After arranging everything and sending Bai Muyang away, Yuan Jinwei's situation became more dangerous.

You can only operate in advance.

Because there is no special ward here, Yuan Jinwei can only be transferred to the room previously arranged for Zhan lengrui's plan.

"You look like this. I don't know. I thought yuan Jinwei was very close to you." Wei chengshao came over with a bowl of porridge. "Have some. I'm afraid the operation won't end so soon."

An Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I really can't eat right now. You can eat. Don't worry about me."

Wei chengshao frowned and his face darkened. "It seems that you think yuan Jinwei is more important than yourself."

An Xiaoxiao shook his head. "What matters is not yuan Jinwei." It's Zhan lengrui.

Wei chengshao's face was more angry. In a rage, he threw the bowl in his hand directly on the ground and scattered pieces of the ground.

A small fragment bounced up and wiped an Xiaoxiao's face.

Anger turned to naught in an instant. Wei chengshao squatted down with a nervous face to check an Xiaoxiao's injury, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay? I didn't mean to..."

An Xiaoxiao's head flashed back and avoided Wei chengshao's hand.

"I'm fine, but I really can't eat anything at the moment. It's very late now. Please eat quickly and go to have a rest. If there's something wrong with Yuan Jinwei, I can't handle it, I'll call you."

Wei chengshao looked around and stood with a threatening face staring at his monkey and he Yongrui.

Call yourself?

I'm afraid we can't wait for that time.

Wei chengshao sneered and took some threats in his eyes. "Well, since you are willing to practice yourself, I won't say anything, but there's one thing I hope you can remember clearly. If there's any accident before Zhan lengrui comes back, I'm afraid Zhan lengrui won't come back. Unexpectedly, I can't explain to Mr. Zhan, right?"

An Xiaoxiao looked up and looked at Wei chengshao's eyes with a little more fear.

"What do you want to do?"

"What I do depends on what you are doing." In Wei chengshao's eyes, Yuan Jinwei is not worth mentioning, just like ants trampled to death by the roadside.

However, an Xiaoxiao can't.

An Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, slightly lowered his head and didn't open his mouth.

"I wonder what you would look like if Zhan lengrui were standing next to you now."

An Xiaoxiao's heart trembled, "if it was Zhan lengrui, he wouldn't fall this bowl."

Wei chengshao's eyes narrowed slightly and his face was more gloomy.

"You're fine!"

An Xiaoxiao shrunk and lowered his head, still ignoring him.

When Wei chengshao saw an Xiaoxiao like this, he twisted his eyebrows and looked up. Then Zhu Congtong and Luo Ziang, who followed him, flashed a cold light in their eyes and turned away.

Zhu Congtong asked the monkey to clean up the debris on the ground and held an Xiaoxiao's hand. "I know you feel bad, but what Wei chengshao said is right. Yuan Jinwei is nothing. She will be like this now. She made it herself. If you let yourself have a chance for her, how can you tell Mr. Zhan?"

"You don't understand?" An Xiaoxiao shook his head and frowned. "If something really happens to Yuan Jinwei, I really can't live on my conscience. Not to mention, Zhan lengrui doesn't want yuan Jinwei to have an accident, I have to watch."

Zhan lengrui is always mean to people and things he doesn't care about.

But when she left that day, she obviously paused when she heard yuan Jinwei's situation.

An Xiaoxiao holds Zhu Shutong instead. "In addition, if something happens to Yuan Jinwei, even if he can win yuan Bochao, I'm afraid someone will say that he took advantage of Yuan Jinwei and caused yuan Jinwei an accident. It's not good for him."

Zhu Tong's eyes drooped, and she could understand what an Xiaoxiao said.

But no woman is not careful of her man.

"Xiao Tong, my existence has been an accident in his life." Even if Zhan Mingmei and an Qingshan divorce, it can't change the fact that he used to be her little uncle.

"I don't allow you to say that. I don't care about anything else, but if you don't eat well now, I'll be hungry with you. It's a big deal. Just one body and two lives." What Zhu Tongtong said is naturally the child in his stomach.

Luo Ziang ran over with a new bowl of porridge. Hearing Zhu Cistanche Tong's words, he immediately opened his mouth in doubt, "what is one corpse and two lives?" His face changed in an instant.

"What, one corpse and two lives?"

Zhu Shutong's face flashed a little flustered and quickly shook his head, "what? One corpse and two lives. I mean, I'll die here with Xiaoxiao. You're hungry. It's a big deal. We'll die here together."

It seems that Luo Ziang doesn't know about the child.

An Xiaoxiao was helpless, "why do you have to."

"Why don't you drink it quickly."

With a threatening face, Zhu Congtong grabbed the porridge in Luo Ziang's hand and handed it to an Xiaoxiao, "go to bed first. I'll accompany Xiao Xiao here."


"If you're not sleepy, go and see what's going on in Wei chengshao. Or look at the little old man. There's a lot of things. Why have you been following me here?" As he said this, Zhu Shutong took a little sour. "If it's bad, you'll go and see yuan Jinwei. How can you say that he's almost going to talk about marriage with you. Xiao Xiao is so worried, so you don't worry?"

Luo Ziang looked at an Xiaoxiao with an innocent face.

An Xiaoxiao nodded to Luo Ziang, "go and have a rest first. Xiao Tong and I will sit here for a while."

Luo Ziang listened and looked at Zhu Congtong. Then he left.

Seeing that Luo Ziang's figure could not be seen, Zhu Shutong snorted coldly and turned to sit next to an Xiaoxiao.

"If you don't want him to go, why rush? And when are you going to tell him about the children?"

"I... I don't know." Zhu Congtong was a little wronged. "At least now is not the time. You drink the porridge quickly."

An Xiaoxiao sighed, shook his head and put the porridge down. "I really can't drink it. Wei chengshao is a time bomb here. Now I don't know what to do. I want Zhan lengrui to come back quickly, but... I'm afraid he's too anxious."

An Xiaoxiao's heart is equally sad.

Zhu Congtong looked at an Xiaoxiao as if he had made up his mind. "Xiaoxiao, otherwise, you and Luo Ziang will go back together. At least, if you are with Mr. Zhan, you don't have to worry so much."

"What are you talking about? How can I leave?"

"I mean, you pretend to be me and leave with Luo Ziang. Then I stay, pretend to be you and lie in the house. As long as I don't go out, you'll never have a problem pretending to be a little bit."

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