Kiss... Kiss!

Zhan lengrui kissed an Xiaoxiao?

The crowd watched Zhan lengrui leave with an Xiaoxiao in his arms. They didn't react for a long time.

Jing shucui looked at the scene in front of her and felt even more uneasy.

An Xiaoxiao knows Zhan lengrui, and

No, it must not be like this. It must not be so simple.

Jing shucui gritted her teeth and looked more and more cruel. "She looks good, but she is different. She can be cared for like this when she is ill. I knew I would pretend to be ill. But I can't pretend to be ill."

"Jing shucui, have you put dog shit on your mouth? It stinks when you open your mouth. Who taught you like this, a little girl. There is no tutor at all."

Yang Yiliu was about to speak when a familiar male voice suddenly came.

Yang Yiliu looked carefully. It was the boy who accompanied Ying Yangping to send an Xiaoxiao to the medical room yesterday.

"Zhu Xinrong, how do you talk? Your mouth is clean. How can you say such dirty words?"

"Divide people and treat people like you. You don't deserve others to talk to you."


"What are you, Jing shucui? I said, did you have water in your brain, or were you arched by a pig when you were a child? Do you think everyone is as shallow as you? Open your eyes and see clearly who the man holding an Xiaoxiao is. Zhan lengrui has seen more women than you have spilled dirty water in your life. If he leaves because Xiao Xiao is good-looking, you really look too high It's too late. " Yang Yiliu interrupts Jing shucui and goes directly to Jing shucui in front of everyone.

"By the way, before Xiao Xiaoben told everyone that he didn't want to argue with you, but his husband was not happy. He specially told me to test the things on the forum fairly and openly. You'd better pray that this matter has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, we'll come as fair as we can."

"Husband?" Jing shucui's face turned pale for a few minutes, but she fought back sarcastically. "I can't afford it. When did my boyfriend call her husband directly? Hehe"

Yang Yiliu mocked and smiled, "yes, but at least we can't learn to fall with the wind, and we can't learn to frame others. Instructor, please take a leave and I'll go to see a doctor." Then he turned and looked at Zhu Xinrong. "Do you want to go?"

Zhu Xinrong was stunned. Unexpectedly, Yang Yiliu would call himself. He hesitated and shook his head.

Although he likes the goddess, he is not stupid.

The relationship between Zhan lengrui and an Xiaoxiao is definitely not simple. Isn't this time when you can't find happiness?

Yang Yiliu smiled and turned away.

Ye Yongrui looked at Yang Yiliu's back and a faint light flashed in his eyes. Looking at Jing shucui again, his face flashed and died cold.

It's her!

"It seems that you don't pay attention to me as an instructor. Jing San dares to make a big noise here. You, get down and do push ups for me. You can't come back if you can't finish it."

Jing shucui was stunned. "Instructor ye, I'm a girl."

Ye Yongrui's face changed. "In my eyes, you are all students. If you make a mistake, you should implement it. If you feel any objection, you can go to your guide and make it clear."

Find a guide. She doesn't want to live.

If she did, it would be equivalent to dropping out of school. She was crazy to do that.

After gritting her teeth, Jing shucui fell down and began to do push ups.

Next to a group of girls saw this, one by one there was no sound.

The military training in Washington is relatively strict, but generally, the punishment for boys is a little more push ups. Girls are basically squatting. Even push ups are just a few, like today. For the first time.

However, Jing shucui is really too surprised and should be taught a lesson. However, this lesson, no matter how you look at it, you feel that it has some meaning of revenge.

But more or less, Jing shucui was punished, which more or less distracted everyone's attention. At least in the rest of the time, everyone trained very seriously, and no one spoke to Zhan lengrui or an Xiaoxiao.


An Xiaoxiao is held by Zhan lengrui. He wants to struggle, but his stomach hurts badly. He is almost sweating all over.

Finally, he simply bit his teeth, closed his eyes and let Zhan lengrui walk with him. Anyway, it hurts.

Originally, Zhan lengrui thought he was going to hold himself to the medical room. It was so painful that an Xiaoxiao heard a group of people talking around him. When he opened his eyes, he saw that there were a group of people around him, discussing with each other and surrounding himself in the middle.

An Xiaoxiao was about to speak. A female doctor reached out and pressed her stomach. An Xiaoxiao only felt that her whole body twitched with pain and couldn't help shouting.

"There are three minutes left. If you can't find the reason, you don't have to mix in Kyoto."

The man's tyrannical voice came, and an Xiaoxiao frowned slightly.

The room was immediately filled with a solemn atmosphere, and everyone looked embarrassed and nervous.

If there's something really wrong, it's just that the pain really makes people unable to see. What can I do?

But if you don't look, it's obvious to deal with them.

If they don't know that an Xiaoxiao really hurts, they are about to doubt whether Zhan lengrui wants to punish them on purpose.

The man immediately grabbed an Xiaoxiao's hand.

The strength from the hands suddenly alleviated the pain in the stomach.

An Xiaoxiao frowned and tried to open her eyes.

"What are you angry about? You've made such a big show with such a small thing."

"You're better. Do you still hurt?" Zhan lengrui's face is distressed. A pair of frowns are deeper than an Xiaoxiao. It looks as if it's not an Xiaoxiao, but him.

An Xiaoxiao shook his head. He grabbed the quilt under his body and turned over hard.

Although the stomach still hurts, but how many of their hearts know how to reduce a little pain.

Zhan lengrui moves quickly and asks an Xiaoxiao to lie down according to an Xiaoxiao's meaning.

An Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, his legs slightly curled up, and the whole person was almost huddled together.

"I'm better. Let them all go and get me brown sugar water."

An Xiaoxiao just opened his mouth, Zhan lengrui winked, and everyone had run away.

Zhan lengrui hurriedly carries the just ready brown sugar ginger tea to an Xiaode's mouth.

An Xiaoxiao curled his mouth and was still angry, but at this moment, he really didn't have the strength to get angry with Zhan lengrui.

Forget it, forget it, that's it.

After drinking tea, an Xiaoxiao felt a little more comfortable. Only then did he have the heart to think about others.

Seeing that he still holds Zhan lengrui's hand, an Xiaoxiao directly lets go, turns his head and lies on the other side. Tears suddenly flow down.

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