None of those people belong to the Luo family?

But why is it called the Luo family?

An Ruxue twisted her eyebrows and looked at Luo Qingyu suspiciously.

"You don't know. Although my father had money but lacked contacts when he first founded the Roche Group, he found them and they wanted to be the board of directors. However, these people's identity is too special. Therefore, they will come forward unless there is a change in the heirs of the Roche family or any major change. As long as the Roche family is not hopeless They are basically not directors. "

Luo Qingyu is a little worried. The situation is more complicated now. "It's just that this time it's a big thing. If I rush over tomorrow, they may no longer believe our Luo family. At that time, I'm afraid of causing other things."

"Then don't go?" That's not good. Without Luo's family, I can't compete with an Xiaoxiao.

"No, I have to go. Tomorrow I'll say it's Luo SONGFENG. Luo SONGFENG contacted them at the beginning and will listen to me more or less. Even if the Luo family is gone, it can't fall into the hands of an Xiaoxiao. There must be no concession."

An Ruxue hesitated for a moment, but she saw Luo Qingyu's expression and closed her mouth again.

Maybe he should try. If he doesn't try, how can he know where the turn is

"Luo Qingyu went to see those people!"

Zhan lengrui puts down his mobile phone and speaks to an Xiaoxiao.

An Xiaoxiao, who was applying lipstick, was startled by the sudden sound. His hand shook up and a red mark appeared on his face.

Looking at the figure reflected in the mirror, Ann Xiao Xiao stared at him. "Go away, go, chant, what's going on? If he's able, he'll get rid of the people directly. That's really great. And you, speed so fast?"

Zhan lengrui hands an Xiaoxiao the so-called makeup remover. "It's not America, it's Luo Qingyu."

That's not the same. This man is so deep!

"If Luo Qingyu likes to go, let him go. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. If we really can't, let's go home. If we don't want to fight for breath and give Luo Qingyu and an Ruxue a warning, I don't want to come here."

"If you don't like it, we can go straight!"

An Xiaoxiao shook his head. "Mom hasn't come back yet. It's not interesting for us to go so far. Besides, Luo Qingyu hasn't solved it yet."

"I'll solve it..."

"I'll do it myself!" An Xiaoxiao interrupts him! "But you have a way to find out who those people are?"

Zhan lengrui looked at an Xiaoxiao and frowned, "do you think there's something I can't do?"

While talking, Zhan lengrui took out a folder, "this is the information of those people just sent over, including everything in the early days of the establishment of the Luo family. If you want to know, this should be the most comprehensive."

"Great." An Xiaoxiao jumped up to get it, but the man dodged, "what's the matter? You didn't give it to me?"

The man looked up at an Xiaoxiao and showed his handsome side face!

An Xiaoxiao was helpless and kissed the man's face gently.

Then, taking advantage of his carelessness, he reached out and grabbed the document, "I'll solve you when I solve the business first."

Zhan lengrui raised his eyebrows, "wait for you to solve the chores. Hurry to solve me!"


Zhan lengrui's document is really careful and meticulous. It outlines almost all the problems.

Looking at the whole file, an Xiaoxiao suddenly didn't understand.

Luo Qingyu should have known about the Luo family. If he had gone so rashly, those people would certainly feel that the Luo family is not small now and are likely to send some means to the Luo family. If it can't be solved at that time, the Luo family is likely to become a real shell.

Is he going to kill himself?

An Xiaoxiao can't sit still. This matter must be discussed with Luo Jinpeng.

An Xiaoxiao put away the files and hurriedly found Luo Jinpeng. When he arrived, he found that Luo SONGFENG was also there.

"Grandpa, manager Luo, you are here too!" Polite greeting!

An Xiaoxiao painted light makeup today, not flirtatious, but she seems to be a lot more mature. The whole person is beautiful and generous, adding a lot of mature atmosphere!

Luo SONGFENG couldn't help sighing!

He once thought that Luo Xun Ning's appearance was one of the best. Now when he saw an Xiaoxiao, he understood what is stunning.

"Why did you dress up a little today?" Looking at an Xiaoxiao, Luo Jinpeng felt more emotion. It seemed that he saw Luo xuning in those years through an Xiaoxiao.

Remembering Debby just came back, I just felt the same pain as being caught in my heart.

"Today is not grandpa's birthday. It would be rude if I didn't dress up!" An Xiaoxiao said, turned a circle and came to Luo Jinpeng.

An Xiaoxiao was wearing the same dress she bought in Shangdao Luo's shop that day. Now when she wears it, it's more like falling from the sky.

The immortal spirit is powerful but flexible!

"This dress was designed by your grandmother and has always been collected. Later, it was painful to see things and think of people. It was always put on Shangdao and marked an absolutely impossible price. Unexpectedly, it was still worn on you."

Luo Jinpeng's eyes were slightly moist. "It's good that she suffered so much with me. At this time today, she can still witness this scene."

An Xiaoxiao never said the origin of this dress, and he never cared.

I didn't expect such a source.

But now that Luo Jinpeng has said it, it's OK to wear this dress.

"By the way, Grandpa, I came to talk about Luo Qing... Uncle Luo. Now he has gone to the Luo family. I feel a little wrong and worried after I know the news, so I hurried to discuss it with you."

"Ha ha ha ~" Luo SONGFENG laughed immediately after listening to it.

Next to Luo Jinpeng, there was a little more smile on his face.

"Just now, when will you talk about it? That's really worrying about the Luo family. I didn't expect you to come." Luo SONGFENG said, "you don't have to worry about this. Qingyu's child will pass. I let him pass. You don't have to worry. Just leave it to me."

"You don't worry about what happens with the Luo family if those people think of something else..."

"No, his past this time will only make those people question his ability. There will be nothing else. However, Xiaoxiao, I want to tell you another thing!"

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