"Really, why are you pulling me?" Yang Yiliu has an expression that is about to die of anger. "I finally took the initiative to do something myself. Why don't you support it?"

Not only do I not support it, but I also oppose it. It's pulling me. I'm going to drag myself back.

"Why don't you support it? I tell you, we support it 100%. However, we should think twice before we act. What's more, it's not a small matter. You can't wait for us to investigate it for you."

"Yes, yes, first investigate and make a plan. I'm afraid it won't come easily?"

Jiang ruorei and Chang lengling sing in unison. It's important to stabilize Yang Yiliu first.

"I've made a plan. Didn't I discuss it with you two when I came back from class last night? I haven't explained what's going on with others yet. I'm busy recruiting students now."

"Recruit what enrollment, you don't look at your own situation now, but also recruit students."

An Xiaoxiao came in at the end. When he heard Yang Yiliu's words, he just didn't slap him.

"Who let you swagger and cheat outside under my banner and still want to recruit people? Have you passed my permission?"

"Haven't you acquiesced? Besides, there's nothing wrong with being so serious."

As soon as Yang Yiliu heard an Xiaoxiao's voice cooling down, she immediately counseled.

It's best to be honest.

"No, Xiao Xiao, you want to..." just wanted to stand up, but found that he was also pressed by Chang lengling and Jiang ruorei. Yang Yiliu patted their hands. "Loosen up, I can't run again. Why do you keep pressing me? Really."

Chang lengling and Jiang ruorei looked at each other and released Yang Yiliu.

Yang Yiliu came to an Xiaoxiao, full of villains.

"Xiao Xiao, didn't you listen to the open class yesterday? I tell you, I've discussed with the school teachers. As long as we can properly get the society group together, this is our best feeling. Otherwise, think about that feeling longer than the paper. How can we write it? Even if we sit here and keep writing, I think it will take two or three days to write it Yes. I don't care anyway. You have to help me with this. "

"I thought you had found your conscience and wanted to help the female students in the school. Unexpectedly, you didn't want to write your feelings. However, you don't investigate whether Taekwondo Club and judo club have existed for many years, and how many people there are in the club group. Everyone focuses on learning. Where can you have time to think about this? In addition, even if the event is successful, you don't think about it We have to arrange it later. I still have a lot of things to do in the company, but I don't have time to pay attention to things here. You'll be fully responsible then. Also, the company can't delay. Otherwise, I'll deduct your salary. "

"That won't work." Yang Yiliu shouted to stop. "What should I do? I've already told the director. It's a shame to go again now. And Zhu Xinrong. He thinks I have a good idea and has figured out what to do next."

"That's because he gives in to you." This girl really has no brain. Jiang ruorei can't help it. Usually such a clever person is confused at this time.

"What can he do to accommodate me? I don't have anything to do, but I just want to run a club group with him. Besides, look at you one by one. Can I succeed? It's another thing to do it."

"OK, wait a minute. I think the most important thing now is to deal with you first. First of all, I don't agree with the social League. Let me talk to the director. However, for the students here, you should make arrangements and apologize to everyone. In addition, find Zhu Xinrong to apologize to others sometime another day. People have been busy with this , I'm afraid it's meaningless not to say a word. So you look at the situation. In addition, the most important thing is the feeling. " An Xiaoxiao looked at the three seriously.

"As the saying goes, we have to face the difficulties. It's like this now. It's not necessarily like this in the future, so pay attention to our discretion. We can't escape because of fear. Since you don't want to write your feelings so much, I've thought about it carefully. There are really too many words in this feeling."

"Yes, yes, there are too many." Is it difficult for Xiaoxiao to give himself a chance to take a good vacation without writing his feelings? Or do you want to write for yourself?


Yang Yiliu feels that an Xiaoxiao is full of light all over her body.

"So, you have to face the difficulties and try to write out two high-quality feelings. I'm waiting for your results. I'll have classes later and prepare first. You'll think about it here. Jiang ruorei, remember we have a party tomorrow. It's not good to run with my boyfriend again."

Don't give Yang Yiliu the chance to refuse. An Xiaoxiao picked up the book he had just prepared, stood up and ran outside.

I feel so relaxed that someone wrote it.

Life is so happy.

Watching an Xiaoxiao leave at the speed of light, the two people looked at each other, quickly turned around, and began to "seriously" carry out their work.

"You people have no conscience!" Yang Yiliu roared, full of resentment.

Yang Yiliu took out the computer to write his feelings. Just opened it, the mobile phone suddenly remembered.

Strange number, school?

Yang Yiliu looked and connected the phone.

"How did you talk about it? There are still so many applicants now, so I was wondering if you have any good suggestions. Otherwise, you can discuss it and let's have dinner together at noon?"

"What are you talking about? There's no hope for this. Those people are really. They used to watch the excitement. None of them signed up. If Xiaoxiao appeared at the scene, they would be overcrowded now."

Yang Yiliu looked unhappy,

Almost. You don't have to write your feelings.

When Jiang ruorei and Chang lengling heard this, they crept to Yang Yiliu's side.

Is this an appointment?

"It doesn't matter." Zhu Xinrong chuckled. "Well, when you come out at noon, I'll wait for you under your dormitory building, and we'll talk about the specific details."

"OK, that's it. I'm afraid it won't work out. Anyway, I'll tell you when I go down." Let's make it clear to him. It's still up to an Xiaoxiao.

Hang up the phone, Yang Yiliu is about to get up, but she finds two big faces next to her, staring at herself with a bad smile.

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