A Luan was like Zhan lengrui. When he was so angry, the whole person seemed to be invading in the cold ice.

I have to admit that even master Zhan and Zhan Mingshu were frightened.

This child is really frightening!

"You'd better go back." Ah Luan spoke again, his young voice was a little cold, and the frost on his face made people tremble!

But it happened that the cold voice sounded, but there was no disrespect at all.

A Luan's voice just fell, and the door of the operating room behind him suddenly opened.

An Xiaoxiao quickly turned around and took ah Luan to the door of the operating room.

Seeing that an Xiaoxiao and a Luan were so flustered, Zhan Laozi and Zhan Mingshu took a look at each other.

Is something wrong with someone?

Leng Rui?! It's impossible. If it was Leng Rui, an Xiaoxiao wouldn't have the same attitude just now.

The old man didn't look like he had just coughed. He was helped to the side by Zhan Mingshu.

The doctor pushed out the fainting Locke Qin and looked at an Xiaoxiao with emotion on his face.

"For the first time, I saw such a stubborn patient with such an injury, but I didn't want to take anesthetic. We gave him some anesthetic until he fainted. However, his injury is so serious that I'm afraid he has to rest for a long time."

An Xiaoxiao was stunned. The voice just now was because Locke Qin didn't want to take anesthetic?!

"Then he should have nothing to do now." Anyway, it's all for ah Luan. I must be nervous.

"It's not clear yet. Let's pass tonight first. As long as you pay attention and don't get hot, there should be no problem."

The doctor said, took off his mask and gloves and followed the nurse to the side.

A Luan anxiously pulled La an Xiaoxiao's clothes, "Mom, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me, my uncle wouldn't be like this now."

"Uncle?" Zhan Mingshu whispered to master Zhan, "which one?"

"Locke chin!" Mr. Zhan spoke.

Zhan Mingshu reacted.

But the child is willing to admit that Locke Qin is such a cousin. But unwilling to admit them.

"Grandpa, you don't have to worry. Ah Luan is the child of our war family anyway. He is still our family at any time. It's just a matter of time."

Old man Zhan nodded and stared at ah Luan.

An Xiaoxiao and a Luan turned around and left as if they hadn't seen it, ignoring the existence of the old man at all.

The old man looked indifferent and gritted his teeth at the back of an Xiaoxiao and a Luan.

"It's not Leng Rui, but how did Locke Qin show up here? The Luo family never come to Kyoto." The old man's eyes were deep, "you ask the sixth brother to investigate. Lin Yi hasn't found it yet, and I'm always worried. If an Xiaoxiao really can't find anything from the investigation, you can change your way and check the people of the Luo family, or those of the Luo family..."

Zhan Mingshu bowed his head and was silent.

The old man just saw an Xiaoxiao and didn't mention Lin Yi. She thought the old man believed that Lin Yi's disappearance had nothing to do with an Xiaoxiao. But unexpectedly, it was

So in the old man's heart, is ah Luan the real great grandson important, or is Lin Yi the scheming woman who is useless and even has nothing to do with the war family?

Looking at Mr. Zhan's old face, Zhan Mingshu felt that he might know the answer to another question.

That is, even if you give up all your work to accompany and take care of the old man, you will never have your own shadow in the old man's heart!

Compared with Lin Yi, he is far from it.

Send the old man back to the ward. Zhan Mingshu calls Zhan lengrui and tells him what happened in the hospital today.

Then I asked about Locke Qin and Aran's injury.

Knowing that ah Luan was no big deal, Zhan Mingshu was relieved. Back to the old man's ward.

However, at the door of the old man's ward, Zhan Mingshu didn't want to go in anyway.

After wandering at the door for more than ten minutes, he sat down in the chair next to him.

Maybe I'm really old and useless. It's just that I feel so tired after taking care of it for a few days.

Zhan Mingshu looked up, put the back of his head on the chair, closed his eyes and tried to relax himself.

"It seems that my cousin is so tired."

Next to him came a voice with some emotion. Zhan Mingshu quickly turned around and saw an Xiaoxiao staring at him.

"Why are you here?" Not excluding the arrival of an Xiaoxiao, but in his own cognition. It should be impossible for an Xiaoxiao to come.

An Xiaoxiao didn't speak and sat down next to Zhan Mingshu.

"Why are you sitting here if you don't go in?" Although he said this, Zhan Mingshu moved a little and gave an Xiaoxiao a place.

"Didn't you sit here and didn't go in?" An Xiaoxiao asked.

Zhan Mingshu smiled and shook his head. "We are different. If you go in, Grandpa should be very happy. Although he has a hard mouth and has been saying that he won't let you go back, I know in my heart that he has been soft for a long time, but he is high above the top all his life and can't get down. If you don't believe it, try it."

"I won't try." An Xiaoxiao refused directly, "You think so well. Let me apologize to him. Have you ever thought that from the beginning to the end, I have no fault at all? Everything is that he has been tossing behind his back. It's like Lin Yi's affair this time. Whether it's a blind date or later missing. If it wasn't for his connivance to Lin Yi, how could so many things happen?"

An Xiaoxiao seems to have forgotten the identity of the woman in front of her and her attitude when she went to school to apply for her graduation certificate.

"Connivance Lin Yi?" Zhan Mingshu chuckled, "then you may really not know what grandpa is really good to a person."

Zhan Mingshu smiled bitterly.

An Xiaoxiao sighed.

With so many people, Zhan Mingshu is the most important person to accompany the old man. But in the end, Zhan Mingshu was the most wronged person.

An Xiaoxiao chuckled, "obviously there are so many people. You can't come. If you come, you shouldn't have any grievances."

Zhan Mingshu nodded, "what you said, how can I not understand. Xiao Xiao, don't worry. I'll try my best to persuade grandpa not to let him take ah Luan away from you. I can see that the child really depends on you."

An Xiaoxiao picked his eyebrows. "I'm not here for ah Luan."

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