An Xiaoxiao turns to look at Zhan lengrui who has come down from bed.

"I feel very hateful. I bully others like this."

Luo Kefan frowns. He doesn't think so.

"It's just mild. Don't worry. Besides, if she didn't have this heart disease, she couldn't find a reason not to take care of it. Isn't it a little unreasonable?" Luo Kefan pointed to an Xiaoxiao and pointed to the red pimple on his body.

"Whatever she wants. Anyway, it's Bai Muyang who tortures. It's you. I was shocked when you just opened your mouth." Although I was scared, I learned very much, especially in the end, "compared with King Luo, it's not inferior."

"That's natural. I taught him his acting skills."

"Come on, don't hide. Quickly tear off the layer of things on your body. It's airtight. I look uncomfortable."

Luo Kefan nodded and tore off his things with the help of he Yongrui.

Just half torn, the door was suddenly knocked again.

Yuan Jinwei has gone and returned?

They frowned, looked at each other, and hurriedly pasted back what had been torn off Luo Kefan.

When everything returns to its original state, an Xiaoxiao puts on a mask and opens the door.

He coughed gently and cleared his throat. An Xiaoxiao roared as he opened the door.

"I said don't come here if you're okay. Don't you... Little old man?"

Looking at the little old man who suddenly appeared here in front of him, an Xiaoxiao looked surprised.

The little old man looked like a spy fighting, "let me in quickly."

The little old man was thin but strong. He was about to break in when he pushed the door.

An Xiaoxiao quickly stopped.

"Zhan lengrui is in a bad situation now. Don't you..."

"No, what's wrong? Don't think I don't know. He's not here at all. I'm looking for Luo Kefan." The little old man looked like a fool. Seeing an Xiaoxiao wring his eyebrows, he ignored it and rushed in directly, "Luo Kefan, get out of here."

Seeing this, an Xiaoxiao quickly closed the door and isolated the sound.

The little old man knows Luo Kefan?

So, Zhan lengrui

An Xiaoxiao was wondering. Luo Kefan had run out of it. Because he was in a hurry, half of his "red pimples" didn't stick. It looked really funny.

"Teacher, why are you here?"

The little old man snorted coldly and looked discontented. "If I don't come, can you still remember my teacher?"

"What's the matter? I'm here for you this time." Luo Kefan's face was full of flattery.

An Xiaoxiao really doesn't understand. Who is this little old man?

Luo Kefan pulled everything off his body and came to the little old man.

"I knew you were here. I didn't care about anything. I ran here directly. You see how anxious everyone was when you left this time. Shiniang was about to have a heart attack."

"Make it up, keep making it up. If she hadn't driven me, how could I come out?" Thinking of his whole life, the little old man suddenly felt more aggrieved. "And you, you pretend to be like at the moment. If you really came to see me, you ran to me last night. Where can you get me?"

The little old man looked wrongfully at an Xiaoxiao. "I know you have a lot to do now. My old man would rather be bored than bother you. As a result, none of you thought of me."

Speaking of it, an Xiaoxiao was unhappy and gave the little old man a white eye. "He also said that others installed it. Take care of yourself first. Don't think I don't know. You're going crazy playing games in your room these two days. If I hadn't been able to go out, I'd like to go and find you out."

"How do you know..." the little old man looked stunned, said half, and then stopped, "I... where do I have."

An Xiaoxiao glanced at her mouth and looked incredulous.

"Cough, well, it's over, and I don't blame you." The little old man looked magnanimous and sat down with an Xiaoxiao.

"Teacher, do you want to go back with me this time? Shiniang is really worried."

The little old man snorted coldly.

"Go back what? Go back. I'm still waiting to take the girl to see the stone, right, girl." The little old man turned to look at an Xiaoxiao, but found that an Xiaoxiao looked at himself with a look on his face. He was so frightened that the little old man quickly turned back and faced Luo Kefan. "You ask her to call me and apologize. I'll go back immediately."

"Back what back." An Xiaoxiao was angry. "Even if you hide it from me, you still want to break my stone. I tell you, little old man, if you don't take me to see the stone, you won't leave the island alive."

Zhan lengrui didn't say it. Now Luo Kefan is here, and the little old man doesn't admit it.

There's no way to escape.

"Xiao Xiao, don't you know the identity of the teacher...?" Luo Kefan looked strange. Now he found something wrong with an Xiaoxiao.

"Nonsense." If she knew that the little old man had something to do with Luo Kefan, she wouldn't worry about the problems before Zhan lengrui and Luo Kefan.

"Teacher, you..."

"What identity, where did I come from? What identity, but I just opened a broken factory and had a little money." As soon as Luo Kefan spoke, he was interrupted by the little old man. The little old man looked angry. "What's the use of opening a factory? Now I'm old and useless. A group of bastards who don't want conscience just want to get me away. People from top to bottom bully me. If I didn't have some private money, I couldn't survive until now."

The little old man stood up angrily and winked at Luo Kefan with his back to an Xiaoxiao.

Cheat an Xiaoxiao? I'm afraid the teacher doesn't know how serious the consequences are.

However, the teacher's life cannot be violated, and Luo Kefan can only acquiesce.

An Xiaoxiao inquired and looked at Luo Kefan. Looking at Luo Kefan's wronged appearance, he knew that the little old man was exaggerated.

But since you are your own, you don't have to worry too much.

The alert in his heart was put down, but an Xiaoxiao's face was not relaxed.

"OK, don't complain here. Don't you see that you're busy? You two go out if you want to catch up. Yuan Jinwei has gone back and can't see you."

"No." The little old man quickly came to an Xiaoxiao, "Girl, look at my old bones. It's not a thing to play games all the time. Just let me stay. Let me tell you something interesting when I started my business? I tell you that I have another brother. Although he is old, he is an old stubborn. What happened to him is interesting. You will never regret it."

Luo Kefan's face changed, "Teacher -"

"Teacher, what teacher, don't affect me." The little old man looked disgusted.

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