"Xiaoxiao, do you mean this man is a hundred generations?" Xuan ange's face was pale and her voice even trembled.

An Xiaoxiao looked naive, "what a hundred generations, why do I want a hundred generations of people."

Xuan ange was stunned again. "Didn't you say this person was sponsored and recommended?"

"You don't think I'm talking about sponsorship. How is it possible?" An Xiaoxiao looked surprised. "Although he didn't come, he asked someone to come, but it was agreed that he had nothing to do with Baishi in his own name. I am xingmang's agent, Luo Ziang is in xingmang, and you are qunyinghui, so I naturally can't give him this role."

Seeing that Xuan ange's face eased a little, an Xiaoxiao pretended to see nothing. "Sister Ango, why are you so stupid? You think of people outside. You don't find such top talents in your family."

"At home?" Xuan'an song is even more unclear. "Are you talking about qunyinghui?"

If it is Baishi, Ji Huahui can see it at a glance. When Xuan ange thinks about it, he can still think of several people, but qunyinghui?

Xuan ange thought about it carefully. There is no special character that makes people obviously feel suitable for Ying Meiman.

"Yes, is there anything else? Don't forget that uncle an is also one of our sponsors." An Xiaoxiao is filming. An Qingshan thinks about the Bai family and Luo family behind her. With the participation of Xuan An Ge, how can she not make some efforts.

Besides, although an Qingshan has invested a lot in qunyinghui, he has also made a lot of profits. Coupled with Xuan ange's affirmation of the film, an Qingshan will certainly not miss it.

However, if it is an Qingshan, Xuan ange really can't think of anyone more suitable for the role of Ying Meiman.

Seeing Xuan ange can't guess, an Xiaoxiao smiles mysteriously. "Sister Ango, what about you? Think slowly here. I think ah, I'd better go and see our artists. If I don't go again, I'm worried about whether there will be a problem."

Say. An Xiaoxiao pointed to the person who was already taking photos nearby.

Xuan ange smiled and handed the script to an Xiaoxiao. "Here, as if we were here to discuss the script."

An Xiaoxiao didn't refuse and left with the script.

Looking at an Xiaoxiao's back, Xuan ange lowered her eyes and covered up the complexity in her eyes with long eyelashes,

However, is there such a person in qunyinghui that Ji Huahui can see at a glance? When Ji Huahui saw her, although he praised her in many ways, he still auditioned. Who in the end has such great ability?

It seems that she should pay more attention.

And that man

When an Xiaoxiao went in, Yu Jialiang was blocking the script in his face and leaning back on his chair. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"What? Can't act?" An Xiaoxiao came to Yu Jialiang, jumped, sat on the table and looked at Yu Jialiang opposite.

Yu Jialiang moved, but he didn't speak, and his posture didn't change.

Without a response, an Xiaoxiao directly reached out and patted Yu Jialiang in the face.

Yu Jialiang was beaten. Although it hurt, at least there was a script on it. The force was even, but it didn't matter.

Seeing that he still didn't move, an Xiaoxiao was angry.

Took the script and fell straight on it.

Yu Jialiang was suddenly beaten by an Xiaoxiao and quickly stood up.

"What are you doing?" Yu Jialiang rubbed his face.

Other people's agents who don't take care of their artists' faces, she is good. If there were any fake ingredients in his face, it would be over today.

"I'm testing whether your face is fake. The result is not. Congratulations on passing." An Xiaoxiao had no intention of repentance.

Yu Jialiang looked at her and continued to sit down. Stop talking.

An Xiaoxiao pie mouth, up is a foot.

"You're addicted to beating people, aren't you?" Yu Jialiang frowned.

His usual good temper finally reached the top today.

I was already angry. Now I am treated like this by an Xiaoxiao. How can I feel uncomfortable.

An Xiaoxiao saw that he didn't speak, slightly twisted his eyebrows, jumped directly from the table and gave another meal!

"What the hell do you want to do?" Yu Jialiang roared.

Because the sound was too loud, even the progress that was still shooting outside stopped.

The whole crew was instantly quiet.

An Xiaoxiao looked at Yu Jialiang with a cold face and suddenly hooked his lips and laughed.

Yu Jialiang was puzzled by an Xiaoxiao's smile, "what do you want to do?"

An Xiaoxiao finally laughed enough, and then he slowed down. "All right, all right, you've really had enough. Have a rest. Come on, hurry to shoot."

It was interesting to see Yu Jialiang's angry appearance for the first time.

Yu Jialiang was stunned for a moment. Then he realized that an Xiaoxiao was comforting himself and telling himself how to adjust his mood.

At the beginning of the meeting between the female Lord and the male Lord, the female Lord mistakenly thought that the male Lord was a bad man, but Yu Jialiang was really good tempered and didn't even get angry with anyone, let alone face xuan'an song.

Now that an Xiaoxiao is making such a fuss, Yu Jialiang feels as if he has really found that feeling.

Look at an Xiaoxiao, who is smiling at herself. It's clear that she's not as old as herself.

"Come on, come on, don't be here. Go out. I just yelled. I don't know what happened to you." An Xiaoxiao held back his smile. Seeing Yu Jialiang still looking at himself, an Xiaoxiao sighed. "OK, the characters I portrayed myself, of course I understand their mood. You're obviously not in a state like this."

Yu Jialiang was silent.

He really can't get into the state. Except him, including Xuan ange, he has been interviewed and auditioned by Ji Huahui. He was the only one who was completely set.

"OK, don't linger here, OK? If you are so hesitant, just stop acting. Since you promised and started shooting, tell us all with your strength that you can and you can do well." An Xiaoxiao patted Yu Jialiang on the shoulder. "I believe in my vision. I believe it from the beginning. Don't you believe me?"

Yu Jialiang looked at the seriousness in an Xiaoxiao's eyes, and people suddenly appeared in his mind.

Zhan lengrui, Bai Muyang, an Qingshan, Luo Ziang, Xuan ange, and even more people they don't know.

Yu Jialiang stared at an Xiaoxiao with burning eyes.

"An Xiaoxiao, what kind of person are you?"

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