Back to the realm of God, then every morning at seven o'clock worship God is inevitable.

Better than Chen Yihan, or Chen Tianya, as long as he is in the realm of God, he must come to worship. In other words, God is also a reasonable person. If you are not in the realm of God, he will never ask.

If you have something to do, you should leave the divine realm that night.

Luo Jun and situ ling'er get up at 6:30 on time. They wash up quickly, and then they leave the sunny apartment.

Today's weather is very good, sunny.

There are many green plants and trees in Shenyu. The sun penetrates the leaves and shines on the ground. This beautiful weather makes people intoxicated and happy!

You don't need to do anything to make people feel good!

Inside and outside the temple, people from all walks of life have arrived one after another.

The Tianzong faction, Wuyu faction, Tiandu faction, Shi Yonglong, Chen Yihan and Cheng Jianhua are all together.

All parties come together.

Situ ling'er followed Luo Jun and they came to ningtiandu.

Ningtiandu is surrounded by Yue Guangchen and Lin Bing.

"Master!" After a respectful cry, Luo Jun called out to Lin Bing and Yue Guangchen: "elder martial sister, second elder martial brother!"

Both Lin Bing and Yue Guangchen responded with a smile.

Ning Tiandu said to situ linger, "younger martial sister linger!"

Situ ling'er also called out elder martial brother Tiandu. Zuo Tianzong, fan Wuyu and others in the other side didn't look at ningtiandu. They kept their indifference. Chen Yihan and Shi Yonglong don't even look here.

All the core forces of the whole divine realm are seemingly compatible with each other. The intrigue is unimaginable to outsiders.

Then, several figures of master level went in to worship. Chen Yihan and Shi Yonglong belong to the rank of master.

Luo Jun was no longer able to do so. Although he was a disciple of ningtiandu, he was still one level behind his master. Therefore, Ning Tiandu and others can go in, but he can't.

When Ning Tiandu was ready to go in, he saw that situ linger didn't follow him, so he invited: "younger martial sister linger, let's go together."

Situ ling'er refused. She said, "I'll go with Luo Jun later. Elder martial brother Tiandu, please help me!"

"This..." Ning Tiandu wants to say that it's against the rules, but he takes a look at situ linger and thinks that younger martial sister ling'er is different from ordinary people in temperament. She is also the master's disciple. Let her go.

Then he turned and left.

After these masters entered the temple, Luo Jun gave a bitter smile to situ ling'er and said, "it seems that I'm holding you back again."

Situ ling'er took Luo Jun's hand and said, "you've never thought of me dragging your back before."

Luo Jun smiles.

The morning pilgrimage ended in calm. No one dares to disturb this solemn matter of worshiping God.

After that, the emperor sent orders. Order three masters, and situ ling'er, Luo Jun to see you in the temple of God!

It's normal for the God Emperor to let the three masters and situ ling'er in. After all, these people are the disciples of the God Emperor, but the God Emperor actually let Luo Jun in, which makes Chen Yihan, Shi Yonglong and Cheng Jianhua feel incredible.

But anyway, Luo Jun entered the temple smoothly.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, and the temple was still solemn.

The statue of the God Emperor stands in the center, its expression is serious and constant.

Five people stand side by side, the expression is extremely respectful.

There is no doubt that fan Wuyu's feeling at the moment is complex. At the beginning, he tried his best to frame and exclude Luo Jun, but now Luo Jun has been able to stand in the temple like him.

Think about it. At the beginning, Luo Jun and situ ling'er belonged to his Wuyu faction. But these two people were pushed out by themselves. What a stupid thing I have done!

Just then, in front of the statue, the molecules, the magnetic field, began to change.

Then, the magnetic field and the molecules become visible to the naked eye, like black particles forming a vortex.

Gradually, the black particles become a huge vortex, which can accommodate three people at the same time.

Luo Jun people can't help but lose face. They see that the vortex has become a huge channel. It's clear that there should be a statue of God in front, but now it seems to be an endless void.

At the same time, the voice of the emperor sounded throughout the hall.

"Come in!"

The five immediately understood, and then stepped forward and backward into the vortex.

After entering the vortex, Luo Jun felt a light curtain appeared in front of him. Behind the light curtain, you can see a forest and a cave.

All of them strode forward and crossed the light curtain.

Then all the vortices disappear, all the visions disappear.

But they looked up in the sky.

It's blue and sunny.It's still ten o'clock in the morning, so we can see that people are still in the world. It's just that we've come to another place through the vortex channel. This can be said to be a void shuttle.

It can also be said to be an alternative wormhole jump.

Five people can't help but wonder, what did the God Emperor bring these people here for?

At this time, the voice of the God Emperor rang again. His voice came from all directions, as if he were Heaven and earth.

"Here is the Qilian Mountains. There is a cave in front of it, which is the place where we once practiced. You come first

"Yes, master!" The public responded.

Then, five people went into the cave.

Soon, everyone went into the cave. This cave is a blessed place, with water curtain waterfall, stone table fairy fruit, bell milk hanging stone and so on.

"Sit down first!" The voice of the God sounded again.

They all sat on their knees.

The God Emperor first said: "I have already seen another catastrophe in the dark. No matter you or I, there will be infinite doom in this lifetime. Especially when you are beyond the normal Shouyuan and ability of living beings, the doom will become more powerful. Although I have infinite abilities, every year there are three hundred small robberies and ten big robberies, and every thirty years there is a magic one. Now, I'm going to go to the middle of the void. Only after this catastrophe can I deal with the evil one. "

Luo Jun can't help but be frightened. He and situ ling'er look at each other, and they are all shocked.

Luo Jun has always regarded the God Emperor as his idol, thinking that the God Emperor is the peak of life.

But he did not expect that there were so many disasters behind the scenery of the God Emperor. It's like a man with a lot of diseases!

The emperor continued: "I will not be able to come back for ten years or several years. Or maybe it will disappear, not between heaven and earth. However, the abilities of your disciples are too weak to frighten the Luo family and the other demons. So today, I have the plan to improve your ability! "

When the God Emperor said this, he changed the subject and said, "however, the three of your disciples are not lucky enough. They will die out eventually. Today's promotion of your abilities is just to buy some time for the rising stars. When the rising star rises, it is time for you to retire. You must remember to act according to your ability and know that you are going to retreat bravely, otherwise, you will lose your life! "

As soon as the words came out, Ning Tiandu was shocked.

"I don't know what master means by" rising star " Zuo Tianzong couldn't help asking.

The emperor said, "this is the secret of heaven. Don't let it out."

Zuo Tian said: "yes, master, the disciples are lying."

Then the God Emperor said, "Luo Jun, you must be very curious. Why did you come here, right?"

Luo Jun respectfully said: "I'm really curious. Please make it clear!"

The God Emperor said: "your destiny pattern is the highest in the audience. If you want to reveal a rising star, you are one of them. However, your destiny pattern, even if you want to help you, it is difficult to succeed. Now you are the blood of the blood ancestor yunlei'er. Even this seat can't help you coagulate your Tao. So, you have to find your own chance

Luo Jun can't help but ask: "elder, where should I look for this opportunity?"

God Emperor said: "this seat also did not see through."

Luo Jun said: "there are some things you can't see through in this world."

God said: "the universe is vast, when manpower is poor, it's not strange that I can't see through." He paused and said, "you are in the lost continent, and you can break the ice seal of this seat. You are really good."

"Please don't blame me for my recklessness." Luo Jun said.

The emperor said, "that's OK." He continued: "today I am looking for you and ling'er here, but I have a task for you. In a moment, when we are improving the ability of the three disciples, an old friend will come to attack us. We have set up a grand array of Haotian Shenji here. It will take three hours for that old man to break the array. In order to come in early, he will send a puppet to come in. The puppet waster God doesn't know magic, but it's very powerful. I need you and ling'er to beat back or delay time. I'll be back in three hours. Remember, this is about the life and death of these three disciples, and also about your life and death in the future. Once this link is disrupted, there will be endless doom in the future. I'm afraid it's not something you can afford! "

"I understand. I will do my best!" Luo Jun said immediately. He then asked, "master, you are going to rob this time. What about ling'er?"

God said: "ling'er will stay beside you, you don't have to worry."

Luo Jun can't help but be happy. He really can't bear to work properly.

Situ ling'er's eyes flashed with joy.

Later, Luo Jun couldn't help saying, "senior, junior, there are still some questions to ask.""Ask me!" Said the emperor.

Luo Jun said, "is it Chen Tianya, the devil emperor, who is going to invade?"

The God Emperor said: "no, now Chen Tianya and his son are still in the divine realm. Chen Tianya doesn't dare to turn his face with us, let alone do this little action behind his back."

"Who would it be? How dare I disturb your business? " Luo Jun is curious.

"This old friend has accumulated too much hatred for us. He won't have any fear." God said: "he is the great Shura emperor, silent!"

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