Shao Jiyun paused and followed an Xiaoxiao into an Xiaoxiao's bedroom.

An Xiaoxiao is not happy, but she knows it's Shao Jiyun.

Seeing Shao Jiyun coming in, he immediately began to talk.

"Aunt Yun, look what these people are like. Zhan lengrui dares to treat me like this as soon as he leaves. Can I still steal something from them? I don't know what I want to do?"

Shao Jiyun specially left a gap in the door and comforted an Xiaoxiao who rushed over.

"Well, everyone is also worried about you. You should know what you are going to do. In case of any negligence, it will be a big problem." Shao Jiyun patted an Xiaoxiao on the back.

An Xiaoxiao curled his mouth and looked unreasonable. Although he was unhappy, he didn't fool around anymore.

Shao Jiyun comforted for a long time. An Xiaoxiao felt more comfortable.

"Then I'll change my clothes and cook later. Aunt Yun, come and help me see if that dress is better."

An Xiaoxiao said, loosening Shao Jiyun and walking to the wardrobe, revealing a cabinet full of clothes.

Some of these clothes were prepared by those people in advance, some were prepared by Zhan lengrui for an Xiaoxiao after he came, and some were brought by aurora for an Xiaoxiao.

Hearing that an Xiaoxiao wanted to change clothes, Shao Jiyun closed the door and walked towards an Xiaoxiao.

When the door closed, an Xiaoxiao immediately took out his clothes, and more than a dozen clothes moved back and forth on his body. He said he would take off his clothes and change them.

Just about to move, I remembered that there were curtains. I quickly closed the curtains and came back.

Make sure nothing is missing. An Xiaoxiao is relieved. He holds Shao Jiyun and asks her to sit down on the next stool.

Zhan lengrui has a penchant for cleanliness and doesn't like others touching his things. If Shao Jiyun sits in bed, he won't have to sleep tonight.

"Aunt Yun, what did Shao Chenggang say to you to let you come over. Time is pressing, and we two must finish quickly."

Time is short, but fortunately, an Xiaoxiao can "do" it. After a long time, those people are afraid to be suspicious.

With that, an Xiaoxiao kept taking out the clothes in the wardrobe and throwing them on the bed.

Soon a lot was thrown away.

"Shao Chenggang's ambition is too big now, Xiao Xiao. You must tell Mr. Zhan that you must be careful. Some time ago, I heard him say what to design with a person in his study. I didn't quite understand, but I was really worried when I saw you. Xiao Xiao, do you think he wanted to do something about this visit to rice?"

If it's this, it's really terrible.

If there is any problem in visiting rice, it can basically cause another world war.

"No, what Shao Chenggang wants is just power and wealth. Now he basically has both. The only thing he fears is that the previous things have been revealed. He won over Chad's father is to want someone who can protect himself. I guess he really can't wait to talk to Zhan lengrui. He should want to pull Zhan lengrui to do something with him."

Zhan lengrui is the one who has been tracking down Heiying. Now Heiying is at a dead end. Even if he still has power, he can't be like before.

In addition, Zhan lengrui has a special right to track down Heiying.

So Zhan lengrui is the only one who can check Shao Chenggang.

He must be worried.

"That's even worse. How could people like Mr. Zhan allow him to do so. If he told Mr. Zhan that if he didn't agree, he would definitely be controlled by Shao Chenggang, but if he was forced to agree, he wouldn't be on the United Front with him. You can't get rid of it at that time."

Shao Jiyun immediately panicked, "it's all my fault. If it weren't for me and Xiaoyu, it wouldn't involve you."

"Aunt Yun, what are you talking about? It's my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be involved here. Besides, if you don't believe me, you should have confidence in Zhan lengrui. That's Zhan lengrui. If this matter can't be solved, it's not him. As long as Zhan lengrui's identity remains unchanged, Shao Chenggang doesn't dare even if he wants to do it. Take it easy. It'll be all right. "

An Xiaoxiao speaks, and Shao Jiyun is in danger.

I just don't know how many people Shao Chenggang has controlled now. They are not familiar with here, so they don't know the situation at all. "Aunt Yun, shaochenggang asked you to be with me. It's definitely not aimless. What did he say to you?"

"No, although he told me to come with you, he didn't tell me what to do. In order not to make her suspicious, I promised him to listen to him. As long as he said that Xiaoyu and Chad's engagement would be dissolved." Shao Jiyun shook his head in a panic.

She is not as calm as the little girl in front of her.

"It's all right. You're right. Shao Chenggang definitely has an idea, but he doesn't say anything to you..." An Xiaoxiao frowned and walked around in place. "By the way, if you follow me, he has reason to get close to me. At the same time, he is quite close to Zhan lengrui. In addition, these days, he may already think I have no brain. At that time, as long as he says it, you can match it again. Even if he can't move Zhan lengrui, there will be mine."

He thought of the long term, and he had already thought of the next step.

But he really underestimated himself.

"Depending on the situation, aunt Yun, I think I'm going to annoy you these two days."

"Xiao Xiao, I don't have an idea in my heart. Just do what you want to do. I'll listen to what you say." This is the only thing she can do now.

An Xiaoxiao held Shao Jiyun's hand, "aunt Yun, believe me, I will never let Shao Chenggang succeed."


An Xiaoxiao casually chose a dress and matched it with an apron, and turned to look at the amazing beauty in Shao Jiyun's eyes.

Look at the wardrobe that has almost been emptied by yourself. Then he opened the door and came out of it.

An Xiaoxiao came to the man who had just followed him.

Seeing the astonishment in the man's eyes and the arrogance on his face, "have you bought anything back?"

"Madam Zhan, I've bought it back. Just say what you need."

"No, I'll do it myself. But I just messed up the wardrobe in order to choose clothes. Please find some people to help me tidy up."

For how many people?

The man was stunned and looked strangely at an Xiaoxiao's room.

After seeing the messy room, I finally understood why I needed several people.

No wonder Mr. Zhan found her clothes the other day. i see!

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