Listening to the dean's words, an Xiaoxiao quickly hid, watched the man leave, and then came out from behind.

What happened to Zhan lengrui five years ago? Why don't you know at all?

Anxiao was worried. After thinking for a long time, he finally couldn't help coming to Zhan lengrui's room.

Originally, I thought Zhan lengrui's injured Zhan family would still be there, but an Xiaoxiao waited for a long time, but there was no shadow of Zhan family. Even in front of Zhan lengrui's ward, there was no one in and out except the nurse.

What's going on? They don't care about Zhan lengrui. An Xiaoxiao was surprised and simply stopped a nurse who went in again for examination.

"Hello, let me ask. What's going on in the ward and why Zhan lengrui doesn't have anyone to see."

The nurse saw an Xiaoxiao and was shocked and flustered.

"Is that you?" The nurse seems to be an admirer of an Xiaoxiao. I don't know what's going on. In short, she looks shocked.

"Did you come to see Mr. Zhan? If you want to see it, I'll arrange it for you right away and wait until you put on your isolation suit."

"Wear isolation clothes?" An Xiaoxiao was stunned.

Is Zhan lengrui's injury so serious? "I... I'll wait, but I'm a little uncomfortable with Zhan lengrui these two days, so I came to ask what's the situation with Zhan lengrui and how to put on the isolation clothes. Besides, is there anyone in the room now? I'm worried. If I go in, I'm afraid..."

"I understand, I understand." The smile on the nurse's face?

"I heard when Bai Shao called you before. You and Mr. Zhan must have been at odds. But don't worry, Mr. Zhan's situation is not very good, but he doesn't worry about his life. Bai Shao came again just now, but he left again. As for the rest of the Zhan family, they haven't appeared yet. Maybe he's afraid that the old man is old It will scare the old man. "

Why is the nurse so familiar that she talks so much with herself.

An Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed a touch of cold.

The nurse didn't care and didn't seem to see it, "I was supposed to take care of the old man, but Bai Shao was worried about the situation of Mr. Zhan here, so he found an excuse to transfer me out. I didn't expect to meet you again. I know you and Mr. Zhan must have quarreled before, otherwise you wouldn't sneak over like this. Don't worry, as the common Anti Japanese soldier of our female compatriots, I will I'll help you. "

An Xiaoxiao takes back her eyes. This nurse is absolutely just a simple little tendon. There is absolutely no other difference

"That's really going to trouble you. Don't worry. If Zhan lengrui is well, I will..."

"I am a little nurse in this hospital. I admire you most and want to see you. If you think I speak so because I want to get something, you really despise me."

An Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. This little nurse is really interesting!


An Xiaoxiao nodded and promised to come down.

Compared with the little nurse, she is more worried about Zhan lengrui.

Whether it's a trap or not, an Xiaoxiao wants to see Zhan lengrui with his own eyes!

An Xiaoxiao changed her clothes and came to the ward. Only then did she find that the layout of the ward had been changed. Looking at this posture, she was only about to be changed into an intensive care unit.

An Xiaoxiao came to the innermost ward. The curtains blocked the sun. The slightly stolen light could also see the man's face clearly.

The face of Zhang Junyi, which makes heaven jealous, is pale and distressing at the moment.

The long eyelashes cover the eyes, and the once cold and thin lips are stained with a layer of cold at this time.

The once strong body was lying on the ward, wrapped in gauze, and there were faint red marks on the gauze.

He was really badly hurt this time!

An Xiaoxiao felt bitter in her heart. Something seemed to fall from her eyes.

But at this time, in this case, tears have become a mistake.

"Zhan lengrui, are you stupid!"

An Xiaoxiao lies next to Zhan lengrui. Because the stool is uncomfortable, he simply squats in front of the bed and looks at Zhan lengrui with heartache on his face.

She has made up her mind. She just wants the ending to be more perfect,

But she didn't expect that her selfishness made Zhan lengrui look like this.

If I knew, I would never open my mouth and say such hurtful words.

"Zhan lengrui, you said you were smart all your life. Why don't you know when to do what?" Looking at the man's stubble chin.

Obviously, it's like this, but it still makes people feel handsome and amazing!

How can this man be like this?

"You know that Lin Yi's business has nothing to do with me, and it's not my fault, so I'm just angry. So sometimes what you say is angry. Why don't you understand and have to make such a fuss with me?" The more an Xiaoxiao said, the more he felt distressed. "You are a psycho. No matter what others think, you always calculate me, always calculate me."

"Zhan lengrui, you can't do anything. Every time I'm calculated by you, how can you ignore me like this? I haven't tasted the taste of calculating you and shocking you because of me? Besides, when I left five years ago, my heart was so painful, why did you have to pay a price? You want to coax me back for no reason Yes... Zhan lengrui, I'm waiting for you to give me a normal and grand wedding... "

Tears, in the end or uncontrollable to fall down.

Afraid of any bacteria affecting Zhan lengrui, an Xiaoxiao quickly blocked his face, wiped the tears on his face with a nearby medical product, and then put it directly in his pocket.

This kind of thing can't stay here. It's better to take it away by yourself.

An Xiaoxiao lies down next to Zhan lengrui, muttering all kinds of mistakes of Zhan lengrui all the time.

At this time, an Xiaoxiao wanted this man to open his eyes like a galaxy and look at himself.

However, it seems to be a fantasy.

This man doesn't mean to wake up at all.

An Xiaoxiao just moved, as if time had stopped at this time.

Just when an Xiaoxiao thought he could wait for the man to wake up, a familiar voice spread outside.

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