When Luo Jun returned to the villa, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. After a night of tossing and turning, Luo Jun's face was not a bit tired, but full of spirit.

As soon as Luo Jun entered the courtyard, he saw Lin Bing drinking coffee under the sun umbrella in the courtyard.

"It looks like you had a good time last night!" Lin Bing Chao Luo Jun said with a teasing smile. Naturally, Luo Jun is not willing to talk about these affairs with her elder martial sister. It was just a happy episode!

Luo Jun came to the table, moved a chair and sat down. "We're going shopping today," he said

Lin Bing said: "I know, this is not waiting for you."

They don't know what the world is. But now, they have been lost in the mainland, and at least they have seen the world. Naturally, we know that we need to prepare more equipment so that we can be prepared.

"Blue and purple clothes back?" Luo Jun asks Lin Bing.

Lin Bing said, "I came back in the morning and asked you by the way. I don't mean to tell her that you've gone to seduce her sister. " Later, she couldn't help but smile.

Luo Jun said very seriously: "I want to correct you. I didn't seduce her sister. Her sister found me. That's not a good word to seduce you

Lin Bing said with a smile, "it doesn't make much difference anyway." She paused and said, "did she take the initiative?"

Luo Jun face some fever, said: "if I tell you, last night we talked for a while separated, do you believe it?"? We don't believe it happened. Do you believe it? "

"Letter Lin Bing said: "if I believe you, I am a pig!"

Luo Jun hit a ha ha, said: "elder martial sister, you are still a big girl, can we not talk about such an ambiguous topic? I'm afraid I'll spoil you. "

"You are the yellow flower girl, your whole family is the yellow flower girl!" Lin Bing said unhappily.

Luo Jun suddenly strange way: "elder martial sister you are not yellow flower big girl?"

Lin Bing blushes. It's rare for her to blush. She gritted her teeth and said, "of course, but don't say these words. It sounds like a curse."

Luo Jun couldn't help laughing, he said: "ah, it's really human! Before, miss, godfather, Professor, and yellow flower girl were all boastful, but now they are abusive. "

Lin Bing slanted Luo Jun one eye, simply lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Later, Fubo came out and asked Luo Jun if he wanted to prepare breakfast. Luo Jun said, "what about blue and purple clothes? Won't she get up and eat together? "

Just as he was talking, the blue and purple clothes over there had already come out wrapped in down jacket.

Her face was still so pale.

It seems that her condition is not very good.

"My sister came to see you last night?" As soon as LAN Ziyi came up, he asked Luo Jun directly.

Luo Jun's face is not red, the heart does not jump of say: "yes, looked for me."

"What do you want?" Blue purple clothes slightly suspicious asked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun said, "let me take good care of you." Although he is not afraid to be known by Lin Bing, he always thinks that Lan Ziyi is Lan Hong's sister. Let blue purple clothes know, then he is still a little guilty.

"Why didn't you come back all night? What did you do?" Blue purple dress continues to ask a way.

Luo Jun laughed and said, "are you interrogating me? What have you done? You can ask your sister! You should have some trust in your sister. "

Blue purple clothes slightly a Zheng, she said: "well, I think too much, I apologize to you!"

Lin Bing smell speech also can't help but doubt, way: "you really scatter also didn't do?"

This is the king.

Luo Jun said: "of course, I'm a gentleman, OK?"

This matter has been exposed in this way.

After that, fauber went to prepare breakfast. Lin Bing is already had breakfast, she also in the side leisurely drinking coffee, accompany Luo Jun and blue purple clothes.

After breakfast, Luo Jun and Lin Bing go to buy equipment.

Blue and purple clothes rest at home.

Luo Jun and Lin Bing naturally won't force blue and purple clothes to go, her physical condition is too bad.

Huaibei's economy is still very good. Compared with Yanjing, the prosperous area is not much worse.

The only difference is that there are many such prosperous areas in Yanjing. Huaibei City is just one or two.

Lin Bing is wearing a black T-shirt and a thin blue sports coat today. Her upper body bust is actually very plump, she is definitely a woman who makes people move.

However, Lin Bing has never been so conscious. She doesn't care much about her appearance. Most of the time, she is a big sister. I seldom feel that I am a little woman in need of love.

Even now, master Ning Tian is gone. Lin Bingcai has changed a little, but not much.

In fact, she and Luo Jun stand together and look very well matched. Although Lin Bing is four or five years older than Luo Jun, her accomplishments are profound, and time has not left any trace on her face.What's more, a woman in her twenties or thirties is still a flower.

On this day, Luo Jun and Lin Bing went to many places. After buying equipment, they went to the snack street just like ordinary lovers, and had lunch in the special restaurant.

Lin Bing is some emotion, she suddenly feel as if up to today, he just like a normal person.

Why do you say that?

Because Lin Bing always remembers the responsibility given by the master. The master is attacked on all sides in the divine realm. She has to shoulder the responsibility of the eldest martial sister. In fact, she has been living for her master, and she has no regrets. Because Shifu is the one she loves most!

Now that master Ning Tian is gone, Lin Bing begins to be herself. At 5 p.m., Luo Jun and Lin Bing go back to the villa together.

I'm leaving for the shady world in the evening.

It's a journey without a clear future. It's stressful, exciting and scary.

Lin Bing can't help but ask Luo Jun, who is driving: "Luo Jun, do you think we will meet Yue Guangchen?"

Luo Jun said: "Yue Guangchen has indeed returned to the world of the shadow with Yanluo in the tenth hall. If Yue Guangchen also knows that we have gone to the shady world, he must be restless and want to kill us. Then we may meet him. "

Lin Bing suddenly said: "if you can help me kill Yue Guangchen, I will..." Her face suddenly turned red.

Luo Jun was slightly stunned, and said: "killing Yue Guangchen is our common thing. You don't need to say more about it. It's just What do you want? " He said with a smile, "don't you want to make a commitment?"

"Make a promise to your sister Lin Bing gives Luo Jun a white look.

Luo Jun laughed and said nothing more.

Later, the two returned to the cottage.

After dinner, the sunset in the sky reflected the red clouds.

The evening wind is blowing, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

At this time, Luo Jun couldn't help asking blue purple clothes, "how do you plan to take us to the shady world?"

The whole body of blue and purple was wrapped in the down jacket. She was silent for a moment and said, "I know that at midnight, there will be ghost buses passing by in the street. Ghost bus is specially designed to capture wandering ghosts in the sunny world. My plan is that we take the opportunity to sneak into the ghost bus and then go straight to the dark world. "

When it comes to ghost bus, Luo Jun and Lin Bing have experienced it.

"We know the ghost bus, but it will be found as soon as we go up," Luo said

Blue purple clothes said: "at that time, you and I hand in hand, they can't find."

Luo Jun couldn't help but look bitter and said, "I can't do it!" He paused and said, "we dare not touch the tip of your finger. We dare to hold your hand there."

Blue purple said: "it's not like this. When the time comes, I will be able to bear the cold in my body

Luo Jun and Lin Bing look at each other and think it's almost the same.

Before, Luo Jun and Lin Bing knew that ghost buses could go to the dark world. But they also know that once they get on the ghost bus, they will be found out.

If you go in so openly, it will be a dead end.

So this road doesn't work. Now that we have the help of blue and purple clothes, it's better.

"By the way, how do you know that?" Luo Jun asks blue purple clothes curiously. He suddenly felt that there might be many things hidden in blue and purple clothes.

Blue purple clothes said: "intuition." After a pause, she looked at Luo Jun. she seemed to see through Luo Jun's mind. She said, "maybe my previous life is really different, so I always have some thoughts and intuition in my mind inexplicably. In fact, I have nothing to hide from you. I hope you don't doubt that! "

Luo Jun nodded, he said: "I believe you!"

That's how it was revealed.

After that, LAN Hong drove over. She changed into a white sportswear with her hair tied into a ponytail.

"Purple clothes!" Blue rainbow saw blue purple clothes and cried.

Luo Jun and Lin Bing are also on the side. When LAN Hong sees Luo Jun, she behaves naturally. Therefore, neither Lin Bing nor LAN Ziyi felt any abnormality. Luo Jun hides better. Women are born actors.

Blue purple clothes see blue rainbow, her eyes flashed a trace of dejected, she said: "sister, not to tell you, let you don't come."

"Will you come back?" Blue Hong said: "I listen to Luo Jun say, you may not come back." There was sadness in her eyes.

Blue purple clothes said in a deep voice: "if I can come back, no matter what, I will come back and tell you."

Blue rainbow eyes slightly red, she said: "you must be good."

Blue purple clothes nodded, she said: "I will, you don't worry about me."

Later, LAN Hong looked at Luo Jun and said, "I hope you can protect my sister."Luo Jun nodded and said, "I will."

"I'm going!" LAN Hong said no more. She turned around and left.

Blue and purple clothes didn't stop.

LAN Hong turns around and leaves. Her back looks bleak.

Blue purple clothes eyes also have not give up, but in the end, she did not say anything.

After LAN Hong left, LAN Ziyi said, "my elder sister and I grew up with my grandfather. Our parents had a car accident early. Over the years, our sisters have been dependent on each other. "

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