Lin Qian feels that Luo Qian frowns slightly at the same time. Isn't this the real estate you want to cheat Jinhai?

Nevertheless, Lin Qianqian said nothing. It's not easy for her to tear down Luo Jun's platform.

Jinhai is listening in the heart, began to calculate the real estate quickly transferred to what people.

Then Luo Jun said, "brother Jin, I know what you are thinking. You want to transfer the property to someone who doesn't know it, right? "

Jinhai was said by Luo Jun in his heart, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Luo Jun immediately said seriously: "brother Jin, I'm not happy with the cause and effect. Especially now you are really involved in the fierce ghost. Don't transfer your property in disorder. If it is transferred to someone else, that person will die because of it, and you will get worse, but the end will be more miserable. "

Jinhai began to cry and said, "what should I do? Can I just wait to die? "

It's not that Jinhai is not smart enough or smart enough. In the bar of golden age, the Ghost Legend has been his shadow for so many years. Moreover, he is a businessman, and he has not done anything insidious. So, he's not that straight.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything bad in your life, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night. However, the real fact is that even if you don't do something bad, if there is a ghost knocking at the door in the middle of the night, you will be scared to death. What's more, Jinhai has done some bad things.

Seeing that Jin Dahai was almost scared, Luo Jun said, "in fact, it's not impossible, but I don't dare to tell brother Jin."

"Come on, come on, brother Luo, please. As long as you can save my elder brother this time, I will treat you as a benefactor in the future. " Jin Dahai said busily.

Luo Jun said: "you have to transfer the real estate to a person who has a hard life. This person can bear the grudge of the fierce ghost and not die. Only in this way can you solve the difficulties." After a pause, he said, "it's hard for me to tell you all the time. It's because I want to resolve it. If you transfer the property to me, I can have a try. But you thought I was going to buy your house before. It seems that I said so much to cheat you on your house. "

Jin Dahai can't help but stay for a while. The plot reverses a little fast. He is still a little confused. Because it looks like Luo Jun is cheating on his house.

But at this time, Luo Jun said: "brother Jin, this way, in order not to let you think I'm cheating on your house. I'll buy it for you for two million. Do you think it's ok? That's the most I can get. If you want to say that I have selfishness, so do I. Because I have the heart to dissolve the ghost of golden age bar, ferry her into reincarnation. But this prerequisite must be to transfer the house to my name and let me be the cause. If I really dissolve it, then the value of the house will slowly rise, and I will make a profit. If I can't resolve it and die in the golden age bar, it's also my life. "

"Two million?" Jinhai's eyes are bright. He almost didn't think about it, and immediately said: "no problem, brother Luo, thank you very much. You are my life-saving benefactor!"

This guy thinks things very thoroughly, that is, this golden age of real estate has been smashed in the hands, is a serious trouble. He used to think that whoever offered a million yuan to buy it would sell it. Later, he wanted to give it to others. Now, Luo Jun is willing to pay two million, which is beyond his psychological expectation. Although Luo Jun said that if the fierce ghosts are eliminated, the value will rise.

But Jin Dahai's psychology is very clear. After all, this golden age is a famous ghost house. Even if it is resolved, no one dares to buy it.

If you think about it like this, Jinhai will be very happy.

After that, Luo Jun and Lin Qianqian left Jinhai's villa. Jin Dahai was very enthusiastic about the business. He said that he would go through the formalities immediately and finish it tomorrow afternoon. Luo Jun also promised to go out after the money will be transferred to the past. This business has been concluded in this way. With Lin Qianqian, Jinhai has no courage to play tricks. Moreover, Jinhai will never cheat. He is only afraid that Luo Jun will repent!

After leaving the villa, Luo Jun continued to drive. Lin Qianqian sits beside her.

Lin Qianqian couldn't understand Luo Jun at this time. She said, "Luo Jun, you talked so much to Jinhai before. It's frightening and deceiving. I thought you were going to take the White Wolf's house. But you later gave two million, you know, even if you don't say anything, as long as you are willing to give two million. Jinhai will definitely sell it. "

Luo Jun said: "the key is efficiency. Jinhai is a businessman. If I offer to buy it, this guy will think a lot and want to maximize the benefits. Bargaining, I don't know how long it will take. But I'm going to go to the golden age bar tonight to find out. I can't afford it. In this way, isn't he thankful to do it quickly? "

Lin Qianqian suddenly realized.

Luo Jun then thought of something and said, "by the way, I know Liu Jingtian. I want to call Liu Jingtian and ask him why he doesn't charge Cheng Ya's protection fee alone. At that time, Cheng Ya was not a fierce ghost! "

Lin Qianqian nodded and said, "you park the car. Let's change it. I'll drive."Luo Jun will be in accordance with the words of the car stopped at the roadside, two people get off each other to change position. After Lin Qianqian drove, Luo Jun took out his mobile phone and called Liu Jingtian.

After they exchanged greetings for a while, Luo Jun asked the subject directly.

Liu Jingtian was originally smiling. After hearing the speech, he kept silent. Then he said, "that Cheng Ya is not an ordinary person."

Luo Jun came to interest, said: "Oh, how not common law?"

Liu Jingtian said: "brother Luo, I advise you not to think about golden age bar."

Luo Jun didn't take over, but said, "brother Liu, you'd better tell me that Cheng Ya is not ordinary."

When Liu Jingtian heard the speech, he knew that it was useless to say anything. At the moment, he said, "do you know about mental power, brother Luo?"

Luo Jun said: "it's similar to hypnosis, isn't it?"

Liu Jingtian said: "yes, Cheng Ya, she has great mental strength. When I look into her eyes, I feel like I'm in hell. Such a person is no longer normal. How dare I offend him! "

Luo Jun has a certain understanding, he then casually said two words, and then hung up the phone.

"What's the situation?" Lin Qianqian asked immediately.

Luo Jun pondered for a moment, then said: "I seem to understand something."

Lin Qianqian was puzzled and said, "what do you understand?"

Luo Jun said: "this fake Cheng Ya was a powerful hypnotist. A real hypnotist, the spirit is very strong. Mental power is the brain wave. If the brain wave is strong, the soul will be strong. Cheng Ya's soul is extremely strong, so after death, he adds resentment, so he survives. Plus a treasure in golden age, she's getting more and more powerful. "

Lin Qianqian could not help frowning and said, "the more powerful she is, the worse it will be for us. How can we get in tonight, just depend on what you say, don't you fear? But even if I don't want to be afraid, at that time, if something special appears, I can't control it. "

Luo Jun said: "you must go in tonight. Don't worry. I have some preparations. Should be able to resist this fake Cheng Ya. Right and wrong, everything should be clear tonight. "

Lin Qianqian sees Luo Jun say so, in her heart is excited again, it is fear again. This feeling is contradictory to the extreme.

Then, Lin Qianqian sent Luo Jun to the rental house. It's almost noon by this time. Ding Han invites Lin Qianqian to stay for dinner. Luo Jun also said: "just stay for dinner. Today, you will have enough spirit and prepare for the war in the evening."

Lin Qianqian stayed.

Ding Han made a big lunch. She is really a virtuous woman. If a man can get a wife like this, why should he ask for it.

Unfortunately, Luo Jun is a man who can't live in peace.

After dinner, Luo Jun and Lin Qianqian went out again. This time, Luo Jun is going shopping. What he bought is nothing else, but two small gas jars and an electric ignition source. As soon as you press the switch, the electric gun will emit a flame like a blue laser.

Lin Qianqian's eyes brightened and said, "are you going to use this to deal with fierce ghosts?"

Luo Jun said, "that's right. I don't know what to say. The real charm can combine with the magnetic field and communicate with the wonderful material of the weather. It has to be a real expert to make it. There's no charm. That's the only one

Lin Qianqian said: "Yin things and fierce ghosts are afraid of masculine things. The flame from the firegun can melt through the steel at high temperature. That fierce ghost how also can't bear, Luo Jun, you are really clever. If we had thought of this before, we would not have killed so many colleagues. "

Luo Jun smiles.

With this tool, Lin Qianqian has a lot of confidence.

Later, Luo Jun took Lin Qianqian to buy an airtight raincoat and an oxygen mask.

"What do you want this for?" Asked Lin Qianqian.

Luo Jun explained: "in the golden age bar, the resentment is too heavy. Years of resentment has formed poison gas. As soon as people go in, the poison gas pours on them. They can bear it there. We use raincoats and oxygen masks just to prevent poisonous gas. "

Lin Qianqian smile, said: "science, everything you say, although mysterious, but there is a scientific basis, convincing. I don't want those mysterious experts to say something completely misty, and finally go in, they are still stupid. "

Luo Jun said with a smile: "people will not fly to the sky for no reason. Everything has its basis and logic to follow."

After buying things, Luo Jun and Lin Qianqian went back to the rental house to have a rest.

At 8 p.m., Luo Jun and Lin Qianqian set out with all their equipment.

"Why do we have to start at night, not during the day?" Lin Qianqian suddenly asked Luo Jun strangely.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, and then explained: "generally speaking, ghosts like to be seen at night. But the golden age bar is different, too much resentment. The masculinity of the day doesn't get into the bar at all. At night, when Yin Qi is strong, it can dilute the resentment. On the contrary, it is the best time. "

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