An Xiaoxiao was called to the office by Du Huaian early in the morning. I thought Du Huaian would take into account her identity no matter how capable she was, but unexpectedly, Du Huaian wanted to drive her away.

Du Huaian's face was livid, but it was only two days. The whole person seemed to be old for several years.

Luo Ziang next to him lowered his head, couldn't see his expression, and didn't know what he was thinking.

The pressure of public opinion is too great. Although Xia visited Yun announced to quit, the reporter still refused to let her go easily. Xia visited Yun reluctantly chose to commit suicide and is now being rescued in the hospital.

Xia visited Yun wisely all his life, but in the end he chose the stupidest way.

If she really travels abroad and turns around for two or three times, maybe the matter will subside slowly, and even everyone will think whether it is false like Yu Jialiang's scandal.

However, she did choose the most extreme way. This way not only recognized the authenticity of those photos, but also told everyone that her summer visit to Yun was really vulnerable.

An Xiaoxiao doesn't like Xia's visit to clouds. From the beginning, he is tall and arrogant, but he is like a balloon. It's useless.

It's not as good as an Ruxue. After an Ruxue hurts herself every time, even if a big thing happens, she can make herself stand up again.

This is a little more pressure. An Ruxue dares to find someone to defile her good friends. After the matter is exposed, she is still better off now.

"Miss an, I dare not dismiss you. You have a strong background. How can I afford to provoke you? However, although Yu Jialiang is the top priority trained by our company, there are so many rumors recently that he even fell in love with Chang Yulan of Baishi. However, this matter has not been reported to the company, which has seriously violated our contract, so, Yu Jialiang certainly can't stay in the company. " Du Huaian looks like I'm very reasonable, but looking at an Xiaoxiao's eyes, he has a hatred that an Xiaoxiao can clearly see.

An Xiaoxiao suddenly appreciated Du Huaian.

I always thought that Du Huai'an and Xia's visit to Yun were mutually beneficial. Not quite two people really had some true feelings in them.

At least, Du Huaian has.

"I brought Jialiang out, and I agree to love. In addition to this way, I want to ask what better way to solve the problem of gossip." An Xiaoxiao said with a cold face. "Since President Du has made it clear, I just want to ask President Du. I don't know how the company trains artists and why the company doesn't show up when artists have problems."

"Yu Jialiang should have left the company three years ago. It was because of Zhu Congtong and Luo Ziang that he didn't leave. But at that time, we had also re signed the contract. The company has the right to ignore anything about Yu Jialiang."

"President Du is telling me that you are deliberately embarrassing jialiangde?"

"It's not, but it's really hard for xingmang to stop since miss an came. Since miss an likes Yu Jialiang, it's better for miss an to pay the liquidated damages. You can find another job with Yu Jialiang."

find another job?

This is obvious.

Yu Jialiang was an artist of the company, and the contract signed in order to stay was inhuman. If he left the company, the liquidated damages paid to the company would be sky high.

For an Xiaoxiao, the money is easy to get, but Yu Jialiang will never accept it. This is a matter of his dignity.

Plus Yu Jialiang really needs money

And Du Huaian's meaning is clearly aimed at himself.

Forget it, in that case, there are no people here, but there are people there!

An Xiaoxiao got up and threw out a letter of resignation from his bag.

"Please sign Mr. Du's name. This is my resignation letter. Although it's not formal, it's still more formal to go. I hope Mr. Du can stay steady!"

An Xiaoxiao said this and got up to leave.

Luo Ziang, who had been sitting on one side without talking, finally looked up.

Looked at the resignation letter on the table, and then looked at Du Huai'an with an iron face, frowning. "Do you know what you're doing now? You're pushing yourself to death, you know?"

Du Huaian sneered, "if you really care, you should have stopped it at that time, and it won't happen now. Visiting cloud is my future wife. No matter what she did, I won't allow her dream to become like this."

"If you don't allow Xia's dream of visiting Yun to be ruined, you will ruin xingmang. Even if an Xiaoxiao can't do anything, my uncle and the bully of the Bai family won't sit idly by. Xingmang will really suffer this time. Du Huai'an, we are brothers, so I'll tell you one more thing. Go and catch an Xiaoxiao now. Things will change, otherwise..."

"A turnaround? I don't need any turnaround. We entered xingmang at the beginning and made xingmang to the current level little by little. Not everyone is afraid. I don't believe that she has such an important position in the Bai family."

It's just a relative with a different surname. Can the Bai family really use a knife or a gun for her.

As for Luo Ziang's third uncle, although Du Huaian is a little afraid, who doesn't know that the third young master of the Luo family has nothing to do and has no achievements, he doesn't believe it. He really can't dismiss a person.

Looking at Du Huaian's face, Luo Ziang shook his head.

It seems that he really doesn't know how terrible an Xiaoxiao is behind.

An Xiaoxiao came down from upstairs and was watched almost everywhere.

But when she got off the elevator for a while, the whole company spread the news that she was going to resign. Everyone was surprised, but it seemed to understand. It's just that an Xiaoxiao's identity is there. It's really frightening.

The most exciting ones are Yu Jialiang and Zhu Tongtong.

As soon as an Xiaoxiao got off the elevator, Yu Jialiang rushed over. "How did you resign? Did Du always embarrass you.

"I don't want to do it anymore. What's the difficulty?" An Xiaoxiao pretended to speak with ease.

"I'll tell him I quit, too." With that, Yu Jialiang was about to go upstairs, and an Xiaoxiao quickly stopped him.

"Why did you resign? What did I tell you? Wait until you have money. You think you're good enough to be a poor man." It was originally for his high liquidated damages. Now she rushed up like this. Why did she say so much just now.

The first job ended up like this. It's strange that an Xiaoxiao's mind feels good.

Since Du Huaian is so strong, of course she is not weak. In that case, let's see whose fist is harder.

"Don't worry, I said to take you, I won't easily abandon you."

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