Bai Muyang stood in front.

Zhan lengrui seldom gets angry, but he is still very cautious in this situation.

Last time an Xiaoxiao left, everyone didn't know. Although Zhan lengrui went crazy for a while and released the news that he had been imprisoned, in fact, Zhan lengrui didn't mean to blame himself at all. He even helped Luo Kefan solve all the problems, took over xingmang, and personally came to the scene when Uncle Wang retired to press Luo Kefan.

At the same time, I was specially present when I got married.

Zhan lengrui is cold on the surface, but actually he has nothing to say to everyone.

We all know these.

"It's not Bai Shao alone, but also us." Zhu Tong also stood up. Although they don't understand Zhan lengrui's voice, how is it possible for them to see an Xiaoxiao?

"Mr. Zhan, we just feel that Xiaoxiao's presence around you is not in line with her real idea. We don't do anything for Xiaoxiao. We just want to give Xiaoxiao a chance of her own choice even if it's only once, so that she can decide whether to leave or stay." Chang Yulan frowns. Here, she is most qualified to say such words.

An Xiaoxiao recognized Chang Haomiao, which means he recognized Chang Yulan's sister.

As a sister, she is qualified to speak to Zhan lengrui like this.

However, the person in front of him was Zhan lengrui, and his speech attitude was suddenly so low.

"Select?" Zhan lengrui sat down without superfluous actions, but gave everyone an invisible sense of oppression.

Zhan lengrui lights a cigarette. In the five years since an Xiaoxiao left, his addiction to smoking has become more and more serious.

"You are not letting her choose, but forcing her to leave me."

"We didn't." Zhu Shutong retorted, "you are now imprisoning Xiao Xiao."

"What I'm doing now is just to calm her down. She's so arrogant. If you give her a chance to leave, for her, staying will become a compromise to me. Now it's the best way to calm her down. If she still wants to leave after a period of time, I'll meet your wishes."

Zhan lengrui spits out a mouthful of smoke. For a moment, the hazy fog covers Zhan lengrui's face, so that people can't see his expression clearly.

Luo Kefan has been sitting at the back without saying a word.

Waiting for the smoke to disperse, Luo Kefan couldn't help smiling bitterly when he saw the hesitation on everyone's faces.

Zhan lengrui or Zhan lengrui, no matter when, can always grasp the key of the problem and kill with one blow.

Because I understand that everyone is worried about an Xiaoxiao's wishes, I take out an Xiaoxiao's wishes to convince everyone. Even if this wish is not true, however, Zhan lengrui's words really make people willing to choose to believe!

An Xiaoxiao's character is stubborn, just like he left suddenly five years ago.

No one intervened and no one intervened. It was an Xiaoxiao's own choice.

But now, an Xiaoxiao is back.

The meaning of coming back suddenly becomes a lot.

If an Xiaoxiao is really willing to come back and stay all the time, what everyone has done may become a mistake, and may even destroy Zhan lengrui and an Xiaoxiao.

Everyone hesitated at the thought.

Yu Jialiang coughed gently and held Chang Yulan. "What Mr. Zhan said may be right. Xiaoxiao came back this time and even took his children. Maybe he really planned to stay, so we decided by ourselves... What's more, it's good to let Xiaoxiao stay?"

Yu Jialiang's words made everyone feel more correct.

Zhan lengrui missed it. However, in five years, all of them are married when they should get married, and all of them have children when they should have children. However, there is no more woman around Zhan lengrui,

Even two years ago, a woman who didn't know her life and death tried to dye lengrui. Zhan lengrui directly investigated all the black history and sent her to prison.

Apart from Lin Yi, Zhan lengrui really didn't do anything wrong.

"Mr. Zhan, we can do as you say, but when Xiaoxiao comes back, it doesn't mean that everything will be solved. Isn't there a childhood sweetheart Lin Yi around you? If that woman doesn't solve it, I don't think Xiaoxiao will stay."

"Don't worry about this. I'll let you drink Lin Yi's wedding wine within a month." Zhan lengrui spoke firmly.

Everyone looked at each other.

Lin Yi has been with Zhan lengrui for five years. In the past five years, Zhan lengrui has been meticulous to Zhan lengrui. Although Zhan lengrui doesn't pay much attention to Lin Yi, he will bring Lin Yi on some occasions.

Until now, people suddenly realized.

It seems that there are many young talents on the occasion where Zhan lengrui takes Lin Yi

So that is to say, Zhan lengrui had this plan long ago, and the reason why he didn't do it was to wait for an Xiaoxiao to come back and let an Xiaoxiao watch with his own eyes.

This man is really heartless.

This man is also really affectionate.

Luo Kefan had no choice but to smile bitterly. In the end, he still couldn't compare with this man.

Standing up from behind, Luo Kefan came to Zhan lengrui and said, "say, what do you need us to do."

As for an Xiaoxiao, if he still chose to leave, Luo Kefan felt that there was no need to ask about it at all.

Zhan lengrui will never let an Xiaoxiao leave. Otherwise, he won't appear here.

Zhan lengrui smiled gently, but his eyes were more sharp.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation!"


After an Xiaoxiao returned to his villa at the foot of the mountain, he didn't stop.

For five years, I haven't come back here for five years, but everything here hasn't changed. When I think of all the things I used to be here, an Xiaoxiao suddenly feels that they all seem to be what happened yesterday.

The aunt followed an Xiaoxiao with wet eyes and walked around with an Xiaoxiao.

When she opened her room, an Xiaoxiao found that the wardrobe, which was already full, had been doubled.

And the bed is neat.

What an Xiaoxiao said was neat, not neat.

The habit of soldiers, Zhan lengrui's bed, is always the cleanest, and the quilt is always square tofu, just like this on his own bed.

The pink room and the white quilt are so neat that they look very different.

"Since you left, sir has been living in this room. Sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, you can see sir sitting in the living room smoking."

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