"..." Zhan lengrui bit his teeth.

Because of her last words, he was completely black faced.


After they stopped talking, an Xiaoxiao tightened his tight quilt again, got out of bed in an extremely awkward position and entered the bathroom.

Her clothes were lying on the ground in the bathroom.

An Xiaoxiao: "

They shouldn't have been in the bathroom last night

This is crazy!

Her little face turned red in an instant, burning like a hot soldering iron.

With a long breath, an Xiaoxiao immediately picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on. Now she just wants to leave here.

Put on your clothes and close your hair. An Xiaoxiao went out of the bathroom, and then slipped to the door of the suite. Only then did he slightly turn his head. Yu Guang fell on Zhan lengrui, "little uncle, I'll go first."

After that, an Xiaoxiao immediately opened the door and went out.

The air outside was not so tight. An Xiaoxiao was relieved.

But a heart is still a little uncomfortable.

Why did she... Have a relationship with Zhan lengrui?

Their relationship is doomed not to be together.

Biting his lower lip, an Xiaoxiao sighed again and left the hotel.

But an Xiaoxiao doesn't know where she can go.

She just doesn't want to go back to that house.


An Xiaoxiao found the house in a day. It's not big. It's a small one bedroom apartment.

After school tomorrow, she will go out to find a part-time job.

An Xiaoxiao returns to her apartment with a hopeful smile, but she doesn't see a man behind her.

After the man watched her enter the apartment, he dialed the phone and said in a deep voice, "madam, the little girl you asked me to stare at has rented a house in Chenxi community."

The people on the other side of the phone hung up without talking.

An Xiaoxiao rented a house outside himself?

Oh, what a skill!

Zhan Mingmei put down her mobile phone and put on a sinister smile on her lips.

An Xiaoxiao, you should get out of Kyoto!

Zhan Mingmei picked up her cell phone, dialed a phone, stroked her belly and sneered, "find me a fortune teller."

When an Qingshan gets Zhan Mingmei's call and rushes home, Zhan Mingmei is sitting on the sofa crying with her stomach in her arms.

An Qingshan's heart jumped fiercely. He was always looking forward to such a son. If something happened now, it wouldn't kill him.

"Minmei, what happened? Did something happen to my son?"

Zhan Mingmei shook her head. "Not yet, but soon."

After listening to the first half of the sentence, an Qingshan didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief. The second half of the sentence scared him almost to soften his legs again.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that lengrui invited a Mr. Tang to make a divination for his son?"

After listening to an Qingshan's words, Zhan Mingmei immediately cried more miserable. "Qingshan, you let Xiao Xiao leave and stay away from us. Mr. Tang said that she hit Dai Sha, brother Ke Muke, cut off her wealth and let her continue to be with us. I'm afraid her son can't be born safely."

"What are you talking about?" An Qingshan always prefers to believe what he has rather than what he doesn't have. What's more, Mr. Tang was appointed by Zhan lengrui. There is no reason to doubt.

Besides, brother Ke Muke, if so, he doesn't keep a broom star around him.

He's just a little bitch who can't even sell. If he dares to hurt his son, he wants to see where she comes from!

There was a touch of yin and ruthlessness in his eyes. An Qingshan pulled Zhan Mingmei into his arms. "Mingmei, don't worry, no one can hurt our child. Since her life is hard, I'll see how hard her life is."

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