An Xiaoxiao immediately panicked.

"Locke Qin, are you okay?"

"You see, I look like someone who's fine. Who's still lying on the ground? Don't touch me." At this time, Locke Qin was able to say such a joke.

Conrad also ran over at this time, called the medical staff and asked someone to run over with a stretcher.

"Xiao Xiao, don't touch him. He fell from such a high place. It won't be all right. Let the doctor check it first."

An Xiaoxiao looked at Conrad at a loss. His eyes were full of complexity to Locke Qin.

Obviously, I don't want to have anything to do with Locke Qin, but now I'm so directly involved.

In case

An Xiaoxiao sighed and closed her eyes.

The most important thing now is not to let Locke have anything to do.

An Xiaoxiao said, his face getting paler and paler.

When the doctor came, an Xiaoxiao hurriedly pulled ah Luan out of the way.

While a group of doctors examined Locke Qin, several came directly to disinfect and bandage Aran.

Although the injury on a Luan's arm looked serious, it was good that there was no deep wound, and there was no fracture or fall on his body. On the contrary, Locke Qin has a large-area fracture and must be operated on immediately.

An Xiaoxiao was frightened when he heard the word "operation".

In the past five years, every time I heard that Luo Xun Ning was going to have an operation, I was extremely afraid. Especially in the past two years, the more and more frequent operations seemed to be a reminder.

The doctor carried Locke Qin to the ambulance. Conrad looked at an Xiaoxiao with low eyes.

"Do you want to call Mr. Zhan about this..."

"There's nothing to fight." An Xiaoxiao coldly interrupted Conrad. "I'll go to the hospital to see the situation. Luan, I'll take it with me. Conrad!"

An Xiaoxiao turned his head, his face still in panic, and even he seemed to be full of fear, but his eyes were tightly focused on Conrad.

"Nothing can happen to a horse for no reason, especially the horse you sent." An Xiaoxiao suddenly panicked when he remembered that Locke Qin had tamed the horse when he had just come. At this time, he had to calm down.

"And Locke Qin's horse. Generally speaking, the tamed horse will not easily go crazy again, and the two horses go crazy at the same time. It must be because something happened. You must find out about it."

"OK, you go to the hospital and watch Locke Qin. If you have anything, please feel free to contact me."

Conrad nodded to an Xiaoxiao. He should make a good investigation.

Before an Xiaoxiao left, he remembered an important thing.

Whose is this Racecourse?


An Xiaoxiao didn't dare to drive. The people waiting for the racetrack arranged a driver for him. When he rushed to the hospital, Locke Qin was already in the operating room.

An Xiaoxiao sat with a Luan at the door of the operating room, waiting for the news from inside.

Occasionally, an Xiaoxiao could hear two painful cries from Locke Qin, and then there was no sound in the back.

An Xiaoxiao listened and felt that she was shaking all the time.

Locke Qin doesn't look like a person who has nothing to do, but if something really happens to Locke Qin, he

"Mom, don't worry, it will be fine." A Luan stretched out his hand and put his small hand on the back of an Xiaoxiao's hand, but it seemed that with inexplicable magic, an Xiaoxiao's fear and panic were eliminated at once.

"Silly Luan. But you're right. It'll be fine."

"It's not mom. What I said is true. I thought I fell down at that time. My uncle should have his own way. If I was a little biased, I should be able to reduce the stress."

"OK, mom is not nervous. Ah Luan, don't be afraid." An Xiaoxiao embraces a Luan into his arms.

Ah Luan is right. He really should calm down. He is a mother. If he can't calm down, ah Luan will only be more afraid.

However, even in the case of flying in midair. Aran even noticed Locke Qin's actions. I've always underestimated this child.

"Ah Luan, do you think there are many things you don't need your mother anymore?" An Xiaoxiao rubbed his son's face. "Mom suddenly felt that ah Luan had grown up."

"Mom, I don't want to grow up. I want to be with you all the time. But I want to be able, I want to protect you."

An Xiaoxiao shook his head and kissed his son on the forehead. "OK, don't grow up. As long as ah Luan is willing, he will always be with his mother."

With ah Luan by his side, he has been following himself. What else is he dissatisfied with.

An Xiaoxiao hugged ah Luan. "Does your arm hurt? Is there anything uncomfortable? You may be too nervous just now. You don't react. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell your mother first."

Ah Luan shook his head and raised his arm like zongzi. "No, now the most uncomfortable is his arm. These things are piled on his stomach. It's too heavy."

An Xiaoxiao: "... That can't be moved. Wait first and then dismantle it in two days."

Ah Luan nodded obediently.

An Xiaoxiao looked at the operating room next to him, his face full of tension. He was afraid that ah Luan would worry, so he let ah Luan sit in his arms with his back to the direction of the operating room.

I don't know how long it took, ah Luan suddenly struggled.

An Xiaoxiao frowned and looked at a Luan.

I saw Ah Luan pointing to the opposite side of the channel facing the operating room in front of me.

Turning around, an Xiaoxiao saw Zhan Mingshu, who was staring at a Luan in his arms, and old man Zhan supported by Zhan Mingshu.

An Xiaoxiao forgot that old man Zhan was hospitalized.

Old man Zhan is hospitalized. I'm afraid he won't go anywhere except this hospital.

Here is the nearest hospital to the racecourse

It's just that such a big hospital can still meet it. It's really lucky to step on shit.

See, I can't hide.

Looking at old man Zhan walking towards him, an Xiaoxiao looked at the operating room again.

Still have no intention to come out.

"This... This is..."

The old man looked at ah Luan and couldn't say a word clearly.

An Xiaoxiao's face was cold. "Ah Luan, this is Zhan lengrui's grandfather and cousin."

An Xiaoxiao didn't say Grandpa. He can't say that grandpa is Grandpa now.

After all, if it weren't for himself, I'm afraid the old man wouldn't live here now.

Ah Luan looked down and didn't speak.

He has no feelings for Zhan's family!

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