Hong Xiulian is not easy either. She has poured all her mental energy into her body and tried her best to urge the surrounding magnetic sword to attack and kill situ Yan.

This kind of game between the two is no longer a battle of Luo Jun's level.

They must move forward steadily. If they enter rashly and do not fight with the magnetic blade, they may be taken advantage of by the other side's magnetic blade.

Of course, two people's mental strength is also limited. If they spend too much mental energy, they will not be able to fight with the magnetic field. At that time, we had to fight a decisive battle with the power of the warrior. That is the level where Luo Jun is now.

After all, Hong Xiulian still has the upper hand. She is slowly forcing situ Yan.

If situ Yan didn't deal with Lin zhantian, he was not afraid of Hong Xiulian. But now, he has to control Lin zhantian and deal with Hong Xiulian, so his situation is very bad.

Lin Xiao and Lin Liqun look at each other. Two people suddenly moved, they are to help.

"Back off!" How do you know they just moved? Hong Xiulian said.

Lin Xiao and Lin Li group were in a daze.

Hong Xiulian snorted coldly and said, "you're dying before you get close. You can't resist the force of the magnetic field."

Lin Xiao and Lin Liqun suddenly realized.

Indeed, Hong Xiulian and situ Yan's surroundings are filled with fierce magnetic sword blades. If outsiders come in, they will die immediately. Unless there are more powerful mental masters.

In this way, Cheng Jianhua is also an expert in this field and a person who can manipulate the force of the magnetic field. However, Cheng Jianhua is a monk, but he can't kill people with a sword. Hong Xiulian and situ Xiuyan are not worse than him. Otherwise, he couldn't have let the plane crash and run away.

After all, Cheng Jianhua's foundation is weak. He has never practiced martial arts and doesn't know how to condense the blade of magnetic field!

Otherwise, even if there were ten Luo soldiers, they would die.

In a word, to reach the stage of situ Yan and Hong Xiulian, we must have decades of accumulation, and also have to be the kind of genius.

Both situ Yan and Hong Xiulian entered the Tao with martial arts.

They cultivate martial arts, cultivate Qi and gather spiritual strength, which can not be underestimated.

Not to mention these, situ Yan's situation is even worse.

Hong Xiulian sneered: "little brother, today my elder sister will tell you a truth. That is to say, you can't be too full. Now, your time has come. Let's die! "

Just then, there was a bang.

Hong Xiulian's eyebrows suddenly bloomed red eyes.

Then her eyes were wide open, full of wonder. "How could it be?"

Situ Yan sighed and said, "old sister, you are not yourself after all! The subtlety of the way of heaven is not the game between you and me. You ignore the external factors. "

"You won," Hong said She fell to the ground and died on the spot.

The moment she fell down, the mercury bullet exploded. Bang, Hong Xiulian's head exploded on the spot, and its shape was bloody.

Some guests saw it and vomited on the spot.

This shot, of course, was fired by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun had a total of six bullets. Two were used to kill Cheng Bintian, three were used to force hang Xingtian back, and the last one was left.

Just now he saw that the old man couldn't resist, and he shot hong Xiulian without much thought.

Luo Jun didn't expect to kill Hong Xiulian in such a simple way.

At the moment, without Hong Xiulian's control, situ Yan's life was not so good.

However, situ Yan did not kill Lin zhantian, but let go of Lin zhantian.

Lin zhantian stepped back a few steps. When he stood up, his eyes were full of humiliation.

Situ Yan sighed and said, "Lin zhantian, take your ancestors with you. Today is my granddaughter's big day. I don't want to do more killing. " After a pause, he said: "also, as long as I live one day, you don't want to trouble Luo Jun. Otherwise, I will let you Lin family chicken dog not to stay

Lin zhantian said nothing. He picked up Hong Xiulian's incomplete body and turned to leave.

Lin Xiao and Lin Liqun are also helpless and follow behind.

This group of people soon disappeared.

Luo Jun and situ ling'er also jumped off the stage.

Luo Jun came to situ Yan and asked with concern, "grandfather, how do you feel?"

Situ Yan smile, he see Luo Jun's eyes especially loving, way: "silly boy, I'm ok."

Luo Jun sighed.

Situ Yan said: "today, I have to thank you for saving my grandfather's life."

Luo Jun immediately some embarrassed, said: "things are caused by me, is my grandfather to save me."

Situ Yan smiles, but doesn't say much.

Wedding also held almost, Luo Jun and situ ling'er then entered the room.

Because of this disturbance, the guests didn't want to stay, and many people left one after another.After today's World War I, situ Yan's prestige will be even higher.

Although Luo Jun killed Hong Xiulian in public today, Shen monong will bear with everything. Shen monong will also do the work for the guests one by one, not to spread it.

That's how it was suppressed.

In situ Yan's bedroom, Luo Jun and situ ling'er are all there, and Shen monong is also called over.

Situ Yan's body is really some bad, he lay on the bed.

Wu Bo brought a pill to situ Yan. After he took the pill, his face improved.

"Today, Luo Jun, your shot really surprised me." Situ Yan said suddenly.

Luo Jun was slightly shocked. He didn't know what to say. Embarrassed, he scratched his head and said, "I didn't think I could kill Hong Xiulian. I just wanted to help you."

Situ Yan smile, he said: "your heart, grandfather of course know." After a pause, he looked at Shen and said, "Xiao Shen, what do you think?"

With a faint smile, Shen Mo Nong said, "I don't think it's strange that Luo Jun is the one of destiny! Hong Xiulian should not exist. Therefore, it can be said that the killing of Hong Xiulian is the will of heaven. "

Situ Yan said: "yes, elder sister should not exist. Why am I not? " His voice is a little sad.

It can be said that things hurt others!

Shen monong said: "you are a kind-hearted man. It is different from Hong Xiulian that it has its own fortune. "

Situ Yan said with a smile: "if you are over fifty, you will know the destiny. What's more, at my age, I can't see through anything. I have no choice but to accept my life. Only people like the great emperor of China and the devil dare to fight against heaven. "

Shen Mo Nong and Luo Jun said curiously: "who is the great emperor of China?"

Si Tu Yan hears two people to ask, in the eyes immediately appear the color that is fascinated. He said: "I was once instructed by the great emperor of China to achieve what I am today. Speaking of the great emperor of China, you may not know. They are too mysterious for ordinary people. "

Shen Mo Nong immediately respectfully said: "I'd like to hear about it!"

Situ Yan said: "speaking of them, nature is inseparable from the realm of God. The great emperor of China, the devil emperor and the Shura emperor are all cultivated by the God Emperor. Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, was resolute and devoted to the country. If not for his efforts to turn the tide, today's world would have been destroyed beyond imagination by the devil emperor and the Shura emperor. Chen Tianya, the demon emperor, is extremely intelligent and merciless. The great Shura emperor is cruel and murderous. All of them are the top heroes. "

Luo Jun was lost in thought.

"What do you think?" Situ Yan looks at Luo jundao.

"Why is Maodu surnamed Luo?" Luo Jun felt so clever that he could not help but make complaints about it.

Si Tu Yan and Shen Mo Nong are all in a daze. I didn't expect that this boy was tangled with this thing.

Shen monong said: "Sir, there are many things that have been concealed at the beginning. But I'm surprised that the devil emperor and the Shura emperor make trouble. Does the God Emperor care? In the end, was it all suppressed by the great emperor of China? "

Situ Yan said: "the emperor of God is too vain to be in charge of the affairs of the world. The great emperor of China is the teacher of justice. Naturally, he can gather countless capable people. More help in the right way, less help in the wrong way! " He paused and said, "I shouldn't have said these things. Let's not talk about them."

Seeing that situ Yan didn't want to say it, Shen Mo Nong couldn't ask more.

Situ Yan then said: "the killing and plundering of heaven and earth can also be said to be a big wave. Old sister Hong Xiulian, an old bone like me, is not good at cultivation. The most embarrassing part is that it can attract the attention of heaven and earth, and it can't avoid killing and robbing. But Luo Jun, you must improve your accomplishments as soon as possible, or you may be crushed into graupel powder in the future. "

Luo Jun solemnly said: "I will, grandfather!"

Situ Yan said: "at present, after today's things, as long as I have this old bone in, no one will come to you for trouble. But Luo Jun, I know my family's affairs. My life span was three years, but today it is only one year. You must improve your accomplishments and protect the integrity of my situ family as much as possible in the future. "

Luo Jun was stunned. "You..."

Situ ling'er still didn't respond.

Shen was also surprised.

Situ Yan is free and easy incomparable, he said: "I had expected this disaster, I this age death, also not be unjust. But Luo Jun, you must promise me. The future situ family will depend on your protection. "

Luo Jun felt a sense of responsibility, he took a deep breath, said: "yes, grandfather!"

Situ Yan said, "well, I'm sleepy too. You all go."

"Yes The crowd stood up and went out of the room.

Situ ling'er went to the new house at this time. Luo Jun took a look and didn't say much.

Shen Mo Nong looked at situ ling'er one more time, and she said, "I'm going to leave, too."

"I'll see you off." Luo Jun said.

Shen also refused.At this time, it's already evening.

The guests had already dispersed.

There are many servant girls in the courtyard.

When Luo Jun and Shen monong came out of the courtyard, some servant girls saw Luo Jun and called out respectfully: "Hello, uncle sun!"

Luo Jun responded with a smile.

Out of the courtyard, the goods immediately asked Shen monong curiously. "I'm not sun. Why call me uncle sun?"

Shen Mo Nong was stunned. After a long time, she looked at Luo Jun and said, "are you teasing me? You are the uncle of the situ family, but you are the grandson's, so I call you uncle sun. Does that have anything to do with your family name? "

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