At the first sight of the man, an Xiaoxiao thought he was dazzled.

The man was bent, and the whole man was a lot shorter. He sat next to the former flower pool and was relieved to weed.

With a teacup in his hand and a towel on his leg.

His face was no longer as spirited as before.

There are deep gullies on the forehead, wrinkles on the corners of the eyes and on the face.

An Xiaoxiao suddenly felt his eyes moist.

He was not like this before.

Once he was only thirty-five years old, but now he is like an old man in his seventies.

He not only looks old, but also looks a little pale.

It's like something.

He looked sideways and didn't know what he was looking at or thinking.

An Xiaoxiao just stood there without moving at all.

It seems that he is waiting for him to find himself. It seems that he has forgotten how to open his mouth and how to call him!

After a long time, until he seemed to have had enough rest, he picked up his weeding tools again and stood up.

I finally found an Xiaoxiao not far from me.

There was a flash of panic on his old face and he subconsciously wanted to go. However, he still didn't leave. He stood there like a stick and stared at an Xiaoxiao.

Complicated eyes.

An Xiaoxiao felt as if he had finally found a little of his shadow.

The anqingshan I know should be like this.

With heavy steps, an Xiaoxiao came to him step by step.

"You... Why are you here?"

Like an Xiaoxiao, he seems to have forgotten what to call him.

"Let me see." She doesn't know why she came.

If you don't know where to go, this is not where you should come, but somehow, you came here. This place where I have lived for nearly 20 years, but now it has become a ruin.

An Xiaoxiao looked around.

Then I found that there was a small room next to the wall.

From the outside, it is OK. Although there is no golden decoration inside, it looks simple and tidy.

I didn't expect that there would be such a day in Anqing mountain.

This sentence is not ridicule or emotion, but a little sad.

An Qingshan noticed an Xiaoxiao's eyes, with a touch of unnaturalness on his face.

"Do you usually live here? I hear it will be demolished and rebuilt soon."

An Qingshan nodded. "It's going to be removed, so I'll come back and have a look."

Because this is his lifelong dream.

When he first came here, he had nothing. Now, he still has nothing.

An Xiaoxiao bit his lips, and the two fell into a burst of silence.

"I... I don't have anything here..."

"Buy me a glass of water." An Xiaoxiao suddenly spoke and interrupted an Qingshan's voice.

"Ah?" He seemed to be frightened. He never thought an Xiaoxiao would speak like this.

The little girl who once looked at herself eagerly has now grown into this shape.

Nobility, atmosphere, every action and every word are frightening.


An Qingshan didn't move. The whole person suddenly became a little awkward and looked at an Xiaoxiao with self mockery.

"Still can't, I'm dirty here..."

"Anyway, it's also a guest. I cooked so many meals for you at the beginning, but now I don't have a mouthful of water? Anyway, we've known each other for so many years."

When an Xiaoxiao said this, he had a faint smile on his face. There was no falsehood or deception. It seemed that he just saw his old friend.

An Qingshan turned and poured a glass of water for an Xiaoxiao.

I washed my hands before pouring water.

Maybe there was too much mud on his hands and he washed it three or four times.

An Xiaoxiao looked at it and felt uncomfortable.

Then he took the glass of water in an Qingshan's hand. He just felt that the water seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms.

Just where an Qingshan sat down. An Xiaoxiao also sat down directly.

An Qingshan immediately panicked and hurried to move the stool.

"Don't sit here, the ground is dirty..."

"You were sitting here just now." An Xiaoxiao quickly opened his mouth and didn't care.

Yes, an Qingshan can sit here. What can't he do.

An Qingshan hesitated for a moment, as if he felt that it was inappropriate to stand. I also want to sit down. Mingming has come to an Xiaoxiao's side and is ready to sit down, but it seems that he remembered something, stood up again and wanted to sit down opposite.

"Sit down and let's talk."

An Xiaoxiao spoke faintly.

Once, an Xiaoxiao once felt that if he saw this man again, he already hated him and wanted to cut him thousands of times.

But now I really see it. An Xiaoxiao felt that he didn't care about it for a long time.

Is time diluting everything, or do you not hate him so much. All parents in the world, even if an Qingshan did so much, he didn't abandon himself after all.

It seems that I don't know why. Up to now, I don't want to change my name.

After nearly 20 years of life, let yourself still appreciate this man.

An Xiaoxiao thought carefully. Maybe at the beginning, this man also gave himself the warmth of father's love.

Otherwise, why did he reject Luo Xun Ning and Chang Haomiao so much at the beginning.

At that time when I was suffering most in my heart, I knew clearly that in my heart, an Qingshan was still my father.

"Come with me. I just came back. I don't know where to go. You follow me. Let's buy a small house in the city center and keep a dog. You usually take ah Luan for a walk when you're okay. By the way, ah Luan is my son. He's very handsome. That is, he hasn't seen you yet. He's very smart. You'll like it when you see him."

An Xiaoxiao didn't know why. He suddenly spoke out.

After saying it, I didn't mean to go back.

But his eyes dodged. He only stared at the water cup in his hand and didn't dare to see an Qingshan.

An Qingshan had no reply and no voice.

For a long time, an Xiaoxiao even thought that there was no one next to him.

After a long time waiting for a reply, an Xiaoxiao turned his head.

Looking at the man staring at him with tears, an Xiaoxiao's eyes are also a little wet.

"You don't have to think about it. I just think that if you raise me up, I should at least raise you to the end of your life."

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