Although Luo Jun made a contribution this time, he didn't think it was anything. He told Xiao Zhou not to talk to the security captain. The main reason is that he is in trouble!

Xiao Zhou naturally listened to Luo Jun.

At six in the morning, Luo Jun and Xiao Zhou get off work. They went back to the dormitory.

The dormitory is in the community, which is transformed from the garage on the ground. It's a bit dark in the dormitory. There's no sunshine all the year round.

And there are six security guards in a dormitory, all of them sleep in upper and lower bunks. Luo Jun didn't feel unaccustomed to it. This guy used to sleep in Dubai's presidential suite in his luxurious time, and he also slept with a blonde girl. But he spent the night in the septic tank when he was on duty.

Of course, it's equipped with enough oxygen.

In a word, Luo Jun is a man who can enjoy all kinds of blessings and all kinds of hardships. Nothing can make him feel unhappy and frown.

Luo Jun took a bath in the bathroom with cold water, and it was very refreshing after the bath. He put on a small underpants to sleep on the top bunk.

In the middle of his sleep, this guy had a beautiful dream full of Ding Han. And Ding Han in the dream is as tender as water.

Luo Jun dreams that he and Ding Han are doing shameful things in the villa by the beach.

All of a sudden, Luo Jun sat up.

The guy felt his little underpants wet. Damn it, I can't believe I lost my dream.

The embarrassment of Luo Jun! It's a shame that people in their twenties are still dreaming!

If you want to blame it, you can only blame the goblin Ding Han!

Luo Jun took a new underpants, quickly into the bathroom to take a bath for a new one.

Halfway through the wash, the phone rings.

Few people call Luo Jun's mobile phone. As soon as he guesses it's Ding Han.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon.

Luo Jun came out wearing new underpants. Xiao Zhou also woke up and said to Luo Jun with a smile: "brother Jun, are you in such a hurry to go to the bathroom

"Chunmeng, your sister!" Luo Jun immediately righteously said: "do you think your brother is like a little virgin and still has a spring dream?"

He's absolutely cheeky. Anyway, he won't admit such a disgraceful thing.

In other words, Xiao Zhou turned over and continued to sleep. Young people's sleep is good!

Now it's Luo Jun and Xiao Zhou in the dormitory. Luo Jun picks up the phone and sees that it's Ding Han.

"Sister Han Luo Jun ha ha a smile, connect after intimate shout a way. The guy thought of the dream and felt itchy.

Ding Han's voice is like a silver bell. She smiles and says, "thanks to you yesterday. Do you have time in the evening? I want to invite you to dinner."

"Of course, I have time," Luo said. Even if I don't have time, sister Han, if you invite me to dinner, then I must squeeze in time. "

Ding Han said, "well, I'll pick you up in the neighborhood at seven o'clock tonight."

Luo Jun said: "good!"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Jun remembered that he was on the night shift! I have to go to work at six in the evening.

Luo Jun didn't take it seriously. He put on his clothes and went out of the dormitory after washing.

At this time, it was the sun outside.

As soon as Luo Junfu came out, he felt the heat wave in the air!

Even the skin has to be dried off!

Luo Jun stayed in the dark dormitory for a long time, but he didn't adapt to the sunshine.

The first thing for the young man at this time is to ask the security captain for leave.

The security team leader is on duty for several hours during the day. It's very relaxed. The security team leader is Zhao Hu, 22 years old. Zhao Hu is very strong, usually some arrogant and domineering. Young man, with a tattoo on his body, he still has several gangster brothers in the society, which is very invincible.

Usually other security guards are very afraid of Zhao Hu, Luo Jun has never been, has been on the night shift. So I have little contact with Zhao Hu.

Zhao Hu doesn't live here either.

It is said that Zhao Hu is the security team leader of several communities. This guy has a good time.

Luo Jun came to the security room.

Zhao Hu didn't wear a security suit. He was wearing a gold necklace and a gold ring. He was smoking. There are two other security guards on duty.

"Captain Zhao!" After Luo Jun came in, he laughed and yelled.

Zhao Hu looked at Luo Jun. after a long time, he said, "who are you?"

My God! Luo Jun scolds secretly, Lao Tzu has been on duty for a month, so he has no sense of existence.

A security guard nearby said immediately: "brother tiger, he is the security guard of our community. He works on night shift for a long time. His name is Luo Jun."

Zhao Hu suddenly realized, so he asked: "how can I help you?"

Luo Jun said with a smile: "it's nothing. I have something private tonight. I want to ask you for a leave."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Hu asked casually.

Luo Jun said with a smile: "private affairs are things that can't be said." He is also a proud master, see Zhao Huniu force coax, also lazy to say more.However, his attitude immediately angered Zhao Hu. Zhao Hu glared at Luo Jun and said, "don't approve."

Luo Jun ha ha a smile, said: "no matter you approve or not, anyway I told you."

"I depend on your mother, you little bastard, you are still very tough with me!" Zhao Hushu stood up with a slap in his ear and drew it from Luo Jun's face.

Luo Jun didn't look at it, but with a backhand slap, he pulled it first.

With a crack, half of Zhao Hu's cheek was swollen. He spat out a tooth in the blood.

"Damn you Zhao Hu burst into a rage, kicking hard at Luo Jun's Xiayin. This guy is black enough.

Luo Jun eyes cold down, he suddenly shot.

There is no sign, ghost

Suddenly, Luo Jun grabbed Zhao Hu's neck and directly lifted him up.

When Zhao Hu's feet were off the ground, his face choked and his feet kicked up.

The two security guards next to him did not expect that Luo Jun, who was usually honest, was so fierce that they were stunned on the spot.

Luo Jun's eyes were cold and said, "I warn you, don't insult my mother!"

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