Luo Jun's power of Qi and blood is very powerful. His heart is masculine and his blood is hot. He can restrain many evil spirits. When his finger was sent to Lin Qianqian's mouth, the masculine blood was immediately inhaled by Lin Qianqian subconsciously.

As soon as the blood enters Lin Qianqian's mouth, the masculine blood immediately dispels all hallucinations. The pain immediately disappeared. Lin Qianqian suddenly opened her eyes, and she immediately saw Luo Jun.

Luo Jun looks at Lin Qianqian's skin. She has goose bumps and terror lines that are rapidly disappearing. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately felt something bad. Because his blood is being sucked fast by Lin Qianqian.

Luo Jun frowned and said to Lin Qianqian, "Damn, you should be drinking milk."

Lin Qianqian woke up and blushed immediately. She stopped sucking, but as soon as she stopped, there was another black in front of her eyes, and the thousands of black beetles climbed onto her again. Lin Qianqian startled, immediately continue to suck Luo Jun's blood.

Luo Jun also saw the change of Lin Qianqian, he felt the rapid loss of blood, secretly called bad.

Lin Qianqian sucks blood very fast. Luo Jun feels that his finger is a water faucet. Now the valve is wide open, and the blood flows into Lin Qianqian's mouth quickly.

Only when the blood enters the mouth, it is closest to the brain at that time, so that the illusion can be dispelled. Once the blood entered her throat, it immediately lost its function.

What's more, the blood was flowing out for a moment, the most masculine and violent. When they come out, they come into contact with resentment and are assimilated by resentment, which will soon stop working.

In other words, even if Lin Qianqian put Luo Jun's blood in her mouth, it didn't work.

Lin Qianqian is very sober now, although she also thinks Luo Jun's blood is very hot and fishy. But she is just like an addict. She doesn't dare to leave Luo Jun's blood at all.

"Damn, Captain Lin, brother, am I going to be sucked by you today?" Luo Jun speechless said.

Lin Qianqian embarrassed, she can not speak, a pair of beautiful eyes show anxious look. Obviously, he is asking Luo Jun what to do?

Luo Jun also knows that Lin Qianqian can't be blamed. He looks into the air, but he doesn't see Bai yinshuang.

"Bai yinshuang, damn it, get out of here." Cried Luo Jun.

As soon as his words fell, Bai yinshuang appeared in front of Luo Jun. It's still that white shirt, it's still so plain cold, but if you look at it carefully, it's still a little ethereal.

"Bai yinshuang, how about this. How about you tell me who and where your enemy is, and I'll take revenge for you? " Luo Jun said.

Bai yinshuang ignored Luo Jun and said, "don't you love this woman? Why not abandon her and leave alone? "

He said: "it's not a responsibility for love. I brought captain Lin in. If I leave her here and leave alone. Where can I have a face to live in the future

Bai yinshuang sneered and said, "husband and wife are birds in the same forest. They fly separately in the face of disaster. Husband and wife still so, you say you do not love this woman, just because of a responsibility? Just because you're a man? "

Luo Jun sighed and said, "ah, I can't hide it from you even now. Yes, I am such a great man. "

Bai Yin snorted coldly and said, "I don't believe it. I don't believe there are such people in the world. Well, today, if you are really here and she sucks your blood to death, I promise you to let her out. "

After that, Bai yinshuang's body disappeared without a trace.

"Damn it Luo Jun scolded again. He looked down at Lin Qianqian, who also looked complicated.

Then, she grabbed Luo Jun's other hand and wrote on the palm of Luo Jun's hand, "don't worry about me. Let's go."

Luo Jun looks at Lin Qianqian, then tilts his head to think.

Lin Qianqian can't help but feel nervous. Her heart is contradictory. Do not want to implicate Luo Jun, but also afraid that Luo Jun really left, regardless of their own. She is not afraid of death, but afraid of Bai yinshuang, afraid of the terrible scene.

Who knows at this time, Luo Jun depressed said: "this, you specially write is sa.". What do you want to say? "

Lin Qianqian brewed for a long time and was defeated by Luo Jun's words.

No way, Lin Qianqian again in Luo Jun hand slowly write, stroke by stroke.

After writing, Luo Jun immediately said in surprise: "I wipe, do you want me to strengthen you? Do you want to experience a woman before you die? "

"Shit Lin Qianqian couldn't help his rude remarks. She opened his finger in her mouth and scolded: "you can write such a long paragraph with so many words?"

Before she finished her words, she was in the dark, and ten thousand insects continued to bite. "Ah Lin Qianqian screamed at once and got goose bumps all over her body again.

Luo Jun had no choice but to put his finger into Lin Qianqian's mouth again.

Lin Qianqian returns to Qingming again. She opens her eyes and looks at Luo Jun.

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Captain Lin, I'm joking with you. Don't get excited. Ha ha..."Lin Qianqian is really speechless, she completely convinced the Luo Jun. I'm in the mood to make a joke.

"What shall we do?" Lin Qianqian continues to write on Luo Jun's hand.

Luo Jun smell speech, said: "don't know, now we can do is wait for miracle, wait for Bai yinshuang good heart big hair!"

Lin Qianqian immediately wrote: "how can it be."

Luo Jun sighed slightly and said, "it's impossible."

Lin Qianqian wrote: "you can go by yourself. It's better to die by two than by one."

Luo Jun looked at Lin Qianqian strangely, and then said, "do you really want me to go?"

Lin Qianqian heart complex to the extreme, but she still bravely nodded. Luo Jun ha ha a smile, then said: "I'd like to go, but if I really go, I will look down on myself." After a pause, he said: "this is a game of Bai yinshuang. Now my finger is in your mouth. If she really wants to kill me, she can kill me directly with your body. So, if I want to go, I can only go alone. If I break the rules of the game and want to take you away, both will die. "

"After you go, no one will know what's going on here. No one will look down on you, and I won't blame you. " Lin Qianqian some understand Luo Jun's mind, she continued to write.

Luo Jun's mouth pulled out a trace of evil smile, and then said: "do you think I will be afraid of others looking down on me? Do I care what people think of me? "

Lin Qian Qian slightly a stay, immediately also understand. What Luo Jun has to worry about is always his own conscience.

He is a man of indomitable spirit. If he doesn't make a mistake, he won't kowtow and admit it even if his head falls off.

As time goes by, Luo Jun's blood is running away quickly. Subsequently, the flow of blood has not been enough to make Lin Qianqian sober. Luo Jun looks at Lin Qianqian more and more painful, but under, only cut a hole on the hand vein, fed Lin Qianqian's mouth.

Lin Qianqian couldn't drink so much blood. The blood remained in her mouth for a while, and finally all of it flowed out.

In the twinkling of an eye, Luo Jun and Lin Qianqian are both dripping with blood.

The blood on Luo Jun's body is passing at a terrible speed, and his face is getting paler and paler.

At the same time, Luo Jun also felt that his head began to faint, and his strength was also lost with the passing of blood. He is a master and has a strong insight into his body. Can clearly feel the condition of the body, he felt the body, the strength is gradually disappearing.

The reason why people are strong lies in blood and bone marrow.

The lack of blood, naturally weak.

What makes Luo Jun more powerful than ordinary people is that he can wash his blood and hone his bones through the big sun moon formula.

The intensity and density of his blood is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

At this point, the blood is lost and the forces of nature are weakened.

Lin Qianqian looks at Luo Jun's face more and more weak and pale. She can't help feeling sad. She wants to push Luo Jun away, but as soon as she has this idea. The feeling of ten thousand insects biting came.

Lin Qianqian clenched her teeth and pushed away Luo Jun's hand. She said with tears in her eyes, "you go quickly and don't care about me." When she spoke, her mouth was full of blood and looked very strange.

"Go, sister!" Luo Jun said: "Lao Tzu is too weak to go out. It's good for you to live when Laozi is dead. "

Lin Qianqian also wants to say anything, the illusion surged up, dense beetles, crazy biting his whole body.

Lin Qianqian's face was in a twisted state of pain. She hissed and began to grab her hands on her body. She even wanted to grab her eyes.

Lin Qian immediately sent the wound to his wrist.


The blood was quickly sucked by Lin Qianqian.

Lin Qianqian also immediately returned to the state of Qingming. "I'm sorry, Luo Jun!" Lin Qianqian wrote tearfully on Luo Jun's palm.

Luo Jun sits on the ground weakly, and Lin Qianqian leans against him. They are like lovers. "Damn, if people see our bodies, will they say that we died for love?" Luo Jun suddenly muttered.

Lin Qianqian wrote in the palm of Luo Jun: "it's not good to die with me?"

Luo Jun said: "of course not good, brother, I'm a liberalist. I've lived among thousands of flowers without touching my body. How can I die for love?"

Lin Qianqian looked at Luo Jun strangely. Originally, it was a very moving thing. But Luo Jun didn't play according to common sense.

At this time, Luo Jun felt extremely tired. He closed his eyes and wanted to go to sleep like this.

"Don't sleep, Luo Jun, don't sleep!" Lin Qianqian was startled. She could feel that Luo Jun's life was seriously lost. All along, Luo Jun has given Lin Qianqian a very strong feeling. But now, she felt that Luo Jun was extremely weak. His publicity, domineering, bohemian, all gone.

Luo Jun was shaken up by Lin Qianqian. With a faint smile, he said, "it seems that this time, I'm going to fall."Lin Qianqian's tears flowed. She suddenly clenched her teeth and no longer absorbed Luo Jun's blood. Instead, he tore the sleeve and wrapped Luo Jun's wound.

Make Lin Qianqian feel strange is, at this time, left Luo Jun's blood, but the illusion did not attack.

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