Cheng Jianhua is an absolute alien. His character is eccentric and twisted. Only at this time did he realize that Luo Jun was also an eccentric. Under such circumstances, his hatred can always make the opponent feel cold. Because Cheng Jianhua's means are really changeable.

But Luo Jun is heartless. Leng does not regard Cheng Jianhua as a dish, but Cheng Jianhua can't say that Luo Jun is ignorant and fearless.

At present, Cheng Jianhua does not dare to continue to talk to Luo Jun. He believes that Luo Jun can do anything.

"Oh, yes." Luo Jun didn't wait for Cheng Jianhua to speak. Suddenly he patted Cheng Jianhua's swollen face and said with a smile: "I especially remember you said that Fei you are Fei Buddha. Now I'm not only insulting you, I'm beating you. How do you drop it? "

It has to be said that Luo Jun is naive to report his mistakes!

What can Cheng Jianhua say at this time?

Luo Jun continued: "Fei, I don't know if you are Fei Buddha. I only know that if anyone dares to insult me, I will pay back ten times. "

Cheng Jianhua's face became more and more white, as white as a piece of paper.

Luo Jun finally finds out something is wrong with Cheng Jianhua. Cheng Jianhua is broken in the knee by Luo Jun's two shots. There has been no bandage injury, the following is a river of blood. If you go on like this, you'll have to bleed to death.

Luo Jun looked at Cheng Jianhua and said with a smile, "the grandmaster told me that you will not die before you are exhausted. I'm a little curious. How do you survive today? You can continue to procrastinate with me and see if you can't wait or I can't wait for this. "

For Cheng Jianhua, time is life.

Cheng Jianhua grits his teeth. He hates Luo Jun to the extreme. How also don't want to die like this, he still want to keep useful body revenge. So at this moment, Cheng Jianhua spoke. He said to Luo Jun, "your friend was sent to a cave on the top of the mountain by helicopter. It's safe at the moment. "

Luo Jun said: "please lead the way."

Cheng Jianhua said sadly, "do you think I can still walk?"

Luo Jun frowned. For the sake of Lin Qianqian's life, he still had to take it easy. At present, the use of Cunjin acupoint technique sealed the blood on Cheng Jianhua's legs.

As a result, his blood gradually stopped.

This Cunjin acupoint beating technique is the talent of Huajin experts. Most people and doctors don't know this move.

Luo Jun stops Cheng Jianhua's blood and carries AK on his back. Then Cheng Jianhua and Li Yang were placed under the ribs. This goods with clip chicken like, then walked out of the alchemy room.

This night is particularly quiet, alchemy room is an independent building, surrounded by bamboo forest. So the sound didn't spread.

Luo Jun asks Cheng Jianhua to guide the airport until the route is clear. Luo Jun ran out in the dark like a strong wind.

Although Li Yang was injured a lot, his cultivation was advanced and he was able to control his Qi and blood, so he was not in danger.

Luo Jun less than five minutes, unimpeded came to the airport.

After searching for a helicopter, Luo Jun takes the key to Cheng Jianhua. Then he threw the two men up and he started the helicopter.

If Luo Jun doesn't kill Li Yang now, it's not because Luo Jun is kind-hearted. It's because Li Yang is a national wanted criminal. Anyway, Lin Qianqian is a police officer. It's a great achievement for Lin Qianqian to take Li Yang back.

In the night sky, the helicopter soon flew to the top of the mountain as Cheng Jianhua said.

Luo Jun is very skilled in piloting helicopters. Searchlights illuminate the night sky.

He didn't relax in his heart, and the words of master zushi still echoed in Luo Jun's ears. He couldn't figure out what way Cheng Jianhua could escape.

Anyway, Luo Jun decided. As long as you find Lin Qianqian, you will kill Cheng Jianhua immediately, so as to avoid long dreams.

The helicopter soon arrived at the top of the mountain as Cheng Jianhua said. There are green forests and cliffs below.

Luo Jun plans to land.

At this time, the helicopter is 100 meters above the ground.

However, at this time, the helicopter's emergency light suddenly flashed wildly. The whole helicopter is in turmoil!

Luo Jun is disgraced. There is something wrong with the engine. We have to make an emergency landing!

"How can something suddenly go wrong?" It must be Cheng Jianhua who is playing tricks.

At the same time, Cheng Jianhua laughed and said, "the destiny, the green mountains will not change, the green waters will flow. One day, I'll be back. " As soon as he had finished speaking, the hatch burst open and he fell down. Falling into the endless abyss.

Cheng Jianhua's helicopter is in high tension. So I can only watch Cheng Jianhua fall.

Li Yang also wants to follow like this, but as soon as he moves, Luo Jun's helicopter has returned to normal. Luo Jun burst out and scolded: "if you move again, I'll kill you."

Li Yang is very afraid of Luo Jun, and his revolver is also taken by Luo Jun. At this time, I dare not act rashly.Luo Jun said: "dog day Cheng Jianhua, thought it would be ok if he fell down. When I find Lin Qianqian, I'll go down to him. Son of a bitch, are you afraid of the cliff when you have a helicopter

Li Yang is secretly surprised when he listens in. He also knows that Luo Jun is careless. But in fact, the mind is careful and cautious. It will never give Cheng Jianhua a chance to turn over.

If you cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, the spring wind will blow again!

Luo Jun will never lose Jingzhou carelessly.

Strange to say, after Cheng Jianhua fell down, the helicopter immediately returned to normal.

Luo Jun can't figure out why, but he also knows that Cheng Jianhua is a master of Xuanmen. It is estimated that Cheng Jianhua manipulated the magnetic field in this area and then destroyed the helicopter's engine system.

This is a very mysterious thing!

However, although Cheng Jianhua has this ability, he can't damage Luo Jun's brain. Because Luo Jun's spirit is very strong now, he can't invade.

Before in the alchemy furnace, it was the right time to choose, and the magnetic field of yin and Yang changed. With the dragon jade, the alchemy furnace and the Eight Diagrams array, the attack was successful.

Now without that condition, Cheng Jianhua can only look at the ocean and sigh.

The helicopter landed smoothly in a clearing. Then Li Yang pointed the way. Soon, Luo Jun took Li Yang to the cave.

The cave was dark and dry. Luo Jun had a searchlight in his hand.

Searchlight into the cave, Luo Jun immediately saw the top of the cave, where there is a hammock. Lin Qianqian is in the hammock.

She was in a trance. Hands and feet are tied.

This hammock is in the air, even if the beast comes, it can't hurt Lin Qianqian. I have to say that Cheng Jianhua is very considerate.

Luo Jun can feel that Lin Qianqian still breathes. Although his breathing is a little irregular, it's all caused by a blow from long Xuan.

Luo Jun fired directly to break the rope of the hammock.

In an instant, Lin Qianqian fell down. Luo Jun quickly steps up and uses Taiji soft strength to hold Lin Qianqian firmly.

Lin Qianqian is still in a coma, her face is not very good, very white.

Luo Jun will Lin Qianqian lying on the ground, he first diagnosed Lin Qianqian's pulse. Feel Lin Qianqian's overall physical condition through her pulse.

Although Luo Jun is not a doctor, but as a master. He knows more about the human body than a doctor.

This pulse, Luo Jun will feel Lin Qianqian's internal injury some serious. If not treated in time, there will be life-threatening.

Luo Jun's face is not good-looking, he knows that if his eyes down to send Lin Qianqian into the hospital. Then there's no time to find Cheng Jianhua.

Is this the way of heaven? Luo Jun takes a deep breath, Cheng Jianhua can kill again, but Lin Qianqian's life can't be delayed. At present, Luo Jun holds Lin Qianqian on the helicopter. Later, he turned around and clipped Li Yang into the helicopter.

Li Yang's legs were interrupted, and he had already broken his desire to escape.

Luo Jun then started the helicopter and flew to Kunming, Yunnan.

As for why Lin Qianqian has been in a coma, Luo Jun is also a little strange. He felt as if he had been instructed by Cheng Jianhua in Lin Qianqian's brain.

So now, Luo Jun can't make Lin Qianding wake up.

But this is not what Luo Jun is most worried about, as long as Lin Qianqian's internal injury is cured. He can take Lin Qianqian to find Bai yinshuang. Bai yinshuang must have a way to wake up Lin Qianqian.

It's very fast to fly a helicopter. In only half an hour, Luo Jun came to the sky over Kunming. The helicopter has its own route and various documents, so it is a legal flight.

Luo Jun landed on the roof of a hilltop hotel.

In the first floor lobby of the Hilton Hotel, doctors' stretchers are ready and ambulances are coming.

This is Luo Jun early made an emergency call with Li Yang's mobile phone, and explained Lin Qianqian's identity.

Although the other hospital does not know whether Lin Qianqian's identity is true or false, it also knows that it would rather believe in the wrong than delay.

What's more, the other side still said that they came by helicopter.

If you can fly a helicopter, your identity will not be bad!

An hour later, Lin Qianqian had received emergency treatment in the hospital.

Luo Jun asked Li Yang to go to the hospital for treatment by the way.

At the same time, due to Li Yang's gunshot wound, and Luo Jun's shocking helicopter. This incident also alarmed the police in Kunming overnight.

After the police arrived at the hospital, Luo Jun showed Lin Qianqian's police certificate, and then said Li Yang's identity.

This incident immediately alarmed the high level.

Li Yang is a wanted criminal of state secrets!

Luo Jun in the account, but it is Lin Qianqian desperate, the first to arrest Li Yang. Anyway, all the credit goes to Lin Qianqian.

As a result, Lin Qianqian made a great contribution in her muddleheaded neutrality.

Lin Qianqian's identity seems to be a team leader, but her parents have too much relationship. In the morning of the next day, Lin Qianqian's father and his secretary came by private plane. Lin's father breathed a sigh of relief after he was sure that her life was not in danger.However, Lin Qianqian never woke up.

The busy night finally passed. At 9 a.m. the next day, in front of the balcony of Kunming hospital.

The morning light shines on the flowers and plants in front of the balcony, brilliant and beautiful.

Lin Qianqian's father, Lin Rong, calls Luo Jun over to talk.

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