Luo Jun then continued to say: "you see, I understand that. Thought is the soul of human beings, and the soul is stored in the brain. After death, the soul cannot survive in the brain, because the brain is dead. The soul flies out of the human body. The soul is immaterial and floating. That's why sometimes we are told that we have seen ghosts, and all the ghosts we have seen are floating around. "

"In my understanding, the man is dead. It's like the soul is asleep, without self-consciousness. I don't know where I am, at this time, if the wind blows, the soul will be scattered, from then on. Those six paths of reincarnation and reincarnation are basically untenable. If someone says reincarnation, there is only one explanation. It is this person's soul consciousness that in the process of drifting, part of it has been contaminated in the brain of the newborn fetus and survived. "

Lin Qianqian had never heard such a novel explanation. She was not interested in it and listened carefully.

Luo Jun added: "let's continue with the previous topic. When a person dies, there are often relatives who dream of the dead. There are also the first seven souls and so on, which can be explained as the subconscious attachment of the soul to the body and the refusal to leave home. But the soul is not moistened by the body, they can't live long. This is also why the legends of ghosts, eight trigrams, are common. But there are really very few reasons for ghosts to take revenge. Because the soul itself has no power, and it will die quickly. "

Lin Qianli said, "how do you explain that?"

Luo Jun said: "it's rare for ghosts to take revenge, but there are also legends about it. So ah, I think that after death, the soul is as unconscious as a dream. But some souls, because they suffered too much injustice and anger, have too much resentment. So after it died, the idea was still very strong. The idea is strong, the wind can't blow away. This soul happens to grow in the place with strong Yin Qi. In this way, it absorbs Yin Qi and has strong resentment. Gradually he became a fierce ghost. "

Lin Qianqian's eyes brightened and said, "the landlady who died in golden age did suffer a lot of injustice. She was strangled by his lover with a piece of wire around her neck."

Luo Jun was not surprised by this. He asked, "is the mistress's lover still in the world?"

Lin Qianqian said: "her lover used to be a pseudonym. We couldn't even start looking up her. I don't know where it is now. "

Luo Jun said: "in fact, according to my understanding, the landlady died miserably and resentfully. But it's incredible that she can be so powerful. If everyone who died unjustly was so fierce after death, the world would be in chaos. I think there must be some Taoist treasures in the golden age. They are especially suitable for nourishing the ghost. Only in this way can the landlady be created. "

Lin Qianqian said: "I still don't understand that the landlady is so powerful now. Can't she take revenge on that heartless man herself? " She paused and said, "but maybe I've got revenge. Anyway, I don't understand her world."

Luo Jun said: "there are rules between heaven and earth. Ghosts should not exist in the world. Here comes death. Have you seen it? "

Lin Qianqian said: "yes."

Luo Jun said: "this fierce ghost is like death coming to Li. It's a mistake of the way of heaven. She accidentally survived. If the devil goes out, the way of heaven will surely correct this mistake. That's what Taoism calls "natural disaster" and "thunder disaster". In addition, this ghost landlady relies on some treasure in golden age to nourish her body. Once left the golden age, nothing. That's why she won't allow you to ruin the golden years. "

"How do you act like a client?" Lin Qianqian listened with relish, but soon, she asked strangely. "And you've never been dead, as if you've seen it with your own eyes."

Luo Jun said with a smile: "although I have never died, I have the same origin. Laozi once said that life is two, two is three, and three is everything. On the contrary, all things become three, three become, two become one. Do you understand? All things have the same origin. So, although I haven't died, I can think about it from the nature of things. "

Lin Qianqian was a little dizzy and said, "what you said is too profound and mysterious. I don't understand."

Luo Jun smile, said: "at least you are also a genuine police officer graduated from University, how so uneducated."

Lin Qianqian gave Luo Jun a white look, and then said: "you have explained so much, but after all, it's all your own guess. In the golden age bar, no one can confirm what's going on. "

Luo Jun said, "I want to go in and have a look."

Lin Qianqian flatly refused, said: "absolutely not, too dangerous."

Luo Jun said: "that can't let the golden age exist all the time. It's also a stain for the seaside city."

Lin Qianqian said, "it's not your turn to go in." "Luo Jun, I don't want to lose a friend any more," she said

Luo Jun's heart was warm, but he insisted on it, saying: "many things are arranged by fate. I'm just about to open a bar now, and then there's golden age here. I think it's my destiny. It seems dangerous. If I really solve it, it may be of great benefit. "Lin Qianqian said, "you don't mean the treasure you guessed in the golden age, do you?"

Luo Jun said, "I have to see it anyway."

Lin Qianqian said: "if you want to go in, you must prove to me that you can come out safely."

Luo Jun said in a deep voice: "although I haven't been in, I have a general estimate of the landlady in the golden age. She's really good now, and I can feel scared when I stand outside. "

Lin Qianqian has a deep understanding of this feeling. She immediately said, "well, then you can't go in."

Luo Jun looked at Lin Qianqian and suddenly said, "Captain Lin, do you really want to be a turtle forever. You don't want revenge for the death of your colleague? You are a man full of justice, and you can tolerate the golden age bar to exist like this all the time? "

Lin Qianqian's delicate body was shocked suddenly, and a touch of light flashed in her eyes. But soon, she was discouraged and said, "what can I do? At the end of the day, I am an ordinary person. "

Luo Jun said, "don't look at that fierce ghost too terrifying. The so-called Qi is regular and masculine. As long as you are upright, you are not afraid to go to hell. The fierce ghost can't take advantage of it. In order to get revenge, we must first frighten the enemy with all kinds of horrible illusions and make him feel guilty and timid. After that, he will be weak. He'll really get revenge. Your colleagues, as well as experts, are ordinary people. They must be afraid when they face fierce ghosts for the first time. Once you're afraid, your masculinity is weak. Such a fierce ghost can take advantage of the opportunity to enter. "

Lin Qianqian took a deep breath, like a great determination, said: "you must go in, I will go with you."

Luo Jun smile, said: "good."

"When are you going?" Lin Qianqian asked.

Luo Jun said: "I have to prepare some things. In addition, you can help me find the owner of golden age bar tomorrow. Let's have a chat with him to learn more."

Lin Qianqian nodded and said, "good."

Two people negotiated, and then Luo Jun pay, and then out of the bar.

Luo Jun got on Lin Qianqian's car. He wanted to send Lin Qianqian home first. It's a virtue to send a lady home.

Driving by Lin Qianqian, the car drove out. Lin Qianqian couldn't help saying, "why do you have to be a golden age bar?"

Luo Jun was silent for a moment. Then he grinned and said, "when I was a child, I used to watch martial arts dramas. I often saw swordsmen pull out their swords to help me. I think it's very good. Later, I learned boxing from my master, who taught me to be upright. If I tell you that I'm actually a nosy person, do you believe it? "

Lin Qianqian outlines a good-looking smile at the corner of her mouth. Of course, she believes in Luo Jun.

She knew the story of Luo Jun, and knew that because his comrades in arms had died, she did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to protect his sister as a small security guard. She had a better understanding of Luo Jun's blood and anger, which was an unspeakable shock.

Lin Qianqian suddenly felt that she and Luo Jun were the same people, that is, she was not distorted by the secular world, and she had justice in her heart. And not afraid of people's ridicule, willing to really do something for the people around.

"What are your plans for the future?" Lin Qianqian asked again.

The window has been opened, the night wind blowing in, very cool and comfortable.

Luo Jun seems a little frustrated, he said: "there is no specific plan, open a good bar first. Then watch Yan'er get married. After making sure she's safe, I'll leave the seaside city. "

Lin Qianqian said: "don't you plan to marry Ding Han?"

Luo Jun was slightly stunned for a while. He seemed a little disconsolate. After a long time, he said, "sister Han wants a stable, romantic and happy life. I like to float around, where is not home. If we force ourselves together, it's each other's fault. "

Lin Qianqian fell into silence, she also noticed Luo Jun's character. People like Luo Jun are not suitable for families at all.

She suddenly some understand, said: "so you want to open a bar for Dinghan, also can be regarded as to give her a settlement, an account, so you can leave with peace of mind?"

Luo Jun's eyes were light, and he didn't answer.

Lin Qianqian said no more.

About twenty minutes later, Lin Qianqian arrived home. She lives in a high-class community with high security level. The neighborhood is ablaze with lights.

Lin Qianqian invited Luo Jun to sit down. Luo Jun laughed and said, "I'm still too charming. I'm afraid you'll seduce me to make mistakes."

Lin Qianqian couldn't help laughing and scolding: "you want to be beautiful, so go away quickly. I'll take the car to the police station tomorrow morning. "

Luo Jun also does not refuse, say: "OK."

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