Wei Chi Jia was in a bit of a dilemma, while Qiao Ning said: "the Lord of the city can arrange people to watch. We will never do any other small moves. Besides, in front of Bodhisattvas, we don't have the courage. "

After pondering for a long time, Wei Chijia agreed to Luo Jun's request.

At the same time, Wei Chijia asked the abbot of the Bodhisattva temple to entertain Luo Jun and Qiao Ning. In fact, entertaining is one thing, another meaning is to watch the two people.

After Wei Chijia left, Luo Jun always knelt on the futon and prayed sincerely.

Qiao Ning didn't want to kneel. She didn't want to kneel to anyone. But when she saw that Luo Jun was so sincere, she gave up and knelt down to pray sincerely.

Time flies!

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the third day. If the Bodhisattva can't be invited out in three days, then Luo Jun must make plans for the next step. Luo Jun also knows that there is little hope of inviting the king of Tibet Bodhisattva and blue purple clothes. It's even more difficult to invite yunlei'er.

"If none of us are invited, what are you going to do, Luo Jun?" Qiao Ning asked.

Luo Jun slightly a stay, he then said: "I have not thought about this problem."

But now, I think you have to think about it

Luo Jun said, "do you mean that if we can't find help, we won't go back to Tianzhou?"

Qiao Ning said, "I don't mean that. You don't have to go back. I'll go back. Anyway, you also have the emperor's Amulet on your hand. It's hard for them to find you. After you go back, with your current mana, it doesn't work much. On the contrary, if you live, you are the king of destiny, and you have unlimited opportunities. "

Luo Jun said after a moment of silence: "do you think I will let you go back, but I hide?"

Qiao Ning said: "as you said, now is the time of life and death. Even if Dakang is destroyed, I believe they will make a difference. Moreover, many true gods are involved in the Tianzhou plan, which can not be implemented so soon. It's time for you to gather your energy. This kind of time, blind handout spirit, it doesn't help

Luo Jun said: "it's not blind handout spirit, but because I'm Luo Jun! " After a pause, he said, "Qiao Ning, look into my eyes."

Qiao Ning is slightly a Zheng, she can't help but look to Luo Jun's eyes.

Luo Jun's eyes are clear and full of God, which is an unswerving belief.

If he can do things that are greedy for life and afraid of death, then his heart will be bent, and he will never make progress again.

"I hope you will never say that to me again from now on!" Luo Jun extremely serious and serious said.

Qiao Ning heart son a shiver, at this moment of Luo Jun, as if is in the mang wasteland that firm Luo Jun.

She nodded involuntarily.

It was early in the morning.

The whole temple is quiet.

Luo Jun said: "tomorrow morning, we will go to Borneo, to the golden blood."

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "good!"

"Amitabha!" At this time, a Buddha chant suddenly sounded.

The voice is a man's voice, but it is mild and mellow. After listening to it, it makes people feel at ease unconsciously.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning are very happy.

Luo Jun raised his voice and said: "dare to ask, but the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet?"

"It's the poor monk!" Said the voice.

"Bodhisattva, can you come out and see me?" Luo Jun said immediately.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, said, "Amitabha, my real body is in the void, and there are hundreds of millions of Li, so please forgive me, benefactor, that I can't come out to meet you!"

"Billions of miles?" Luo Jun and Qiao Ning had a cold war.

What's that concept? There is no way to describe this concept. The earth's equator is only 40000 kilometers!

"Bodhisattvas can also sense our existence hundreds of millions of miles away?" Luo Jun can't help but be surprised.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "this Bodhisattva temple has the array set up by a poor monk. As long as there is enough sincerity to enlarge his mind, the poor monk may receive the benefactor's message through the same frequency hundreds of millions of miles away."

Luo Jun suddenly realized.

Then the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said, "benefactor, I don't quite understand. What are you looking for this time?"

Luo Jun immediately talked about the crisis of that day.

After he finished, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said, "so, benefactor's meaning is to hope that the poor monk can go to Tianzhou to help Dakang?"

Luo Jun said: "I've heard of Bodhisattva's compassion for a long time. This matter is related to the safety of the world. Please do it!"

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "Amitabha, benefactor, you should know that things on earth are predestined. Although those who have great powers are pretentious, they are nothing but shaking trees before the way of heaven

He then said, "less desire and inaction, and free body and mind. Gain and loss from the edge, no increase or decrease in the heart. If your heart is frivolous, you should be at ease. If you have a pure heart, you will have a clean land, and if you have a rest, you will have a rest. "Luo Jun immediately said, "Bodhisattva, I understand what you mean. However, the fate of things, we also need to work together. Zhang San is destined to be rich, but he also has to go out of the house and work hard. If we can't make up our minds about the affairs of Tianzhou, we'll find that many of them are mole ants, but they can't shake the big tree together! "

The Bodhisattva of Tibetans fell into silence.

Qiao Ning can't help but say: "the Bodhisattva is up. I dare not be rude. But I've always heard Luo Jun talk about you, and I admire you. Because although there are many capable people in the world, there are also many people who are called emperor. But only you are revered as a Bodhisattva. At present, the affairs of Tianzhou are not our own. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Although our ability is humble, we are also running back and forth for the affairs of Tianzhou, even if we die. Is it because Bodhisattvas have great powers that they are afraid of being contaminated with cause and effect that they refuse to do so? "

"Amitabha!" The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet chanted a Buddha's name. He then said, "I will repair the great gods, see life and death, know the rise and fall, avoid disasters and get lucky, which is in line with the heaven."

After a pause, he said, "I didn't want to interfere in the affairs of Tianzhou. But today, what the benefactor said is not without reason. In front of the two little benefactors, it was the poor monk. If I had not heard that the benefactor would rather die than avoid disaster, I would not have answered

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning were immediately overjoyed and said, "so the Bodhisattva agreed to help?"

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I will rush to the imperial city of Tianzhou as soon as possible to join you."

"Thank you, Bodhisattva!" Luo Jun and Qiao Ning said.

Later, Luo Jun hesitated and said, "Bodhisattva doesn't want to get involved. Do you expect that this trip will be dangerous?"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, said, "there may be great danger, but no matter what, it has been involved in cause and effect since then, and there is no peace."

Luo Jun said: "I'm sorry to drag Bodhisattva into this danger for no reason."

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said with a smile, "if you still have the courage to die, don't you have the poor monk?"

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning sincerely worship each other. Then Luo Jun said, "can the Bodhisattva contact king Huang?"

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet said, "I have no connection with Huang Wang Su."

Luo Jun was disappointed.

After that, Luo Jun and the Bodhisattva of dizang ended their conversation. Luo Jun was slightly relieved. He believed that since the Bodhisattva of dizang king had agreed to help, he would never break his promise.

At present, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning left Bodhisattva city overnight, and the world flew away from the sun.

On the way of flying, Luo Jun was a little worried and said, "you said that the Bodhisattva of Tibetans is hundreds of millions of miles away from Tianzhou. Can he get to Tianzhou in such a short time?"

Qiao Ning said: "are you stupid? We have also carried out wormhole jumping from Tianzhou to the world. If you really want to fly so far, you can't even fly to death. "

Wormhole jumping, similar to the void shuttle, but more powerful than the void shuttle!

Luo Jun suddenly realized that he was just thinking of something wrong.

In fact, Bodhisattva city is not far from the Song Emperor city where song Ning is. If Qiao Ning is not there, Luo Jun will go to see song Ning. After all, it's not the third time to go through the house. But with Qiao Ning by his side, Luo Jun doesn't dare to think about it.

In the emotional world, Luo Jun feels confused.

For song Ning, he refused from the beginning. However song Ning this Ni son is too stubborn, he can't help but move.

One day later, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning finally arrived in Borneo.

Even if flying to Yuanshen is not efficient. After all, there are still many procedures to go through when walking in the world.

After arriving in bor state, Luo Jun and Qiao Ning go directly to the blood clan headquarters, which is the old fort of dekekang!

In the castle, Luo Jun meets with snow white, Doris and walllane.

In addition, Yuner that little girl is also in. Yun'er's heart to Luo Jun is a secret promise. He is glad to hear that Luo Jun is back. But when he saw Qiao Ning beside Luo Jun, he could not help feeling ashamed.

Yuner is also very beautiful, but Qiao Ning's gas field is too strong.

Luo Jun naturally has no time to go to Gu Yuner's psychological thoughts.

Snow white and others are also excited, Snow White said: "Your Majesty, you come back this time, won't you go again?"

Luo Jun dry cough, immediately some embarrassed: "I estimate that will leave soon."

Dorrance was also a little upset and said, "Luo Jun, what the hell are you doing. You haven't been here since you put me here. "

They are all communicating in English. Qiao Ning is listening to the book of heaven.

Luo Jun zhengse said: "Doris, I have something urgent to do this time. There will be a chance in the future. As long as I live, we can get together again. "

"So serious?" Doris was surprised and said, "what can I do for you?"

Luo Jun couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "you really can't help me with this." After a pause, he said, "I'm here to find my ancestor yunlei'er. Only find her this time! "Snow white and wall Rhine were stunned. White snow said: "when the ancestors left, they said that it is impossible to return to the earth without a few hundred years!"

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