“debby?” An Xiaoxiao frowned, "how long did you take to send things to Jialiang?"

"About half an hour." Look, an Xiaoxiao is still staring at himself, Yang Yiliu continued: "I only needed to send something, but everyone was busy at that time. Just then, President Qian called to inquire about brother Jialiang's schedule. Qian is always a big customer of the company, but everyone can't stop. I was with brother Jialiang before, and President Qian was also my host, so I answered the phone and said for a while. Wait until I hang up and confirm the date , half an hour passed. "

"I remember the money should have been arranged before." Although he is not a responsible agent, he still cares about Yu Jialiang.

Mr. Qian was really a big customer. He saw him in person at that time, but he clearly set the date at that time. Why is there a phone call now.

"Yes, Qian always said that the original date was inappropriate. He had something to do at home in those days. He said that it seemed that his relatives were married, so he had to be present. But if he was away and worried that others could not do well, he called to change the date."

An Xiaoxiao nodded. "OK, I see."

Yang Yiliu stared at an Xiaoxiao for a while. Seeing that an Xiaoxiao didn't mean to ask any more, she took an Xiaoxiao's water cup directly and turned around to go out.

"Wait a minute. When you came back that day, do you remember where Debby sat?"

Yang Yiliu nodded. "Yes, of course I remember. I cleaned the office all the time, so I cleaned it every day. But when I came back that day, Debby was sitting right opposite your desk, and there was a chair in the middle of the office. I still wondered if it was because she was a designer. So I habitually sat in that position, so I didn't think much."

Yang Yiliu ran to the opposite of an Xiaoxiao and even pulled a chair to the middle of the office.

Smiling, an Xiaoxiao nodded to Yang Yiliu, "OK, I know. It's really troublesome for you recently. When you're free, I'll give you a holiday."

"Uh huh, OK, thank you, president an." Yang Yiliu is not a person who will beat around the bush. She didn't refuse an Xiaoxiao's words.

Put down the chair, took the cup and ran out. Looks very happy.

An Xiaoxiao sighed. He was just as old as Yang Yiliu. How could he be so tired.

But Debby

What's hard to come true is what you ignore?

Her identity is true, her age is true, and her kindness to herself is true, but... It's true that she took her own manuscript!

So she did all this now?

No, she won't. She doesn't have such a great ability to install people around Zhan lengrui and follow Zhan lengrui. It's all Lin Musen's tune - people who have been teaching for several years. Even if she does, she has been undercover for a long time.

Debby obviously doesn't want to hurt himself, so he shouldn't hurt Zhan lengrui. So there must be someone else in this matter.

Who the hell is that

Suddenly flashed in my mind the scene of being drunk in the KTV that day. I always felt that I looked at it in a hurry, as if I had ignored something.

That evil man, those tattooed people

An Xiaoxiao wants to come now and can't help feeling a little headache.

He reached out and rubbed his temples. Suddenly he remembered that there was a thin man sitting on the ground in the darkest corner of the room that day. The man was as thin as a wood, but his eyes were bright and staring at himself tightly.

Seems surprised, seems to avoid

I want to explore it carefully, but I have no impression at all.

An Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up, picked up his things and ran out of the company.

That man, she must see.

An Xiaoxiao asks Lin Musen where he is, and specifically asks Lin Musen not to let Zhan lengrui know that he has passed.

But I didn't expect that Lin Musen, who has always been calm, didn't know where he was unhappy. He hung up the phone without paying attention to himself, which startled an Xiaoxiao. This is really the first time.

Because the makeup on her face was too eye-catching, and an Xiaoxiao was purposeful, she unloaded her makeup and specially painted her makeup for singing that day. Along the way, it attracted a lot of attention.

The little brother who volunteered to take him to the ward made an Xiaoxiao cry and laugh. He stared at himself shyly all the way, and finally went to the wrong place. Took her to the orthopaedic department.

An Xiaoxiao had to ask the way. He was going to go by himself, but he found that someone seemed to look at him.

Looking for his eyes, he turned his head and saw a face that frightened him.

It's the man

That demon

No wonder there are so many little nurses here.

How could he be here? How could such a dangerous person be admitted to the military hospital?

The man blinked at an Xiaoxiao. An Xiaoxiao turned pale, stepped back and fled in a hurry.

Catch the little brother who hasn't had time to be driven away by himself. An Xiaoxiao tries to calm himself down. "Do you know the man who was just waiting to see a doctor?"

"You mean Wei Shao?"

"His last name is Wei?"

"That's what everyone calls him. I don't know the details. He will come here these two days. It seems that his arm is broken. I think he came to flirt with the little nurse in the hospital."

Ann Xiaoxiao didn't hear what her little brother said. She only knew that Zhan lengrui was injured. Isn't that what happened these two days?

This is the place where ordinary people see doctors. The place where the man was injured is in the backyard. It looks like a long distance, but an Xiaoxiao knows best after taking care of Zhan lengrui for so long. From the orthopedic department, it is only more than ten meters away from the inpatient department in the backyard. For people like them, climbing over the wall and going online is just a matter of talking.


It's true!

Is that the man Zhan lengrui wants to find?

An Xiaoxiao's heart beat more and more fiercely. He just felt that the man's eyes were closely staring at himself, with provocation, banter, possession and even plunder.

Zhan lengrui will make her feel dangerous, but more safety and satisfaction, but that person makes her feel fear.

In fear, there seems to be some inexplicable feeling.

At this moment, an Xiaoxiao suddenly felt some regret. Why didn't he tell Zhan lengrui. Why don't Zhan lengrui come with him.

Little uncle

An Xiaoxiao meditated in her heart.

Just thinking, I suddenly felt a cold wind coming from behind and put one hand on my shoulder.

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