo grandfather and Zhuo Ma are only afraid of a miserable end. " Luo Jun said to Qiao Ning.

"But we'll never catch up." Said Qiao Ning.

Luo Jun said: "I locked one of the big men with my breath. We can catch up. From the look of grandfather Zhuo, it seems that he has some treasure, so they should not be easy to kill. "

Qiao Ning said: "it's right to save people, but don't take us up like this. I don't have any mana now. I feel that I can't do anything for anyone. "

Luo Jun laughed and said, "I'm different from you. Since I know that there is no magic power here, I feel that I am invincible. " With that he urged the horse forward.

The horse galloped out at once.

A bright moon hung high in the sky.

There are stars all over the sky. Under the night sky, horses gallop on the prairie.

"The Big Dipper is high, Ge Shu takes a knife at night!"

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning chase after each other all the way, and finally catch up with the big army. It was under a hill.

There is a small cave under the hill, and zhuojier and Zhuoma are hiding in it. But unfortunately, they were caught by the Han people on the spot.

When Luo Jun and Qiao Ning arrived, the fierce Han people lit up the torch, and the night wind failed to blow it out.

Zhuojier and Zhuoma lean against the hill, and they are extremely frightened.

"If you don't hand in the sheepskin treasure map, I will kill your granddaughter immediately." A strong man grabbed Zhuoma, and then put a dagger against Zhuoma's throat. This strong man's hand is heavy, and Zhuoma is suffering from eating pain. There was a bloodstain on her white neck, and the blood slowly seeped out.

"No, no!" Drogil was in tears and pitiful. "I really don't have your treasure map in my hand," he said

"Damn it, the old man doesn't shed tears when he doesn't see the coffin." The strong man said to the masked woman, "Lord, what do you think we should do?"

The horse was guarded by another man and was eating grass.

The masked woman said faintly, "isn't that the best way for you? He doesn't want to say that you men do what men should do. "

"Ha ha, master, you allowed it." The strong man was overjoyed. Then he said to zhuojier, "old man, you don't want to say that we brothers are hungry men. We will take turns to enjoy your granddaughter's delicate body in front of you."

"Don't..." Drogil was desperate to the extreme.

The strong man said, "well, it seems that you are going to be tough to the end." With that, he was about to start.

At this time, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning come. Qiao ninglema, and then with Luo Jun turned off the horse.

When Luo Jun dismounted, he hurt his leg and showed his teeth in pain. However, he heard the dialogue here.

So Luo Jun grinned. He put his arm around Qiao Ning's shoulder and let Qiao Ning support him. Then he said, "I have the sheepskin treasure map you said."

"In your lame hand?" Everyone's eyes immediately came to Luo Jun's side.

Zhuojier and Zhuoma were surprised. Zhuoma was even more excited, tears straight off. "Brother Luo, sister Qiao, help me."

In her heart, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are Dragon Slayer!

Naturally, I think they can save her.

Luo Jun smiles at Zhuoma and says, "sister Zhuoma, don't worry. With your brother Luo, I can't hurt you today."

"Oh, hey, you lame man, you are crazy!" Said the short man.

Before that, the lame was called by the short and strong man.

If it wasn't for the tense situation, Qiao Ning would have laughed.

Luo Jun's nose is crooked. "You're lame, you're lame, your whole family is lame."

The short man suddenly became angry and said, "dead lame, your mouth is quite dirty! How dare you scold me? "

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Jun was tit for tat.The short man's temper is coming. He's going to be a man of Luo Jun. The masked woman stopped the short man, her eyes were exposed outside, and her eyes were beautiful and divine.

She asked Luo Jun: "is the treasure map really in your hand?"

"Yes, it's in my clothes. Take it!" Luo Jun said to the masked woman.

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