"Oh, what's the matter? I'm leaving now. I say you're really angry with me?"

An Xiaoxiao called Qin Yu.

As a result, Qin Yu didn't even have a meeting. He turned and left directly.

Seeing an Xiaoxiao, he was sweating.

Well, well, I'm really my brother.

Wiping the sweat on her forehead, an Xiaoxiao glanced at Qin Huai and Qin Zheng and said awkwardly, "Oh, well... I wanted to have a good chat with Qin Yu last night. As a result, I didn't say much. She has been... Always..."

After looking at the little old man, an Xiaoxiao hurriedly opened his mouth again.

"I... I know the little old man is my reason. I shouldn't be angry about what you say about me. But you also know that pregnant women are really bad tempered, so... I accidentally... Fell a stone on Qin Yu's makeup table."

"Stone?" Qin Huai and Qin Zheng wring their eyebrows.

I don't understand. It's just a stone. How can Qin Yu be so angry.

Luo Kefan sighed helplessly behind.

"The stone Xiaoxiao said is jade. And the jade in Xiaoyu's room is a token of love when the teacher and Shiniang got married. Xiaoyu cried for a long time before he took it back from the teacher."

An Xiaoxiao smiled awkwardly, "well, I don't know it's so precious, but I also looked at it. It's not a particularly good material. I'll get another one later!"

Qin Huai looked at an Xiaoxiao in tears and laughter, "Miss Xiaoxiao, we really can't help you with this. The stone material is not very good, but it was carved by my father and given to my mother. It's the first stone he gambled in his life. Xiaoyu has been thinking about the stone since he can remember. He took it into his own hands at the age of 18. It's more precious than anything. We're afraid there's nothing we can do."

They won't be angry with an Xiaoxiao.

It can also be said that it is unnecessary. Anyway, Qin Yu is alone. Already let an Xiaoxiao know what is powerful and what is difficult.

It is not an Xiaoxiao's responsibility to make Qin Zeyu like this. Qin Yu is reluctant to blame an Xiaoxiao, or say something bad.

Now I'm so angry that I don't want to see an Xiaoxiao. That's really big!

No way, no way, it depends!

It depends on what Qin Yu and an Xiaoxiao say.

The three men looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

And the little old man who had already smelled the fragrance of rice looked at an Xiaoxiao.

Like I can't wait to eat.

An Xiaoxiao hesitated and shook the lunch box at the little old man.

"Little old man, let's discuss something. Let's carve something!"

The other three people were even more helpless.

Xiao Xiao is also very helpless......

Although angry, I still have to say what I should say.

While the little old man was sleeping, an Xiaoxiao asked Luo Kefan to find Qin Yu's brother and sister.

Although Qin Yu was still unhappy, it had something to do with Shao Jiyun, so he didn't say anything else.

But after the past, he didn't look at an Xiaoxiao at all.

It's like it's really a big thing.

An Xiaoxiao sighed and didn't intend to say anything more?

"Qin Yu, I know you're unhappy, but now we're together to discuss things. It's also partly because of you. Even if you're angry, you can't be angry until it's solved."

Qin Yu was not happy at all. Now he is even more unhappy to hear an Xiaoxiao say so.

Gritting his teeth and staring at an Xiaoxiao for a long time. Finally, he spit out a word angrily.


The gnashing of teeth looks like two people really broke up with each other.

An Xiaoxiao looked at Luo Kefan helplessly.

Luo Kefan said that he had no way.

An Xiaoxiao sighed and could only say that he had to be prepared.

"In fact, I agree with what brother Qinhuai said yesterday. Although we don't know what Shao Chenggang is like now, if we have his handle in our hands, we can turn passivity into initiative. It's better to be able to speak in front of Shao Chenggang than to do nothing now."

An Xiaoxiao said and looked at Qin Zheng. "Brother Qin Zheng, I know you mean that you are afraid of us causing trouble or frightening the snake. However, you said, if we don't take the initiative now, are we really waiting to marry Qin Yu? What about brother fan?"

Qin Yu, whose expression was a little loose, heard an Xiaoxiao's back sentence, and his face was a little more ugly.

"Even if I don't marry Chad, what does it have to do with ROC fan? I've been rejected by him so many times. Why, do you want to do it again and let me experience what is a miserable world?" Qin Yu opened his mouth unhappily.

An Xiaoxiao was helpless, "I didn't mean that."

"You don't have to say. Anyway, I don't agree with what you just said. I listen to my big brother. My big brother says no, then No."

"In fact, it's not impossible..." Qin Zheng didn't expect Qin Yu to let go so easily. He immediately panicked.

After all, the center of this matter is Qin Yu. If Qin Yu really doesn't want anything, I'm afraid there's no way.

"Big brother..." Qin Yu frowned and looked at Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng hurriedly agreed.

"Yes, it really doesn't work." Qin Zheng is in line with Qin Yu.

"Qin Yu is totally angry now. Brother Qin Zheng, you are still making trouble with him. You can't follow Qin Yu to get old. It's unfair." An Xiaoxiao looked unhappy.

Qin Zheng frowned slightly, "Xiao Xiao, it's not that I'm unfair, but that I don't want to. I told you last night that it doesn't work. Why don't you listen..."

"It's not that I don't listen, but what you say is impractical. Anyway, this matter must listen to me." An Xiaoxiao interrupted Qin Zheng and said with the same order.

For a moment, the whole room was silent. Everyone looked at an Xiaoxiao and couldn't say a word.

An Xiaoxiao is also a little embarrassed.

Originally, I didn't mean anything, but I was a little excited, so my voice was louder.

But when I said it, it seemed that I was yelling at people here on purpose.

But what has been said can never be taken back.

Just about to speak again, Qin Yu suddenly came to an Xiaoxiao with a cold face.

"When do I have to listen to you? You have to decide."

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