Luo Jun and his three men began to look for hot springs.

But hot springs are so easy to find, especially when you want to deliberately find something, it will become particularly difficult. All the way to find, three people do not mention how uncomfortable.

An hour later, the three found nothing.

It's normal not to find it.

Finally, Luo Jun saw a continuous outline in the distance. It looks like a mountain!

"It's like a mountain there!" Chen Ling immediately said to LAN Ziyi and Lin Bing.

Blue purple eyes suddenly flashed joy, she said: "there may be a cave, there may be hot springs in the cave."

Luo Jun touched his nose and said, "I've seen many mountains. Generally, there are few mountains with caves. And there are hot springs in the cave, which is even more unique. If we look this way, we can still find caves and hot springs. Then we can buy two color balls instead

Lin Bing said, "Hey, I don't care if there is one. Anyway, it's everywhere. Why don't you go and have a look. Maybe there's a miracle! "

Naturally, Luo Jun would not refuse. Anyway, where to look for it.

Then, the three walked towards the mountain. This walk past, just let a person thoroughly realize what is to look at a mountain to run dead horse!

I thought it was close, but it was thirty miles away. Later, Luo Jun and Lin Bing couldn't help running directly. Naturally, the blue and purple clothes were carried by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun's back is blue and purple. He has great physical strength, but he doesn't feel tired and hard. He doesn't have anything. The strength of his one punch can reach 15000 Jin. But blue and purple clothes are only more than 100. So, isn't it something for elephants to mention ants?

But blue and purple clothes are suffering.

She's in pain!

Pain from the bump, pain from the chest.

Also has the double crotch also to be painful!

People on horseback all know that when they ride for a long time, their crotches are not like themselves. Blue and purple clothes have been riding Luo Jun for a whole day. They have been running for hundreds of miles. Can you feel better?

Blue purple clothes gritted her teeth, and tears almost didn't come out. She knew that her thighs must have been skinned.

Luo Jun was totally unaware of all this.

Soon, the three finally came to the mountain.

Luo Jun put down his blue and purple clothes.

Then, the three began to search for the legendary cave.

Just a few steps out, Luo Jun saw blue purple clothes walk some not right, that posture, very awkward.

Luo Jun can't help but ask strangely: "blue purple clothes, what's the matter with you?"

Blue purple face a red, busy said: "nothing!" Fortunately, the face is already a little cat, so blush can not see.

Luo Jun said: "strange, I carry you, can you twist your feet?"

Blue purple clothes can't help being a little annoyed, she said: "if it's OK, it's OK!"

Lin Bing immediately said with a smile: "you are silly. Purple clothes are tired of riding."

Luo Jun is more strange, way: "this also does not have the horse to ride for her!" After he said that, he immediately realized that, damn, I'm not scolding myself for being a horse?

Luo Jun rolled his eyes and said, "elder martial sister, you don't swear now!"

Lin Bing smiles.

Blue and purple clothes are a little shy. After all, the injured place is a little secret!

Then, the three men went back to business.

He began to close his eyes.

Soon, Luo Jun felt a fever zone in his divine consciousness.

"The earth here is cold everywhere. How can there be hot places?" Luo Jun's heart a joy, secret way: "is it really a hot spring?"

Divine sense is like a powerful sensor, which is very sensitive to the temperature difference between cold and hot.

Luo Jun said happily: "it's really like there are hot springs, but I'm not sure. Let's go and have a look! "

Blue and purple clothes and Lin Bing are also happy.

The three followed the hot area. About ten minutes later, a canyon appeared in the middle of the mountain.

The three entered the canyon and walked inside.

Blue purple clothes can't help but wonder, said: "I never thought there would be such a big mountain here, maybe, this is our life. We can jump over this mountain and directly enter the other walls of Fengdu city. There will not be too much prevention. After entering Fengdu City, the enemy didn't expect that we had already entered. They would only look around in this wasteland. In this way, we will have too many opportunities to leave Fengdu City, and then pass through Yandu city smoothly all the way to immortal mountain! "

The words of blue purple clothes give Luo Jun and Lin Bing hope, and they are all very happy.

But soon, they were a little bit happy and sad. Because there is a long swamp ahead, which is about 30 meters long.

This length, Luo Jun and Lin Bing also can't jump past.

All of a sudden, the three men were in trouble.I'm really at a loss!

Nima's, if the river can swim through, you come to a swamp, how can people get through?

"Damn, the hot spring is 100 meters ahead." Luo Jun said angrily. After a pause, he said to Lin Bing, "elder martial sister, otherwise, I'll throw you over. Then you take off my strength in the middle and land smoothly! "

"Are you kidding?" Lin Bing said: "with the weight of my body and the length of 30 meters, you have to use real force. But if I take off your strength in the air, I will definitely fall into the swamp

Luo Jun said: "I throw you a distance of 100 meters, that's OK."

Lin Bing said: "I rely on the distance of 100 meters, how fast and how powerful that must be. I can't get rid of it. " After a pause, she said, "well, your idea is good. I'll throw it at you. Although I'm not as powerful as you, I'm sure I'll throw you out a hundred meters. "

Luo Jun hit ha ha, he also knew that this was not feasible. Just now I was just joking with Lin Bing!

At a distance of 100 meters, if you throw it out, the speed is like a shell.

So throw out, even if you can unload some strength, but in the end is not dead off into skin.

Blue purple clothes dry cough a, say: "even if you can throw each other in the past, and then throw me in the past, by already past person catch.". But what about the last one of you? Can you jump by yourself? "

If you can jump over it, it won't be nonsense. It's not a flying man!

Luo Jun and Lin Bing know that this plan is not feasible.

Luo Jun and Lin Bing look at the canyon. The two walls of the canyon are more than three meters long. Therefore, whether Luo Jun wants to cross or erect, his body length is absolutely not enough.

Now they all want to go to the hot spring. The smell on them is too bad.

Lin Bing said, "can we just jump into the swamp and float on it with the strength of Tai Chi?"

Luo Jun thought seriously, and then said: "if it is in the water, we use our toes to stir the water and balance our body, so that we can reach the level that the water is no more than the knee, so we can walk through it. But the swamp is too thick. It doesn't work at all. What's more, we are past. What about blue and purple clothes? In this case, it's impossible to hold up a person. "

"Blue purple clothes said:" swamp favorite zombies, if zombies Ding wake up, pull you down, then wait to cry

Lin Bing and Luo Jun can't help shivering when they hear this. The picture is too beautiful to see!

Blue purple clothes then ponders to say: "I pour is to have a way to be able to pass."

Luo Jun and Lin Bing immediately asked: "what method?"

"Blue purple clothes said:" you two cooperate, feet together, hands against the wall, and then slowly move in the past

Luo Jun and Lin Bing's eyes brightened, Luo Jun said: "this is the only way."

"But what do you do?" Lin Bing asked LAN Ziyi immediately.

LAN Ziyi said, "I'm between you two. I hold Lin Bing's leg. The lower part of my body is on Luo Jun's leg. My weight is not a problem for you, is it

"That's not a problem!" Luo Jun said: "however, it still needs a certain degree of tacit understanding to go so far. I don't worry about myself, mainly because my elder martial sister has never played this game. If I don't hold a balance, I'll be on the street. "

Lin Bing really wants to refute, but she has never played this kind of difficult action.

So, she thought, or choose to shut up.

Blue purple clothes said: "this is simple! You're going to try it out in a safe place. "

Luo Jun and Lin Bing did not hesitate at the moment. They soon crawled on the ground with their legs folded together. Next, put your hands on the wall. Then, the blue purple clothes went up to hold Lin Bing's legs, and her lower body was on Luo Jun's legs.

Then Luo Jun said to Lin Bing, "elder martial sister, balance your strength. I said one, move your left hand. I said two, move your right hand. Don't move the wrong hand, or you will lose your balance and fall

Lin Bing, well, with such a novel method, she still seems a little nervous. I'm not even in the mood for joking.

Now, Luo Jun began to count. Two people ascend first!

Must be far away from the swamp ground, or there are walking corpses, pull up, ha ha, that picture is too beautiful!

It's going to evolve into two top experts and die in the hands of the walking corpse.

This is called a dead coward!

After all, Luo Jun and Lin Bing were both advanced practitioners, and soon established a tacit understanding and control of balance. The two men were three meters above the ground, and then began to march towards the swamp.

So step by step forward!

Ten meters later, Luo Jun wanted to curse his mother. "Damn, it's not easy to move ten meters, but it's still in a safe area. It's a complete white shift. "

Two people continue to move forward, blue and purple clothes in the atmosphere is also dare not out!Finally, two people smooth, difficult line out of 20 meters.

It's only ten meters from the safe area ahead.

But the tragedy happened.

In front of the canyon, the two walls narrowed, only about one meter and five away.

Luo Jun and Lin Bing have a lot to say!

What's more, they carry a blue and purple suit on their back.

"Ass up pout, slowly let the distance out!" Luo Jun says helplessly to Lin Bing.

Lin Bing nodded, she said: "purple you grasp."

Blue and purple also nodded.

Then, Luo Jun began to count, and then, the two buttocks slowly pouted up.

The body of blue and purple also formed a wonderful curve.

This amazing picture is really too beautiful to see

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