"Are you telling me that you will give me a green hat?"

Zhan lengrui opened his mouth. The expression on his face was faint and he couldn't see his emotion.

"What green hat, didn't I tell you? We can't live like this for a lifetime, so we must be separated in the future."

He is her little uncle. How can they be together for a lifetime.

And how can a man like Zhan lengrui be with someone who doesn't have any ability and background. How could the war family agree.

"So you still have to give me a green hat." Zhan lengrui raised his eyebrows.

"It's not about the green hat, okay? Besides, didn't I tell you that if you have someone you like, I'll quit and get out of the house. And maybe you should wear the green hat for me first." She is learning scum, plus Lin mengran's exclusion, let alone boys, girls don't want to pay attention to her.

It's not like him!

The name of Zhan lengrui alone is enough to attract many women.

Thinking of this, an Xiaoxiao suddenly felt astringent in her heart. It was like that her big white pig was missed by others.

"Anyway, if you have someone you like, I'll leave." He saved her twice and was willing to protect her, marry her and give her a safe harbor. She will naturally be interested.

Despite his discomfort, an Xiaoxiao pretended to be relaxed.

Zhan lengrui's face is not very good, just like that day she said frankly, "I don't like you".

She doesn't like, doesn't love, and leaves at any time, which makes him very unhappy!

However, how can the duck fly?

If Zhan lengrui wants it, he can't get it.

"Well, I see what you mean."

"There's one more thing." An Xiaoxiao bites her lips and looks like a wronged little daughter-in-law. "We've got the certificate. Can we not talk about it first? I don't want to be a sensation."

Anyway, she's just a high school student. She hasn't been admitted to the University yet.

If you let others know what relationship she has with Zhan lengrui, I'm afraid it will cause a sensation. She really won't have to go to school then.

Zhan lengrui thought for a moment and nodded slightly for a long time. "It can not be made public, but how can I say that grandpa is looking forward to my marriage. Grandpa still needs to be notified."

"Grandpa?" Is it the legendary man? "Mr. Zhan?"

Seeing Zhan lengrui nodding, an Xiaoxiao only felt that his heart was about to jump out. If so, isn't she going to see Mr. Zhan and offer him tea as shown on TV?

"No, no, absolutely not." An Xiaoxiao quickly shook his head.

"No?" His voice was like a layer of frost.

"Of course not." An Xiaoxiao subconsciously answered back, and then he reflected the displeasure in the man's tone and quickly grinned, "no, you say I'm like this. Where can I meet Mr. Zhan? Besides, for students like us, whose adults don't ask about their grades. You don't know how I study. At that time, I can't say I'm the last one."

Looking at an Xiaoxiao who muttered and looked wronged, Zhan lengrui snorted coldly. "It's a shame at this time. I'll inform Zhan's family first. Now you just have to work hard to prepare for the college entrance examination. Mrs. Zhan, you can't even fail to pass the college entrance examination."

To tell the truth, an Xiaoxiao really didn't think much about going to college. Anyway, an Qingshan never cared about her, so she just muddled along.

But Zhan lengrui is right. She is also the person standing beside him. If she gets his light, she has to give him a long face.

"Well, I'll study hard."

"Well, I hope you can do what you should do as Mrs. Zhan."

"Of course." However, how did she feel that his eyes were so bright, as if she were calculating something.

Zhan lengrui got up, put away the paper, took out their marriage certificates and put them together. "Marriage is what you said. It's better for me to divorce. I'll keep the guarantee together and take it out when there is an accident."

This thing is a guarantee for Zhan lengrui. It's normal for him to put it away. An Xiaoxiao naturally won't have any way.

Let Zhan lengrui put up the marriage certificate and guarantee.

An Xiaoxiao gets up behind Zhan lengrui. When Zhan lengrui puts his things away, he hurried to the door.

Zhan lengrui raised his eyes and looked at an Xiaoxiao who looked like a seeing off. His eyebrows were slightly raised. "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing? There won't be a third person in this room. You don't have to wait to open the door."

Waiting to open the door?

No, no, no, an Xiaoxiao obviously waited for him to leave and lock the door to sleep.

"It's not my little uncle. Don't you feel sleepy?" Shouldn't he leave and say "good night" to her at this time?

Zhan lengrui looked incomprehensible and took off his coat at the same time.

The attractive lines are exposed in the air, and the whole space is suddenly full of ambiguous atmosphere.

"It's better to be sleepy. Go lie down first and I'll take a bath."

An Xiaoxiao hurriedly ran over to put it in front of Zhan lengrui.

What do you mean she's lying down and he's going to take a bath.

What ambiguous words!

An Xiaoxiao rushed over quickly and couldn't control his strength. He was pouncing on Zhan lengrui's chest.

The strong chest touched the soft forehead, and an Xiaoxiao's tears almost fell.

Is he a variant of iron man? You can do that.

The tender forehead turned red because of the impact.

Take away her hand covering her forehead, and Zhan lengrui's eyes are full of heartache. "Don't cover it, it will swell up." Looking at an Xiaoxiao's face about to drum up and become a meat bun, he suddenly felt soft in his heart. "What are you worried about? It's all yours anyway. It's different sooner or later?"

It's all her wool. What she just said is that he didn't understand or what's going on.

Let him gently blow his red and swollen forehead, an Xiaoxiao hammered him on the chest. She didn't dare to force for fear that her hand would hurt again.

"It's the same sooner or later. Didn't I tell you just now, little uncle, that there is no love in our marriage, so do you understand the marriage without love? Besides, shouldn't you keep the festival for the deeply loved person you meet in the future?"

"Observe the festival?" Zhan lengrui's nasal tone is slightly heavy. "In fact, I wanted to have a holiday. Unfortunately, I was stronger by you last time. I've always been a little spiritual cleanliness. Since you occupied it for the first time, it's impossible to find someone else. Moreover, grandpa has wanted a great grandson for a long time."

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