"What the hell is going on." An Xiaoxiao thought Zhu Congtong was locked up at home, so as long as he came to write with Zhu Wenshu, Jiang Rouwan explained what was going on. It's OK to let two people together in the name of Zhan lengrui.

However, an Xiaoxiao didn't expect that now the first one to rush out against him was Zhu Hongtong.

"Xiao Tong, don't cry first. Tell me carefully."

Lin Musen ran over from one side and saw Zhu Tongtong holding an Xiaoxiao crying. He intuitively felt something wrong. Thinking about Luo Ziang's strange performance on the way, he made a gesture to an Xiaoxiao and turned and walked out.

Zhu Congtong choked at an Xiaoxiao and sat down on the swing next to him. "Xiao Xiao, you're not angry with me."

An Xiaoxiao had no temper for a while. "When is it now? You still care whether I'm angry or not. If you care so much, why don't you come directly and let Luo Ziang run to me."

"I didn't..." Zhu Tong frowned.

"Nothing? Didn't let him find me? Who bought the brooch? Could Luo Ziang still go by himself..." it was a joke, but when he said it, looking at Zhu Shutong's increasingly strange expression, an Xiaoxiao suddenly found something wrong. "Xiao Tong, did you really not ask Luo Ziang to find me?"

Zhu Tong bit his lower lip and looked uncomfortable.

For a long time, he shook his head. "I always thought you were angry with me, but I really didn't mean to say those words. I never thought about those things. For me, you are you, not like Mr. Zhan or a star. It's just an Xiaoxiao who was arrogant and arrogant when he first appeared in front of me. I know about the scandal You are angry, but I just can't pull down my face to find you. I have no way but to drag. In addition, there are many things now. I'm afraid you'll worry about me when you know it. I want to wait until it's handled before I find you. "

Remembering that an Xiaoxiao is going to travel, Zhu Shutong frowns again. "It's not easy for you to decide to take a vacation. Even if I apologize, I'll wait for you to come back. Just..."

I just didn't expect that Luo Ziang would go to find an Xiaoxiao

"So, you're not locked at home by your parents, and you can't go out?" At this moment, an Xiaoxiao found that he was really cheated.

Luo Ziang

He, why did he do this.

Nodding at an Xiaoxiao, Zhu Congtong looked uncomfortable. "Xiao Xiao, maybe this marriage really won't work."

"Tell me what's going on." An Xiaoxiao hates being cheated, but unexpectedly, she is led by the nose by the same person.

Luo Ziang, Luo Ziang, really good.

"Xiao Xiao, don't blame Zi ang. I think he was forced too hard."

Seeing an Xiaoxiao's tight face and not talking, Zhu Hongtong knew that an Xiaoxiao was really angry this time. If he didn't make it clear, he might really lose an Xiaoxiao completely.

"In fact, if you talk about this, you have to start from the last time my uncle went abroad. At that time, the Luo family had problems, but it was not serious at that time. My uncle said he could handle it, and Zi ang didn't pay much attention. Anyway, he didn't worry about the Luo family's affairs, but I didn't expect that someone took advantage of Zi ang when there was an affair last time A blow to the Luo family. I don't know if it's because there's something wrong with uncle and Mr. Zhan. Those people dare to look like that. However, there was a real accident in the Luo family that time, so Zi ang was so anxious to end it. But because I can't let you know, I can only say that I don't agree, I don't want to put up with any fancy news from my boyfriend. "

"Originally, the Luo family should be better after the scandal, but my grandfather asked my father to pick up the plane and put pressure on the Luo family. Then the Luo family knew my identity. Originally, Zi Ang's father despised me. I didn't say it, that is, because I wanted to prove that I could. Even without the Zhu family, I was as powerful as me. However, my identity was exposed. The Luo family was right My rejection is even more obvious. My family didn't object to me being with Zi ang. My parents had seen Zi ang before and were willing to give me to him. However, the attitude of the Luo family made my father angry. My father said that he would not allow me to enter the Luo family anyway. "

"Therefore, Luo Ziang asked me to come forward, just thinking to let me come forward first, let your parents nod their heads, and agree that you marry into Luo's house. No matter what else happens at that time, he won't have to worry."

What a Luo Ziang, he calculated so. An Xiaoxiao sneered. "He doesn't even think about it. Now you are not accepted. Even if you really enter the Luo family, how will the people of the Luo family treat you? The Luo family, I don't think it's a human place."

Even Luo Ziang can be treated like that. An Xiaoxiao, a member of the Luo family, doesn't dare to compliment.

"I know. I thought about all this. I thought I could change it with my efforts. Now I know it's really useless. They don't like me not because of my identity, but because they want Luo Ziang to marry yuan Jinwei. Now the relationship between uncle and Mr. Zhan is not good, and the Luo family wants another relationship to support their status, so I and Ziang became a victim. Even if I was the daughter of the Zhu family, what should I compare with Yuan Jinwei. That woman, she is the daughter of head yuan Bochao, Xiao Xiao. You say, "how could the Luo family choose me?"

An Xiaoxiao was stunned.

She didn't expect that the Luo family not only changed so fast, but also changed their face so quickly.

No matter how Zhan lengrui and Luo Kefan are, the relationship between the Zhan family and the Luo family is there. As long as the old man doesn't speak, there is still room for turning things around. But now, they have begun to win over yuan Bochao, and even don't hesitate to make things so big. It seems that the Luo family can't sit still now.

"Xiao Xiao, I know you'll be angry, but Zi ang really didn't mean it. I hope you forgive him and don't blame him. Can you? If you're really angry, blame me. Anyway, I'm not afraid of anything now, and everything else... Vomit..." Zhu Congtong said while crying, and suddenly retched.

An Xiaoxiao frowned.

Feelings really make people so miserable.

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