Everyone, including Zhu Tong, was shocked.

If Chang Haomiao, the boss of Baishi, is the father who just instructed Chang Yulan, and agrees with her words about the gossip man, it's not a word to tell Luo Ziang's treatment of Zhu Congtong.

Luo Ziang has a Luo family behind him. His two uncles are even more dragon and Phoenix among people. Moreover, Luo Kefan grew up with Zhan lengrui and Bai Muyang.

What's more, he is a luminous body.

So, what is the reason why he is doing this now.

All the gossip seems to have no strength at this moment.

An Xiaoxiao lies behind the curtain. At this time, he has forgotten the existence of the camera. He is lying on the big foam board and looking at the outside situation.

She knew Luo Ziang would come back, but she didn't expect to come back in such a timely manner. She didn't have such a scene just now. It's enough to let Luo Ziang stand out alone.

But fortunately, I didn't go. If I did, I wouldn't see the scene.

Just happy for the situation outside, he felt strange next to him. An Xiaoxiao turned his head and saw Yu Jialiang with a cold face. "What's the matter with you? You're not happy yet? It's better to solve the problem now."

How can the expression on Yu Jialiang's face be described as "unhappy".

"My cabbage was eaten by pigs. Do you think I can be happy?" Chang Yulan is laughing. "I'm answering his heart."

An Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing. "The Chinese cabbage was eaten by a pig, which can be described. But if they are really together, I'm afraid they are really a little..."

It was because of Zhu Congtong's identity that the Luo family didn't want to, now

Turning his head, an Xiaoxiao looked outside.

Zhu Tong has never been a silly woman. She should know what to do.

Zhu Congtong looked at Luo Ziang with a moved face. The excitement in his eyes was definitely not pretended. Even his acting skills were not so good.

Zhu Congtong stretched out his hand and pulled Luo Ziang up. "Didn't you say there was gold under the man's knee? You said before that even if it was a proposal, you wouldn't kneel down so worthless."

Luo Ziang spoiled and smiled. "I'm not afraid you'll punish me to kneel on the washboard. Practice first."

"Hum." Zhu Shutong snorted, but the happiness on his face was about to overflow. "I won't promise you so easily."

Luo Ziang's eyes flashed a touch of darkness, but his face didn't show it. "I am, failed?"

Zhu Shutong glanced. "There's no way to cheat me home!"

Direct rejection will become popular again. Although it will also be popular now. But Luo Ziang's identity is different. It must be impossible to refuse directly, but if you don't refuse, how can it be

If he really doesn't mind anything, how can he ignore himself in the past three years.

His identity, his family, did not allow himself to be her wife.

Zhu Congtong hooked his lips and tried to make himself laugh, but in his heart, it was another kind of pain.

What a bloody story.

How did it happen to yourself.

Looking at Zhu Congtong's eyes, Luo Ziang finally understood that she was not joking.

Because of the occasion, Luo Ziang tried to suppress the violent anger in his heart and held Zhu Cistanche Tong in his arms. "OK, then wait, I really move you!"

Looking at the anger in Luo Ziang's eyes, Zhu Congtong reluctantly smiled and nodded.

"Good! Brother Zi ang!"

This is the closest time for the two people after they said they broke up, in addition to filming, but also with the element of performance

In front of the stage, Luo Ziang's performance is impeccable. Behind the scenes, all the tyrannical atmosphere is completely exposed.

As soon as the two men entered the backstage, Luo Ziang pushed Zhu Tongtong away with a look of disgust. "Don't think too much. I'm just worried about my future wife's sister because you two have trouble here."

The sister of the future wife?

Zhu Congtong remembered that Luo Ziang first called an Xiaoxiao's sister, and his face was pale.

She was afraid, and he really never took himself to heart.

"I won't think too much." Zhu Tong opened his mouth and looked very clever.

Luo Ziang frowned and his face was colder.

"Zhu Tong, don't you have anything else to say to me?" Grasping Zhu Congtong's shoulder, Luo Ziang looked angry.

Zhu Shutong smiled and shook his head. "Yes, of course! Brother Zi ang ran all the way back to rescue. Of course, we are very grateful. Wait, let sister Xiaoxiao invite you to dinner. By the way, call Xiaoxue back if you can."

Hearing Xiaoxue's name, an Xiaoxiao, who had just arrived, almost fell to the ground without one foot.

God knows where the snow is.

"OK, Hello! Zhu Congtong, really cruel!" Luo Ziang sneered and loosened Zhu Tongtong.

"Luo Ziang, what are you doing?" Following an Xiaoxiao, Yu Jialiang saw Luo Ziang's angry face, while Zhu Cistanche Tong was uncomfortable and rushed up in an instant. Fortunately, an Xiaoxiao was quick and stopped quickly. But even so. An Xiaoxiao also rushed forward several steps with Yu Jialiang.

Luo Ziang looked at Yu Jialiang disdainfully, turned and walked to an Xiaoxiao, "sister, how was my performance just now? Can you let me meet Xiao Xue for the sake of my excellent performance?"

An Xiaoxiao smiled, "OK, another day, another day! Your uncle called me and told me something. You take care of this place. I'll go out first."

With that, an Xiaoxiao left from this place of right and wrong.

Luo Ziang is really. I don't know what he's thinking.

From the beginning, she thought he was a smelly man who looked at his face. Later, she found that it was not so serious. Luo Ziang was still saved. But today, it's silly or what's going on. Yu Jialiang is his brother-in-law. Even if he didn't know before and did so many bad things, now everything is revealed. Why is he still this attitude? Is it difficult that he really has a hole in his head?

An Xiaoxiao thought, more and more confused.

However, Luo Ziang is back. Coupled with today's press conference, things will certainly turn for the better.

An Xiaoxiao looked at the hospital next to him. Should Lin Musen go again? What if they leak?

By the way, we also have to find one of the journalists who recorded the video!

Fortunately, both Zhu Congtong and Yu Jialiang inherited their mother's panda blood. Otherwise, things would really turn a corner if they went down at once.

As for the next step, looking at a black car facing him, a cold light flashed in an Xiaoxiao's eyes.

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