An Xiaoxiao may be in a good mood. He not only improved his situation with Debby, but also treated Luo Jinpeng a lot more gently along the way.

So everyone except the little old man looked very happy.

Even Zhan lengrui, who had no expression, had a smile in his eyes.

But just when he got there, Zhan lengrui's smile disappeared. It's not only gone, but also particularly ugly!

After Wei chengshao noticed Zhan lengrui's face, he specially ran over.

"Mr. Zhan hasn't seen you for two days. He looks much better." Because there were other things, Wei chengshao left the United States after talking with Luo Jinpeng on the first day, but he didn't expect to appear here at this moment. Casually asked Zhan lengrui, turned around and jumped at an Xiaoxiao with a grievance.

"Xiaoxiao, are you all right? There are no sequelae left. But I'm worried. You still have eight days of soup to return to me."

An Xiaoxiao's words of thanks were stuck in his mouth, and his face became as ugly as Zhan lengrui.

"Wei chengshao, I wonder if you haven't had soup in your life. I'll cook you a perfect tonic soup so that you can make up enough."

"Well, as long as you are willing to do it for me, you can do whatever you want."

An Xiaoxiao snorted coldly and went to Debby and Shao Jiyun. "Let's tidy up our things first and go back later."

Ignoring Wei chengshao's surprised eyes, an Xiaoxiao turned and left.

Zhan lengrui's face changed and stretched out his hand to pull an Xiaoxiao.

"You slept with me. Naturally, you went to see our room first."

In the eyes of everyone, Zhan lengrui leaves with an Xiaoxiao in his arms.

Wei chengshao grits his teeth!

"Brother, be relieved. They are husband and wife!" Luo Qingfeng had a bad smile on his face.

Wei chengshao punched Luo Qingfeng in the chest, "yes, I forgot what women look like!"

Luo Qingfeng blushed!

I used to go to a nightclub with Wei chengshao, but I blushed when I was molested by a woman. Since then, I have been teased.

"OK, how many years of stem."

"Qingfeng is really old. It's time to find a wife. In my opinion, it's better to look at the situation this time and get along with the right one first." The little old man was depressed all the way. He would not let go if he found a chance to make fun of others.

"Uncle Qin is right. It's time for Qingfeng to find a wife." Debby also followed, "although you don't insist on feelings, you still have to try. After all, you're not young now."

"Qingyun is the same. You two brothers worry me most." Luo Jinpeng said and gave a direct order, "on my birthday, you both have girlfriends. Otherwise, don't appear in front of me."

Debby was stunned for a moment, "Dad. Second brother, he..."

Seeing Luo Jinpeng shaking his head, Debby stopped and just looked at Luo Qingyun's eyes and worried a little more.

Luo Qingyun looked indifferent. Seeing Debby's face, he frowned and smiled, "you might as well think about what you should do if you have time to worry about me. I heard that Chang Haomiao will come this time!"


The gambling fair is full of first-class rich people from all over the world.

Here, regardless of status, only money.

Therefore, there have been many people who have doubled their worth overnight and who have lost their wealth overnight.

Gambling stone conference, a conference with the best wool.

Auction! Deal! As long as both sides reach an agreement, you can get everything you want.

Before, some people came here for business cooperation. In order to put an end to this phenomenon, participants were masked from the first day of the gambling conference.

All participants are anonymous except those with special marks and staff.

Of course, as a person on the side of the little old man of the organizer, an Xiaoxiao had already found out the situation of everyone.

Seeing Chang Haomiao's name, an Xiaoxiao was startled at first, and then thought, this is also normal.

With Chang Haomiao's wealth, it's not easy to participate in such activities.

The gambling stone conference is divided into three stages to preheat the scene.

The first is the warm-up party, the second is the gambling stone conference, and the third is the auction!

The party is a little more relaxed. Everyone can move freely. If you meet someone who feels like you, it's better to be a friend in private.

This is also a chance for at least those who want to rush up. After all, there are fewer people and the little old man's capital pool is also less.

Of course, this link depends on eyesight and luck.

An Xiaoxiao stood upstairs and said with a gentle smile after watching a woman downstairs walk towards a man who looked very beautiful.

She just said that here, it depends on vision and luck.

That man is the least valuable one here.

Find Chang Haomiao, an Xiaoxiao looked at Debby, "since you're here, you can't suffer a loss. Let's go down and have a look. If it's a big deal, you can sit next to me and eat."

Debby wore a long Lavender dress, and the exquisite design outlined the graceful curve.

The whole person looks noble and generous!

"I don't want to..."

"What don't you want? Don't you have to supervise Luo Qingfeng to find his daughter-in-law? What if you don't follow him?"

An Xiaoxiao said, pulling Debby downstairs.

Zhan lengrui came out and felt a white figure floating in front of him. An Xiaoxiao had already run out of his sight.

The man's face changed slightly under the mask.

Next time, definitely take out the tightly wrapped black dress!

Sure enough, just like Zhan lengrui's cold air, when Zhan lengrui appeared with Debby, he attracted everyone's attention almost instantly.

The white gauze is floating, the jade man is independent, the smiling eyes under the fox mask, and the slightly raised lips.

People just feel that time has suddenly slowed down a lot.

If the brilliance of the whole world stops for this shadow, the colors of the whole world disappear at this moment.

The people were enjoying it. They just felt that a human figure flashed in front of them. It was like the beauty left from the upper reaches of the nine days had disappeared.

Come suddenly, go suddenly.

After a long time, they came back to God.

Chang Haomiao calmed down and let him pay attention to the figure, but the most was the graceful posture next to the figure.

What a familiar feeling

"What are you doing? I have something real?" An Xiaoxiao pushed the man with a black gold mask. His tight lips made him only feel difficult to breathe.

Wearing a mask is more masculine. Do you want to be such a foul.

"Change your clothes!" Zhan lengrui said coldly.

"Change clothes? Why do I change clothes?" Debby designed this for her. She doesn't want it.

Zhan lengrui takes off the mask on his face, and the anger in his eyes is completely exposed in front of an Xiaoxiao.

"Are you sure you won't take it off?"

An Xiaoxiao snorted coldly.

Zhan lengrui's face sank, lowered his head and was facing an Xiaoxiao's neck

At the entrance of the secluded stairs, an amazing scream sounded!

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