"Sleep with Huizi? Why, do you want to consider sleeping with... Him!"

That I, forcibly turned into him.

An Xiaoxiao points to Zhan lengrui and only needs to rush up and slap Wei chengshao.

Anyway, Huizi grew up watching herself.

He wanted to destroy the flower, but he didn't like it.

Originally, the folk customs in Japan were different from those in China. Huizi had forced himself to follow him. Now if Wei chengshao destroyed him, he wouldn't do it.

Huizi has no awareness of this at all.

Looking at Wei chengshao, the stars came out of his eyes.

"You go back to the house." An Xiaoxiao really can't watch it anymore.

Huizi curled his mouth and looked wronged.

Does this mean that Wei chengshao has agreed to be with himself?

Now I'm leaving. Didn't I miss this opportunity?

But... Let yourself really say

Hesitated for a moment, Huizi spoke to an Xiaoxiao in Japanese.

"Xiao Xiao, I don't want to miss this opportunity. Maybe he really wants to be with me." Huizi's eyes contain a prayer.

An Xiaoxiao glared at Wei chengshao, "I don't want to miss anything. If Wei chengshao really likes you, wait for him to take you to me and say that you two are really together. I won't care at that time, otherwise you won't talk about your two being together now. Besides, you don't see how old you are now. What if you like his face now and don't like it in the future?"

Wei chengshao couldn't understand what they were talking about, so he could only look at it like this.

Zhan lengrui slightly twisted his eyebrows and subconsciously reached out to touch his face.

"No." Huizi denied it.

An Xiaoxiao grabs Huizi and blocks her behind, ignoring her at all.

"Wei chengshao, hurry back to your house. You must leave before 8 p.m. or you won't come. It's really not good. You can live there next time you move back to our side." An Xiaoxiao pointed to the room furthest from Huizi's room.

Wei chengshao shook his head. "Why are you so nervous and serious?"

"Will you go? If you don't go again, I will..."

"OK, I'll go now."

Wei chengshao looked at Huizi and left under an Xiaoxiao's glare.

Watching Wei chengshao leave, Huizi looked at an Xiaoxiao reluctantly.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, what the hell are you doing? What if he doesn't like me more?"

An Xiaoxiao's face became gloomy.

"No? If he doesn't want to be with you because of this, it doesn't matter if he breaks up. Your parents handed you over to me. Now everything you have belongs to me."

Huizi gritted his teeth and tears in his eyes.

Think of Wei chengshao more like an Xiaoxiao, the heart is more uncomfortable.

"You don't know what's going on."

With tears in her eyes, Huizi turned and ran into her room.


An Xiaoxiao called her, but Huizi didn't listen to her at all and ran in crying.

She knew that Wei chengshao was not like that.

Just now, she didn't know how Wei chengshao would say it. However, when Huizi is around her, she should be responsible for her. In any case, she can't let others take Huizi away.

Although he was very embarrassed about Wei chengshao, Huizi didn't apologize to him.

They can be together, and I hope they can be together, but it's definitely not like this.

Forget it. Just make her husband angry.

When she figure it out, she'll be fine.

An Xiaoxiao comforted herself.

"You care too much."

Next to him, suddenly there was a sound that was neither salty nor light.

An Xiaoxiao frowned and glared at the man opposite.

"If you don't say Lin Musen is coming, what time is it? I'm sleepy. If I don't come, I'll go to bed."

An Xiaoxiao said, pretending to yawn.

And Huizi's attitude towards Wei chengshao is completely different. An Xiaoxiao doesn't have a good face at all.

Zhan lengrui doesn't look very good.

She doesn't trust herself at all, but she is lenient with others.

Seeing Zhan lengrui not talking, an Xiaoxiao became impatient.

With a cold hum, he turned and walked in his direction.

Seeing this, Zhan lengrui quickly blocks an Xiaoxiao's face.

"That room is mine now."


I've never seen such a brazen man before!

The man dared to speak to himself like this.

Biting his teeth, an Xiaoxiao wilted down again.

"OK, here you are. Your room. I'll get a dress and take a bath."

Zhan lengrui hesitated, and then nodded.

"Yes, but..."

Before Zhan lengrui finished his words, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Give an Xiaoxiao a look and Zhan lengrui signals an Xiaoxiao to open the door.

"You won't." It's already so late. Now some people dare to target themselves. This man dares to let himself open the door alone. If Lin Musen is not at the door, but a gangster, what should I do?

Zhan lengrui just stared at an Xiaoxiao and didn't move.

An Xiaoxiao grits her teeth and almost shows her dislike directly on her face to Zhan lengrui.

First through the cat's eye, it was Lin Musen and an Xiaoxiao who opened the door.

"Why did you come so late? What's the matter?"

An Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Musen's embarrassed face and asked.

Why are they one by one.

Zhan lengrui's tired face can also be said to be because he worked hard with the woman,

But what happened to Lin Musen?

Lin Musen smiled awkwardly, turned around slightly and let an Xiaoxiao look behind him

This bunch of people.

Anyway, there are more than a dozen.

"What's the matter? What happened?" An Xiaoxiao looked at Lin Musen suspiciously.

He turns to look for Zhan lengrui and wants to find an answer, but where is Zhan lengrui in the living room?

People don't know when they have long disappeared.

"Miss Xiaoxiao, we really have no place to go tonight. We have to go on duty early tomorrow morning. Everyone's identity is inconvenient. We can only come to you first." Lin Musen turned his head, as if he had specially shown an Xiaoxiao the haggard faces.

The words are much more mellow than usual.

Others have embarrassment on their faces.

"We don't have to do anything, just deal with it casually and lay on the floor in the living room. Anyway, we usually come here like this."

One of the men opened his mouth to himself with a simple and honest face.

An Xiaoxiao sighed softly.

They stay here to help themselves. How can they make them have no place to live?

Squeeze, squeeze, it should be just right.

However, my room is occupied. What should I do?

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