Kevin suddenly reacts. It seems that Zhan lengrui found out what he just thought.

He was just thinking about how Zhan lengrui found him.

Is it difficult for Zhan lengrui to have a golden eye.

I really don't know what the problem is.

Kevin came forward and directly blocked Bello's way, for fear that Bello would suddenly chase out to find Zhan lengrui, "secretary general, you have to help me with this. I'm so old to be in this position. In case of any mistakes in this matter, I really can't be saved. I beg you, you must help me."

"Help you?" Bello's eyes are cold and cruel. "I want to help you, but what I provoke is Zhan lengrui. This time I can't control it. How can you let me help you? Can I still fight Zhan lengrui?"

"Not against, absolutely not." Bello didn't leave immediately, which means he still has a chance. Where can he miss this opportunity? As long as Bello helps, he still has a chance to stay.

"Kevin, you know better than me who's in charge of you. Instead of looking for him, you come to me. If that person knows I'm talking for you, he doesn't know what business there will be between us. Do you think it's appropriate?" Bello spoke slowly.

"No, No." Kevin grits his teeth. At this time, where can he care about others? As long as this matter is solved, what's the situation over Shao Chenggang.

What's more, Shao Chenggang should have helped himself in this matter, but until now, he didn't even have a word.

How can I accept it.

"Bello, I don't say anything. As long as you help me solve this matter, I promise I will repay you if I need anything in the future. Although I'm not very pleasant, I can definitely do what I say."

This is the best Kevin can do.

Bello shook his head. "It's no use, Mr. Kevin. I'll help you with this. It's just a few words. In return, you just need to say a few words, but it may be a little..."

Bello hesitated for a moment, smiled and said a faint word to Kevin.

Kevin turned pale.

"Bello, you..." Kevin gritted his teeth. After all, he didn't dare say anything. "You're taking advantage of the fire!"

"Where is robbing while the fire is burning? It's just taking what you need. Kevin, I've said the terms. Whether you promise or not is your problem. Just remember clearly. If you promise me and can't do it, I still have countless ways to kill you. As for Shao Chenggang, you should understand that you will be abandoned at any time Individual. "

"Bello, you..."

Kevin frowned, but he couldn't speak again after all. For himself, these two, of course, are the more important thing in front of him.

"I promise you."

Bello chuckled, his face knowing so.

"OK, just wait here. Zhan lengrui will never have any opinion on you. Oh, by the way, if you really want to show something in front of Zhan lengrui, you might as well show it in front of the person Zhan lengrui brought, but you still have to think clearly between the choices. Who can really bring benefits to you and who is your real... 。。。 Friends! "

Leave a word and Bello leaves the control room.

Kevin was overwhelmed.

The man brought back by Zhan lengrui doesn't mean an Xiaoxiao?

But she doesn't look like an Xiaoxiao who has something powerful.

Does he think too much? An Xiaoxiao is just a little woman who can only act like a spoiled fool and act smart.

Thinking, Kevin sighed again.

Now in this case, I'm afraid I can only start from an Xiaoxiao.

If you please an Xiaoxiao and let her help you say a few good words in front of Zhan lengrui, it should not be difficult.

Just what Bello just said, he really should think about it.

And Zhan lengrui, if he really goes on like what he says now, he may really......

"Mr. Zhan, Mr. Zhan... Don't be angry. There's nothing to discuss. Kevin just came to modernise you. He won't be involved in this visit to rice. If you are so angry, it won't delay the major events of the two countries and it won't pay off at that time."

Shao Chenggang catches up with Zhan lengrui and blocks him in front of him, forcing Zhan lengrui to stop.

Zhan lengrui frowned and his face was cold. "What do you mean, Mr. Kevin Shao? I'm very satisfied with Mr. Kevin's reception. I was angry just because you made mistakes in your work. I don't have any other ideas. Now you're like this, but I think I'm... Bullying others."

"No, no, where is this? Anyway, Xiaoxiao should call me uncle. Even if there is nothing else, I know you will see Xiaoxiao..."

"Mr. Shao means that Xiaoxiao will affect my judgment. Or do you think I will be selfish?" Zhan lengrui opened his mouth and was aggressive. There was no meaning of forbearance in his tone.

"Favoritism? Where is this? How could I have such an idea? It's just that I think it's really an accident under this situation today. Bello has always been a very serious person. Although the lighting problem looks insignificant on the surface, I understand the big problem. Don't worry, I promise I will properly solve this matter and give you a satisfactory answer at that time The answer. "

Shao Chenggang spoke quickly.

This Zhan lengrui, why is it so difficult? Has his mouth become powerful after a few days of rest?

Ann Xiaoxiao is also true. She really overestimates her power. I thought Zhan lengrui was really fascinated by him.

"Mr. Shao, I know you have a good relationship with Xiaoxiao in private, but business and private affairs are separated, and Xiaoxiao has never been involved in my private affairs. I will think more about what you said today, but I think you should also pay more attention to today's problem. If you don't do a good job in small details, how can you handle big things?"

Zhan lengrui's face was arrogant and his eyes were cold.

It seems that Shao Chenggang is not in the eye at all.

After receiving so many people and so many things, it's the first time I haven't been paid attention to.

This Zhan lengrui is a little arrogant.

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