Luo Jun and Qiao Ning were surprised.

If you want to be summoned by the emperor at night, something important must have happened. At the moment, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning dare not hesitate for a moment. They immediately leave Shaowei's house and go to the palace to face the saint.

He has not yet returned to Yunfeng. Neither of these two brothers has the means to fly. Moreover, they have changed their ways and don't plan to return to yuntianzong. Has quietly left yuntianzong.

This is because Cheng Jianhua calculated Lin Feng's doom through his strong Zhouyi Shu. If Lin Feng returns to yuntianzong, he will be killed.

Lin Feng still believes in Cheng Jianhua's ability. Cheng Jianhua also made a charm, which is hard to find if it is pasted on his body.

"Is there still death in yuntianzong?" Lin Feng pondered and said: "is there a strong enemy invading yuntianzong? That's not likely! "

Cheng Jianhua said: "brother Feng, I can only count your death, but I don't have the ability to figure out what's going on. However, the enemy may not be an outsider invading yuntianzong, but someone in yuntianzong wants to kill you. "

"Kill me?" Lin Feng said, "why kill me?"

"That's not clear," Cheng said

Lin Feng said: "in this way, is it hard for yuntianzong to go back?"

Cheng Jianhua said: "it doesn't matter whether you can go back or not." He paused and said, "brother Feng, your chance is not in yuntianzong."

Lin Feng nodded and said no more now.

In Dakang, in the palace of the Imperial City, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning meet the emperor in the imperial study.

The emperor's face was grave.

"I have never seen the emperor!" Luo Jun said half kneeling.

Qiao Ning also salutes the emperor.

The emperor said, "free!" He then said, "come on, sit here."

The emperor went to the first rattan chair, and he let Luo Jun and Qiao Ning sit next to him.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning have some doubts, but they still do as they say.

The emperor then said, "you must be thinking, what am I so anxious to call you for, right?"

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning nodded.

The emperor's face was solemn and said, "because Dakang is facing life and death."

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning couldn't help losing face.

emperor said: "in the cloud heaven, feathered door, the protoss have their own eyeliner. Recently, a message came back from the eyeliner. That's Xiao Yi. Yunhua has gone to the Protoss. In addition, the devil emperor Chen Tianya also appeared in the holy city. These people have been in the temple for a long time. I don't know what they are discussing. However, with my understanding of Chen Tianya, if he appears, he will be crazy! "

Luo Jun's face became complicated.

Anything, as long as it involves Chen Tianya, he is not so calm.

The emperor continued: "at present, the sect leader is trapped in meteorite flow, and the situation is even worse. I will go through the ditch with Shendi. Shendi will go to rescue the sect leader. This news is not too secret, I believe Chen Tianya already knows. I guess Chen Tianya must be waiting for the emperor to go to meteorite stream. Only when the God Emperor leaves, Chen Tianya will surely take the protoss, yuntianzong and the experts of eclosion gate to launch a thunder attack on Dakang. "

"This..." Qiao Ning felt incredible and said: "if the God Emperor and the great emperor of China get out of trouble, aren't they afraid of the two emperors' accounts after autumn? It's crazy. "

The emperor said: "Chen Tianya is a complete madman. There is nothing he dare not do in the world." After a pause, he said, "while the God Emperor and others are trapped in the meteorite flow, he killed Dakang with this time difference. Then there will be too little resistance to the Tianzhou plan. Besides, Dakang, Luo Jun, we are all on the side of heaven. If we don't have it, it will have a great impact on the divine dignity of the God Emperor. After the destruction of Dakang, Chen Tianya and other people will go to the other end of meteorite flow to besiege Shendi and others. This is a crazy and perfect plan. If we fail here, it is very likely that Chen Tianya's plan will really succeed! "

Qiao Ning said angrily, "the Tianzhou plan is inhuman. They don't care about anything for their own benefit?"

The emperor said, "the greatest enemies of the gods are the way of heaven and death. In order to live, they can do anything."

"But all this, after all, is the emperor's guess, isn't it?" Luo Jun said.

The emperor said, "yes, it's my guess. But if this conjecture comes true, if I don't make preparations early, it will be a disaster. "

Qiao Ning looked at Luo Jun strangely and said, "Luo Jun, what's wrong with you? It's strange."

Emperor light said: "Chen Tianya is Luo Jun's father after all, he probably is not willing to believe that his father will be so right and wrong."

Luo Jun was speechless.

The emperor said, "Chen Tianya knows me very well. Similarly, I know Chen Tianya very well."

Luo Jun raised his head and said, "emperor, what do you want to do at the end of the day? If you are going to persuade Chen Tianya to give up this crazy plan, you will be disappointed. " His voice with a trace of bitterness, and said: "because Chen Tianya most want to kill people, is the end of the general!"The emperor said, "don't worry. I don't think so. After your appearance, I have investigated you a lot, otherwise, I dare not use you rashly. I believe that a madman like Chen Tianya can absolutely kill his own son. "

Qiao Ning smell speech, can't help heartache of saw a Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was silent.

The emperor continued: "I learned that Luo Jun had some unexpected contacts when I was looking for you. Now, I want you to go to the world in ten days. I want you to invite me the king of Phoenix in blue and purple, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, and the ancestor of the golden blood clan, yunlei'er. This is the life and death of Dakang. If Dakang dies, all my efforts will be destroyed. Moreover, even if it is Luo Jun, you will lose your protection from now on. When Dakang is dead, you may not be able to live alone. Therefore, I hope you can understand that this time it's not about me alone, but about the whole world. I also believe that those people of King Huang should understand this truth and know this great righteousness. "

Luo Jun naturally knew this truth in his heart, and also knew that the emperor was not alarmist.

He and Chen Tianya have long been two camps with clear battle lines. Once you lose, it's death!

This is absolutely life and death. There is no compromise.

What's more, it's also about the whole world and the elder Chen Ling. Even if not for himself, Luo Jun must fight.

At this time, his strong popularity played a key role.

But immediately, Luo Jun said: "but the Emperor Huang and the ancestors of the blood clan don't know where they went. The last general is afraid that he will not find them. "

The emperor said, "it depends on whether the heaven is going to kill me. Just try your best to do it. I don't know if it can be done. But I always believe that the way of heaven and Qi are on our side. "

Luo Jun said: "yes, Emperor!"

The emperor said: "this matter is still confidential. I have not introduced it to a fourth person except for the two of you. You must not spread it out, especially the people in Tianchi Pavilion, they must never know. "

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are slightly stunned.

The emperor said: "the position of Tianchi Pavilion is not clear, if they are on the side of Tianzhou plan. Once your whereabouts are revealed, you will be hunted down in the world. This time you go to the world, I will give you an amulet, which can hide your breath. With the amulet, no one can find you. "

Luo Jun can't help but say: "emperor, in addition to the end general, you should have other deployment?"

The emperor said: "of course there will be deployment, but your link is the key."

Luo Jun immediately felt the heavy burden on his shoulders.

That night, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning didn't go back to Shaowei's house or leave the palace.

The emperor is in the chamber of secrets and opens the Dharma array to the world. Then Luo Jun and Qiao Ning went to the world.

With the dazzling light disappeared, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning with amulets, disappeared in the palace chamber.

After experiencing wormhole jumping and so on, Luo Jun only felt shocked after the endless darkness. Then, he and Qiao Ning were covered by the dazzling light. When you open your eyes, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are already in the same secret room.

But obviously, this is the world.

But Luo Jun and Qiao Ning don't know where it is.

But soon, Luo Jun understood. Because the door of the secret room was opened, a man came in. It's the leader of Kunxi army!

It turns out that this is the boundary of West Kunlun.

This is not surprising, because the emperor has a lot to do with Chen Ling. Chen Ling and West Kunlun have a close relationship.

Ling Haoyu doesn't know Luo Jun and Qiao Ning. Although he met Luo Jun once, he has no memory.

"You..." Ling Haoyu is slightly strange.

Luo Jun immediately said: "Lord, we come to the world to do things according to the emperor's orders."

Ling Haoyu also knows that the person who can come over must have something to do with the emperor. He nodded and said, "is it convenient to disclose what it is?"

Luo Jun said, "please forgive me. I can't disclose it." But he said immediately, "Lord, I've just met you here. I have four letters from Jiahong, one of which is for you. There are also three letters for Tianci, Shiyao and aunt. "

"Jiahong?" Ling Haoyu's eyes were complicated. His favorite child is Luo Jiahong. Over the years, he almost regarded him as his own son. So what Luo Jiahong did at the beginning surprised and disappointed him.

Luo Jun said: "Jiahong just stepped into the maze for a while. Now he has turned back."

Ling Haoyu took four letters, he said: "these letters, I will give them one by one. Don't worry! "

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