This is

An Xiaoxiao's heart jumped, but he suddenly understood what was going on.

Sure enough, as I imagined, this man......

Carefully put away the things in the palm of his hand. An Xiaoxiao watched Lou Zhonghua eat without changing his face.

Lou Zhonghua, this man's name is also interesting.

However, in this case, I don't know if it is true Zhonghua!

An Xiaoxiao doesn't know the details, but as for what visit to rice, it's just Zhan lengrui's temporary call.

The reason why they will appear here at this time is that Zhan lengrui has replaced the originally scheduled candidate.

Although an Xiaoxiao didn't know what was specifically said there, when Zhan lengrui said to come instead of the man, those people obviously breathed a sigh of relief and were very happy.

Zhan lengrui's main task now is the problem of Heiying.

Moreover, in Zhan lengrui himself, if nothing important happened, he would not come forward.

However, this matter not only made Zhan lengrui appear, but also like that.

It's definitely not easy.

After the man had dinner, an Xiaoxiao took the note and went straight back to the room, saying he wanted to have a rest.

Shao Jiyun commanded the others to pack their things......

Back in the room, an Xiaoxiao immediately took out what Lou Zhonghua had given him.

Sure enough, it was a piece of paper, but he was also powerful. Such a large piece of paper was folded into such a small piece.

An Xiaoxiao opened it and it turned out to be......

No wonder there will be a visit to rice all of a sudden. No wonder it must be Zhan lengrui.

However, they are powerful. When they see the danger, they directly push it to Zhan lengrui.

An Xiaoxiao sneered, his heart full of discomfort.

Or really because of pregnancy, I lay down for a while and actually fell asleep.

When he wakes up again, Zhan lengrui just opens the door and comes back.

Seeing Zhan lengrui, an Xiaoxiao only felt that his heart was full of dependence.

He stretched out two hands to Zhan lengrui and looked wronged.

"What's the matter?" An Xiaoxiao seldom looks like this. Suddenly, Zhan lengrui really thinks something has happened.

An Xiaoxiao shook his head and buried himself in Zhan lengrui's arms.

The light smell of wine on the man is mixed with the clear breath on him, which makes people only feel intoxicated.

"Zhan lengrui, I don't want you to look like this. You always rush to the front. In case... I'm afraid..."

An Xiaoxiao didn't say it and didn't want to have that possibility, but Zhan lengrui is like this now, an Xiaoxiao has to worry.

Even if it is one in ten thousand, an Xiaoxiao doesn't want to have it.

Zhan lengrui frowned.

An Xiaoxiao's attitude came suddenly. She never had any ideas about his work.

As a soldier, he naturally takes the lead, runs at the forefront of everything and devotes himself to the people.

However, in addition to everyone, he still has a small home to protect. Even compared with everyone, he cares more about his small home.

An Xiaoxiao is Zhan lengrui's greatest concern and sustenance.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. This visit to rice was originally an excuse. What I really need to do is delay time. My task is to stand up when there is real danger. As for now, these are just small things. You forget, our original purpose is not this thing, but to complete it by chance."

"Don't lie to me. If something happens to Shao Chenggang, they won't succeed. This rice visit will be directly over. The two things are the same result. Don't think I don't know."

It is absolutely impossible to visit rice, so Zhan lengrui needs to find a sufficient reason or excuse to really solve this problem.

But no matter what kind of reason or excuse, it means that Zhan lengrui may become the focus of others.

Even if ordinary people don't dare to fight lengrui, an Xiaoxiao is not at ease!

In an Xiaoxiao's eyes, Zhan lengrui can't have the slightest danger.

"I didn't lie to you. This matter was originally in calculation. The matter of Heiying involves too much. My main task is Heiying. The others are not in my responsibility. Even if they are really targeted, it can only be Heiying, not me."

"Zhan lengrui, you're still lying to me." An Xiaoxiao pushes Leng Rui into battle, tears in his eyes.

But try not to let tears fall.

Tearful eyes, full of grievances and forbearance.

"Zhan lengrui, I already know. Can't you just tell me the truth?" An Xiaoxiao took out the note and handed it to Zhan lengrui, "you said you wouldn't lie to me again, but why is it like this now."

Zhan lengrui suspiciously takes the paper handed over by an Xiaoxiao.

The paper was full of questions about this incident.

Zhan lengrui just came here temporarily, and this visit to rice is absolutely impossible, even all the results that will happen after the visit to rice is impossible.

Everything above is clear except things related to Shao Chenggang.

Zhan lengrui saw the paper and immediately understood what was going on.

"Did Lou Zhonghua give you this paper?"

An Xiaoxiao nods. It seems that Lou Zhonghua is really arranged here by Zhan lengrui.

"Lou Zhonghua is not my person. He is the spy arranged by the person who was supposed to come here. As for the specific situation of Lou Zhonghua, I haven't figured out yet, so it's impossible to tell him about Shao Chenggang. All the possibilities are written on this paper, but don't you find out that there is no Shao Chenggang?" Zhan lengrui sat down and faced an Xiaoxiao, "look at me. I used to follow what was on this paper. After looking at the venue and design today, I should have parted unhappily. However, due to the existence of Shao Chenggang, this dinner that should not have appeared, and I was very happy to eat."

Zhan lengrui really had dinner with Chad's father. Doesn't that prove that the visit to rice has been going on for less than half.

Next, as long as you prepare in Kyoto, you can start directly?

"Zhan lengrui, you..."

"Don't worry, I know what I want to do and what I should do."

Zhan lengrui holds an Xiaoxiao in his arms.

"I didn't say that the existence of Shao Chenggang is all variables. The rice visit is absolutely impossible, but there are many reasons. If it appears in Shao Chenggang, it can completely evolve into their problem. Don't forget whose son Shao Chenggang wants Qin Yu to marry."

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