After Luo Jun hung up the phone call from elder brother Qidong, he fell asleep again. Because Ding Han is already at work today, he doesn't need to send him. However, Luo Jun didn't sleep long. At eight o'clock, Ding Han knocked on Luo Jun's bedroom door.

When Luo Jun got up and opened the door, he was still sleepy.

And Ding Han is standing outside the bedroom door. Today, she is wearing a white sportswear and a ponytail, which is very refreshing. The fragrance on the body makes Luo Jun feel refreshing.

Seeing Ding Han every morning is the best thing of the day.

Luo Jun is to see more Ding Han all kinds of amorous feelings, think this woman is really a treasure. Every action fascinates him. At the same time, he sighed that Yang wending was really in bliss, and he divorced such a woman.

"Han Mei!" Luo Jun grinned and cried.

Ding Han smiles. In fact, every morning, she especially likes the moment when Luo Jun grins and calls his sister Han. I think Luo Jun is a very sunny and simple boy. So simple, sunshine is like watching boys sweat on the basketball court in college.

It's hard to see in the adult world.

"Don't be big or small, you have to call my sister. I'll put the noodles in the pot and have breakfast in a few minutes. " Ding Han said.

Luo Jun could not help but feel warm in his heart and said, "OK!" Then he deliberately said, "Han Mei!" Ding Han has no choice but to let Luo Jun go.

For Luo Jun, it's really good to wake up in the morning and have breakfast.

Luo Jun is free and uninhibited and doesn't like to be restrained. Usually a person, sometimes eat noodles, sometimes lazy to eat nothing all day.

Breakfast is noodles with shredded pork and green peppers, plus steamed buns. Everything is hot.

I have to say that Ding Han is a very virtuous woman. She served Luo Jun carefully. Luo Jun is very happy to eat noodles. Ding Han sees that he likes to eat, so he balances the shredded meat and noodles in his bowl.

At the same time, Ding Han did not forget to ask Luo Jun, "what are we going to do today?"

While eating noodles, Luo Jun said vaguely: "at noon today, the big brother from the gangster Qidong said that he would invite me to dinner in Hongyun Building. You go with me

Ding Han slightly pale, said: "should not be Hongmen banquet?"

Luo Jun ha ha a smile, say: "tube he what banquet, have eat of go."

In the speech, naturally reveals a kind of arrogant momentum. This is Luo Jun's confidence, which goes deep into the bone marrow. No matter what conspiracy you minions have, I don't care.

Ding Han can't help smiling when he hears that he is worried too much. Luo Jun is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Hongyun restaurant is a Chinese restaurant, close to the bar street. Bar street to the day, it is a quiet, only a few clear bar open. Hongyun restaurant is a bit mysterious in the eyes of many people, because many gangs in Haibin city choose Hongyun restaurant when they talk about things.

Now, on the second floor of Hongyun restaurant.

Qi Dong came, Jiang Yuchen, Li Sheng stood respectfully beside a middle-aged man.

Li Sheng's hands were bandaged and hung around his neck with bandages. This guy's hand has been diagnosed as comminuted fracture by the doctor. Even if it is better in the future, this hand has little strength. You can get the disability certificate.

This middle-aged man, wearing a Tang shirt, looks a little elegant. His name is Liu Jingtian. He is the eldest brother in the north of Haibin city.

There are four districts in Haibin City: South, East, West and North.

Four big brothers in these four districts control the underground world. However, on top of the four big brothers, there is also a dragon king. The Dragon King is the real underground emperor. But now the Dragon King has been basically washed white, and doesn't care much about the underground world. His biggest name is charity entrepreneur.

Liu Jingtian did not bring a group of thugs. In fact, there was no role of thugs under him. It's just a group of real elite soldiers. Today, he came with his two great generals. They are Lu bugui and Zhu Tianlei.

Lu bugui, 40 years old, is a master of Xingyi boxing. He was wearing a loose white coat, sitting at the side of the leisurely drinking tea. As for Zhu Tianlei, he is absolutely fierce. He is as strong as an ox, and he practices eight trigrams. He is 36 years old, and he is very young.

Speaking of Liu Jingtian, the first things you think of are Lu bugui and Zhu Tianlei. Liu Jingtian can have today's country and status, relying on these two generals. Lu bugui's Xingyi boxing is superb. He once won 36 games in a row in the underground fighting field. He beat all the underground boxing masters like dogs. Zhu Tianlei is hot temper, amazing power, can tear bison.

With these two strong generals, Liu Jingtian, like Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, can withstand thousands of troops.

At this moment, Liu Jingtian has no expression.

That Qi Dong comes to one side, atmosphere also dare not come out.

But Zhu Tianlei said first: "I say brother Tian, are you really going to give that boy a million?"Liu Jingtian looked at Zhu Tianlei and said, "to give or not to give, we have to see his ability first. This Luo Jun is not well-known, but he dares to take the initiative to provoke, for fear that everything is not as simple as it seems. "

The road does not return to be a person, calm many, then also echoed to say: "elder brother's words are reasonable, again small nail also can pierce foot.". We should be careful. We should be careful. If you try to be brave and fierce, you will fall down sooner or later. "

With a faint smile, Liu Jingtian said, "the times are different now. It's not like the past when we only talked about fighting and killing. The Dragon Lord has seen it thoroughly. Now he has completely washed the industry white and withdrawn from the underground world. We can't reach the height of Lord long, but we should also develop in this aspect. The times, science and technology are in progress. Our industry will be more and more difficult to mix. " Li Sheng and I said, "don't make trouble with him. It's much more powerful than you in the world. Only the frog at the bottom of the well will be arrogant and have no idea of heaven and earth. "

Qi Donglai and Li Sheng quickly lowered their heads and said, "yes, yes, what elder brother taught us."

Although Jiang Yuchen is a little girl who is not afraid of everything, he is very quiet in front of Liu Jingtian's aura. Originally, the ranks of Jiang Yuchen and Li Sheng could not meet Liu Jingtian. However, Liu Jingtian needed to know the whole story of the incident, so he called the two men.

In other words, for the bad things from Qidong. Liu Jingtian is lazy to manage, but Qidong is his man. Luo Jun's words are cruel, so Liu Jingtian can't really let Qi Donglai be abandoned by Luo Jun. As a big brother, we can't be without responsibility. What's more, Liu Jingtian also wanted to see what Luo Jun really came from and what his intention was?

Liu Jingtian is smart, so he doesn't go to Luo Jun to get in trouble. That's the habit of a gangster in the river and lake, but he set down a banquet to test Luo Jun's foundation.

Therefore, Liu Jingtian and Qi Donglai are two levels of people.

Not to mention these, at this time, Luo Jun and Ding Han also arrived at Hongyun restaurant on time. Under the guidance of the waiter, they went to the private room on the second floor.

After the door was knocked on, Luo Jun walked in first.

Ding Han followed closely.

The two sides finally met.

Liu Jingtian immediately got up. He came over to Luo Jun with a smile and said, "this must be brother Luo. I've heard so much about him!" Then he came to bear hug with Luo Jun, like an old friend for many years.

The so-called hand does not smile. This is Liu Jingtian's means.

Luo Jun was hugged by this guy. He was too embarrassed to be cruel.

After the two separated, Luo Jun touched his head and said, "brother, you are so enthusiastic, don't you want not to give me money?"

Liu Jingtian was stunned, then laughed and said: "brother Luo is really humorous."

Luo Jun can't help complaining in the bottom of his heart. He's humorous, your sister!

Liu Jingtian then said, "brother Luo, please sit down. Please sit down."

Luo Jun took a seat and sat opposite Liu Jingtian.

Ding Han also sat beside Luo Jun.

Liu Jingtian said, "brother Luo, I'm not sensible. When I heard about it, I immediately taught them a lesson. " After a pause, he rushed to Qidong and said, "don't you pour tea for brother Luo and apologize!"

Qi Dong dares to disobey Liu Jingtian's orders when he comes there. He should be Nuo in a hurry. Of course, Qi Donglai was also upset that the boss didn't show up for himself. On the contrary, he taught himself like a grandson in front of his enemies.

If you want to think about it, Qi Dong will go to pour tea immediately. He poured a few cups of tea and gave them to Luo Jun, Ding Han, Liu Jingtian, Lu bugui and Zhu Tianlei.

After that, he stood respectfully beside Liu Jingtian.

Luo Jun picked up his tea cup, then looked at Liu Jingtian and said, "brother, you are a man of understanding. But it doesn't matter whether you apologize or not. What's the money you promised me? "

It's acting like a money junkie.

Liu Jingtian looks at Luo Jun with a smile. He finds that he can't see through Luo Jun any more.

Luo Jun is stared at by Liu Jingtian, but he is not half uncomfortable. He cocks his legs and drinks tea.

This appearance made Zhu Tianlei upset. He stood up and accused him: "boy, you are very drag!"

Luo Jun laughs and ignores Zhu Tianlei. He says to Liu Jingtian, "brother, I don't know what you call me."

Liu Jingtian said, "my family name is Liu, Liu Jingtian."

Luo Jun said: "Oh, it's brother Liu! You don't seem to be very polite. But it doesn't matter. I can discipline you. "

He then stood up and said to Zhu Tianlei, "boy, you are crazy!"

Zhu Tianlei was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer: "how, do you want to discipline me?"

Luo Jun said with a smile: "that's right, can't it?"

Anger flashed in Zhu Tianlei's eyes. He is also the number one fierce man. How can he tolerate Luo Jun's arrogance and rudeness. He sneered and said, "OK, I'll weigh you."With that, Zhu Tianlei strides towards Luo Jun, one and a half meters away. In the blink of an eye, it's like the collapse of Mount Tai and the strong wind.

The palm of Zhu Tianlei's hand is like a huge Pu fan. With one hand, he will attack Luo Jun's chest.

This palm is just the big wrestler in the Eight Diagrams Palm. It's extremely fierce!

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