An Xiaoxiao paused before speaking.

"If you didn't go back, I thought you were going to spend the Lantern Festival with me."

Zhan lengrui didn't speak, and an Xiaoxiao didn't expect to see anything from his ice face.

Seeing Zhan lengrui's silence, he closed his eyes and looked like he was going to sleep.

Zhan lengrui looks at an Xiaoxiao and doesn't speak. He just keeps driving.

When an Xiaoxiao woke up again, he was wearing a man's coat, and there was no shadow of Zhan lengrui next to him.

Yawned. An Xiaoxiao looked at the time. It was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

No, why is it so bright outside?

An Xiaoxiao got up and looked out of the window. He found that it was not the light of the sun, but his surroundings, which were full of lights.

An Xiaoxiao got out of the car. But I found that the soles of my feet were soft.

The cool wind comes out, neither cold nor dry.

An Xiaoxiao looked at the city with only lights not far away. Again, this is the mountain. But. How can you not feel cold in this weather?

"Drink some wine!" A glass of red wine suddenly appeared in front of me.

An Xiaoxiao looked up at the tall figure in front of him. Suddenly, he didn't know that he couldn't remember.

All this is arranged by Zhan lengrui?


"I made it." Seeing an Xiaoxiao's expression, Zhan lengrui knows what she means.

"I don't know what you like, but when you saw such a scene last time you watched a TV play, I was very happy."

An Xiaoxiao remembered watching cartoons some time ago, in which the female Lord and the male Lord met at a temple fair. The male Lord prepared a surprise for the female Lord, then a romantic confession, and finally the two were together.

At that time, I kept holding the computer and licking the screen, and kept saying all kinds of good things about the man.

It turned out that although he didn't move at that time, he had already remembered it in his heart.

It's just. It's been months. It's too slow to prepare for yourself now.

"Really. He brought me here in the winter. Where's my soup - round? I want to eat soup - round. Miss Xuan, if I haven't had a good time, you can stand it."

Zhan lengrui smiles. Pointed to the side.

Where is the Lantern Festival? I have a candlelight dinner. What else do I have to ask for.

An Xiaoxiao really doesn't know what to say.

Zhan lengrui is not a straight man of steel, but he doesn't know how to be romantic. However, he is such a person. Now, he is talking to himself about what is called romance.

An Xiaoxiao didn't know how to answer. After thinking for a long time, he turned around, hugged the man's waist, stood on tiptoe, kissed the man's lips gently, and then ran away like a fishy cat.

Looking at an Xiaoxiao jumping, Zhan lengrui hooked his lips, touched his face, sat down with an Xiaoxiao, then put it down and was killed.

"This is Tang yuan." Zhan lengrui sends the things that have been put in front of an Xiaoxiao.

No matter how it is arranged here, today is Miss Xuan. Tang yuan still needs to eat.

An Xiaoxiao bowed her head because she was shy just now. Also because, all of a sudden, I feel a little uncomfortable. Such a war lengrui is about to make myself doubt whether it is true or false.

"Xiao Xiao, I don't understand a lot. But I'll try my best to do what you want."

In a word, an Xiaoxiao doesn't know what else he can say.

Tears suddenly came out of my eyes.

Zhan lengrui takes a paper towel to wipe her tears, but the tears seem to be deliberately against him, more and more.

At the end, an Xiaoxiao grabbed Zhan lengrui's hand and shook his head gently.

"Where on earth am I good enough to make you like this?"

Zhan lengrui looks at an Xiaoxiao and looks serious, but after thinking for a long time, he doesn't say a word. He just stares at an Xiaoxiao and is very serious.

"I haven't done any good yet." An Xiaoxiao curled his mouth. Because he was crying, his voice was soft and pleasant, like a spoiled child.

"Maybe it's because I'm obsessed with color, not necessarily."

"If you were born in ancient times, you must be a confused king."

"Yes. It's still singing night and night. From then on, kings don't like the kind in the early days!"

An Xiaoxiao's face turned red and her crying mood was gone.

Seeing that Zhan lengrui only cares about himself, he didn't eat it. He directly sent the soup round he filled to Zhan lengrui's mouth.

After sending it to him, he remembered that he had already eaten it. Zhan lengrui was still obsessed with cleanliness. Just about to take it back, Zhan lengrui has opened his mouth and ate it.

"Already kissed, still care about this?"

Seeing the surprise on an Xiaoxiao's face, Zhan lengrui said it didn't matter.

An Xiaoxiao glanced at him.

After dinner, the two people sat by the mountain to see the scenery. An Xiaoxiao found that it was strange that they had to be cold. They had been blocked nearby. They could still see the scenery. It's entirely because they are surrounded by a strange layer of transparent plastic, which is also very strong.

After a while, the sky began to snow slowly. It was not cold inside, but snowflakes fell outside.

An Xiaoxiao looked at the snow in front of him, so pure and so white.

"Little uncle, how long can we stay together?"

Zhan lengrui didn't speak, and his mood didn't change.

An Xiaoxiao can't wait for the answer. He is still dishonest and moves alone. Twist.

Simply turn around and sit face to face on Zhan lengrui.

"Say it, little uncle."

Zhan lengrui has disdain on his face.

"Either you die or I die!"

An Xiaoxiao really wanted to hold back, but looking at Zhan lengrui like this, she really couldn't help it. After all, she couldn't hold on and laughed

Zhan lengrui's face darkened, and he directly picked up the people and taught them a lesson. I don't know why, they got into the tent, and then there were some very harmonious voices

The next day, an Xiaoxiao woke up. They were completely surrounded by snow. The transparent glass around them was full of snow. From the inside, they were all white, like a wall.

After an Xiaoxiao went out, he looked down the mountain. There was no noise in the past. It seemed that it had become another world.

However, I am not like this after all!

Hearing the footsteps behind him, an Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked at the man. "Little uncle, take a picture of me."

An Xiaoxiao poses and asks Zhan lengrui to shoot her.

After taking several pictures in a row, an Xiaoxiao suddenly looked up and pointed to Zhan lengrui in a direction at the foot of the mountain.

"Little uncle, can I handle the things there?"

Zhan lengrui nodded without any hesitation, "you are the young grandmother of the Zhan family, my wife. This kind of family affairs should have been handled by you."

An Xiaoxiao's heart pumping. Housekeeping! So, is Zhan Mingmei still family?

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