Good morning, Professor Oak."

Dr. Oak:"Good morning, Xiaozhi"

Xiaozhi:"Dr. Oak, how was yesterday's investigation?"

Dr. Oak:"When I went there, Team Rocket had already left."

Xiaozhi:"Is that so?"

Professor Oak:"But I have already reported it to the Pokémon League, so I'll leave it to the League from now on."

Xiaozhi:"Oh, by the way, Professor, do you know the power of wave?"

Professor Oak:" Wave is a kind of spiritual energy, described as the spirit of every living thing. Some people can feel the wave and have the power to control it. These people are called wave messengers. They roam around to do good deeds and pass on their professional moves to those who can use the wave."

Xiaozhi:"So, do you know where the Wave Messenger is?"

Professor Oak:"Well, let me think about it... By the way, there are facilities dedicated to the study of Wave in the Sinnoh region, and some people say that the descendants of the Wave Hero are in the Sinnoh region."

Xiaozhi:"The Sinnoh region?…"

Professor Oak:"Xiaozhi, you are not planning anything, are you?"

Xiaozhi:"Well, I want to learn how to control the power of waveguide"

Dr. Oak:"Learn to control the waveguide, you won't…"

Xiaozhi:"Yes, now that I think about it, I can understand what Pokémon say, it should be because I have the power of wave in my body."

Dr. Oak:"I see, it is indeed possible, but will your mother agree? Besides, you are still young and don't have the ability to take care of yourself."

Xiaozhi:"Well... In that case, Professor Oak, can you help me find a trainer in the Sinnoh region who is willing to take me on a trip?"

Professor Oak:"You're so brave to ask."

Professor Oak looked at Xiaozhi's determined eyes.

Professor Oak:"Okay, I will help you find it. There happens to be someone you know in the Sinnoh region. I think she will agree. With her care, your mother and I will feel more at ease."

Xiaozhi:"An acquaintance? Who is she? Is she very strong?"

Professor Oak:"Although she has only been traveling for two years, I can assure you that she is very strong. Let her stay with you, not only can she protect your safety, but also can be your guide. As for who she is, you will know when you arrive. Then, you two can have a good chat."

Xiaozhi:"Hmm? Then when is the best time for me to leave?"

Professor Oak:"Let's leave tomorrow. I also need to contact that trainer and discuss where to meet up. And Xiaozhi, you also need to go back and explain the situation to your mother and pack your luggage, right?"

Xiaozhi:"That's right, Professor Oak, I'll come see you tomorrow."

Dr. Oak:"Okay, don't worry, I will arrange everything, go back quickly"

Xiaozhi:"Well, I'm going back now. See you tomorrow, Professor Oak."


Professor Oak:"See you tomorrow""

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