Tang Qing said: "then you certainly don't blame Yan'er, do you?"

Luo Jun said, "of course."

"Well, you go." Tang Qing stood up and said with a sly smile, "it's not good to be alone."

Luo Jun was speechless, but he got up and said, "OK."

At present, Tang Qing sent Luo Jun to the door of the villa. At this time, Tang Qing suddenly called out: "Luo Jun."

Luo Jun looks back at Tang Qing puzzled. At this time, Tang Qing suddenly grabs Luo Jun's hand, but pulls Luo Jun's hand to her own big white rabbit.

At that moment, the tentacles were soft, full and elastic.

Luo Jun was stunned, and he was stunned.

Tang Qing's face is as red as a ripe apple. Her face is so bashful that she asks, "now you should know whether I've got a cushion or not?"

Luo Jun said stupidly: "no mat!"

"Get out of here!" Tang Qing immediately pushed Luo Jun out of the gate, and then slammed the whole door.

Luo Jun still has Tang Qing's Yu Wen in his hand. In the scene just now, he felt like a dream. Never thought that Tang Qing, who was hot and shy, would suddenly come here.

Happiness comes too suddenly!

Luo Jun has come to a conclusion that this girl really has no cushion. She is absolutely genuine.

Later, Luo Jun got on the Xiali car and returned to the rental house.

After returning to the rental house, Luo Jun didn't see Ding Han. He thought Ding Han had left.

Luo Jun didn't think much either. Then he sat on the bed and began to sort out today's affairs.

And how to deal with it in the future.

Laoshan neijiaguan disciples are a group. This group is a hornet's nest. Although I'm not afraid of them, if I don't deal with them well, it will also bring harm to the innocent.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Jun was still at a loss. This matter, really can only be covered by soldiers.

Luo Jun's character is tenacious and happy, he then simply lying in bed, after a while fell into a deep sleep.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up.

Luo Jun crossed his knees again to carry the sun moon meditation formula on the bed. His mind is as quiet as a fetus wrapped in amniotic fluid. Nothing in the world can make him worry.

Inhale one breath into the body, this breath in his operation, like an air bag mouse, scurrying in Luo Jun's four limbs. But every time you run, you are washing your blood and moistening your bone marrow.

Now Luo Jun's cultivation has reached the peak of Hua Jin. One more step forward is the land immortal.

But this step is very difficult.

It's the difference between man and immortal. Once out, it is the carp leaping into the dragon's gate and turning into an immortal.

Hua Jin is to train the strength in the body to the level of penetration. Mingjin is a ferocious force. Any powerful force in the world is Mingjin. The power of mountain torrents is also Mingjin. It is also Mingjin when ordinary people fight with one punch.

Dark power is something that only humans can understand. Gather the strength of a fist into the strength of a fine needle, which is the dark strength.

The master of Mingjin hit the elephant with one hundred jin. It was like scratching.

But the dark strength master then can condense this 100 Jin strength into the water arrow sharp. A punch on the elephant, the power of this water arrow directly penetrates the elephant's outer skin and damages its internal organs.

As for Huajin, it is superb. Put a green brick on the ground and a bean curd on the green brick. If the master of Huajin punches down, the bean curd will not break, but the green brick will break.

This is the secret of Huajin.

Mingjin master, a punch of 300 Jin is regarded as divine power.

The dark strength master has been able to control his mind, practice the pith washing method, and transform his blood and bone marrow. The strength of one punch can reach 500 Jin.

The strength of the Huajin master is 800 Jin per punch, which is as high as a small one.

As for the unreachable land immortal, it turned the strength of the whole body into a pill.

This is the unification of all laws!

Can also be said to be the golden elixir!

Jindan master!

Once the golden elixir in the body reaches 10%, it can condense all the strength, Qi and blood into a ball. Once it is killed, its lethality is terrifying and even invincible.

Luo Jun has been staying at the peak of Huajin for three years, but it has been difficult to take the last step.

Moreover, Luo Jun has rarely met a real gold elixir over the years. Those characters are rare in the world.

Luo Jun has been practicing for about an hour, and his spirit has recovered to the best condition. Just then, the cell phone rang. Luo Jun picks up his mobile phone to get through. The call is from Ding Han.

At the other end of the phone, Ding Han's voice was sweet. She said, "you must be hungry, aren't you? I've made a meal at home. Come quickly. "

Luo Jun was delighted and said: "good."

He cleaned up a little and went out.After coming to Ding Han's home, Ding Han has already cooked a good meal, which is a very rich table.

There is red wine on the table, and Ding Han turns on the music.

The music plays a song of Jiang Meiqi, the love letter of that year. Singing with a touch of love, people are intoxicated.

When I think of your smile

I have no intention to reread that year's love letter

time is long and spring is getting old

Luo Jun listen to the leisurely, although he is careless, but he is not a rough man. He felt that the song and the lyrics were intoxicating, as if they were the first love of the green age.

What Ding Han is wearing today is a black dress with exposed clavicle, showing a trace of delicacy in elegance. After they sat down, Ding Han poured red wine.

Today's atmosphere is different from the past.

In the past, Luo Jun was Luo Jun, careless Luo Jun.

But today's Luo Jun is a martial arts master and a murderer in active service.

Killing and dueling are not big things for Luo Jun, but for Ding Han, they are absolutely shocking.

Between each other, a silence.

Luo Jun picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Then also at this time, he suddenly found that Ding Hanzheng was staring at him. Luo Jun slightly a Zheng, he also looked at Ding Han.

Ding Han's eyes looked a little complicated. Then she took back her eyes and suddenly said, "Luo Jun, do you believe it?"

"What do you believe?" Luo Jun is slightly puzzled.

Ding Han said with a bleak smile, "I used to think that I was the princess and the protagonist of fate. It's like the pig's feet on Idol TV. "

Luo Jun was a little stunned, then a faint smile, said: "in every boy's heart, there will probably be a hero or prince's dream. It's normal for girls to have Princess dreams, too. "

Ding Han said, "it's not what you think. I went from primary school to junior high school, to high school, to university. My grades have always been in the top ten of my grade. I am a top student and a school flower. At that time, there were a lot of people chasing me. I was held in the palm of my hand by them, just like the altar. There are many excellent boys, just because I told them one more word, they will be ecstatic. I always thought that I was favored by fate. I thought that I was a female pig's foot. My man will be brilliant and excellent. "

Luo Jun quietly listens to Ding Han's narration..

After a pause, Ding Han laughed at himself and said with a trace of desolation, "but I'm so wrong. It turns out that I'm just a woman without eyes. I'm determined to marry Yang wending, and I'm here today. It's my fault. Many times, midnight dream back, dream back to college, I want to cry. What kind of pig's feet am I? I'm just a stupid woman. "

"Don't say that about yourself, Ding Han." Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "in my eyes, you are better than any woman."

Ding Han looks at Luo Jun, her eyes are very complicated. "I think a lot today, Luo Jun, do you know?"

Luo Jun can imagine Ding Han's struggle. He can't help saying, "what conclusion have you reached?"

Ding Han said: "when I chose Yang wending, I had no vision. Now, I know you are a wonderful person, and I also know that leaving you, far away from you is the best way. Besides, you will never pester me. I can see that you are a man with high self-esteem. And once I do that, from then on, I know we're not going to have a relationship and I'm not going to have any trouble

"But I thought and thought for a long time, maybe you are the chance that God gave me? Should I choose Yang wending wrong and miss you again? I also want to give myself a chance. "

Luo Jun's heart immediately boiling up, should be said to be extremely excited, extremely fanatical. He can't hear the meaning in Ding Han's words, and Ding Han's meaning is very obvious..

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said in a trembling voice: "Ding Han..." But soon, he regained his composure and said, "but aren't you afraid I'll bring you a lot of trouble?"

Ding Han shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid." She said, "but can you do me another thing?"

Luo Jun immediately said: "you say."

Ding Han said, "do we get along as well as before? I need some time to think about a lot of things and I'm not ready. I think you also know my situation, and you should think more clearly, right? "

Luo Jun slightly a Zheng, then said: "I all listen to you."

After dinner, Luo Jun drove back to his rental house.

By this time, it was night, and there was a bright moon in the sky.

All over the sky, beautiful.

Luo Jun is also lost in meditation. All along, he has been doing whatever he wants. It's true to like Ding Han, and it's even more true to want Ding Han's body. But limited to this, he never thought about other things at a deep level. For example, Ding Han's situation, Ding Han's future.But today, when the veil was lifted, Luo Jun had to think about it carefully.

Ding Han is a man who has experienced a marriage failure. She can't afford to play. If you really want to be with her, you should marry her and give her a bright future. In this way, we are responsible for her.

Ding Han is different from the women he met in the past.

In the past, Luo Jun's games were full of fun. But for Ding Han, obviously not.

Luo Jun is 26 years old. He has no father or mother since he was a child. He follows his master. Later, he galloped abroad with a bloody hand. He never thought about having a family, getting married and having children.

These things are too far away for him.

At this moment, Rodin suddenly shrank from the army. He is afraid to enter the cage of marriage, but what puzzles him is that he likes Ding Han so much, even her body.

Luo Jun didn't sleep this night, and he felt that he was not tortured again and again.

Finally, the next morning, he made up his mind. That is to keep a distance from Ding Han, slowly fade this feeling, and finally leave.

He belongs to the unruly wind and will never stay for anyone.

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