"Wait until when you learn to love yourself."

Mingming was not wearing this dress. Now he is so cruel to himself in order to perform a bitter meat trick on himself.

This man will never love himself.

An Xiaoxiao lowered her head.

"What if I said I didn't know I was hurt? I didn't even feel pain just now. It was just because Zhang Yan pulled you and pulled the wound, and then it suddenly hurt..."

"Do you still want to lie to me at this time? Zhan lengrui, you'd better take a break. The doctor will come and let them deal with it for you. Have a good rest tonight and see if you can come tomorrow."

An Xiaoxiao's cold face doesn't believe what Zhan lengrui said at all.

Zhan lengrui smiled bitterly, "in your eyes, I'm not worth believing, am I?"

An Xiaoxiao didn't answer and put the medicine box away.

Zhan lengrui's wound she doesn't dare to deal with easily. Zhan lengrui is like this, and she can't face it. Now, all she can do is stay here honestly.


Gently open your mouth, in that tone, but even an Xiaoxiao himself can't convince.

Zhan lengrui stopped talking, lay there and quietly closed his eyes.

If it weren't for the flowing blood, maybe now, they would regard him as a corpse.

An Xiaoxiao looks at Zhan lengrui and feels uncomfortable here.

Whether he has done something wrong is too arbitrary. However, Zhan lengrui is also wrong. How can he treat himself like this? Anyway, his body is his own. How can he not be angry like this.

An Xiaoxiao had just packed up his things and the doctor came. He had already gone shopping. Chang Haomiao and Luo xuning also came back.

Looking at Zhan lengrui lying in a coma on the sofa, Rao is Luo xuning, who always loves an Xiaoxiao the most, can't help but say two words about an Xiaoxiao.

Fortunately, the doctor said there was no problem.

When the doctor has treated Zhan lengrui's wound, an Xiaoxiao comes to Zhan lengrui's side.

Looking at the gauze wrapped around his waist, an Xiaoxiao's eyes were low.

Maybe what she said was too much, but in the face of Zhan lengrui, she really couldn't say nothing like this. Otherwise, she was really afraid that she would be soft hearted for a moment and really exposed everything about herself.

Zhan lengrui... Zhan lengrui, Zhan lengrui

Recite Zhan lengrui's name in his heart. An Xiaoxiao grabs his hand and closes his eyes tightly.

"Mr. Zhan's injury is not deep, but it may be because he pulled and involved the wound, which caused the wound to tear. There are some residual debris on the wound. It should have been hurt by something like glass, but he didn't pay attention at that time, so it was like this."

"Glass?" How could there be glass.

"I don't know about this, but I've taken out the debris and it's all right now."

The doctor replied.

Looking at the glass fragments just made on the plate, an Xiaoxiao's eyes were gloomy.

Is it difficult because Zhan lengrui suddenly scratched him when he just pulled himself because his action was too big?

An Xiaoxiao frowned and shook his head.

This thing...... It shouldn't be like this.

"Will there be debris in the wound? It shouldn't hurt the internal organs." Chang Haomiao's face was worried.

The doctor shook his head. "It has been cleaned up."

"If you travel tomorrow, will it be delayed?"

"For the sake of safety, it's best to take a day off and look at the situation tomorrow. It's just that if you're really worried, it doesn't matter to go directly."

Chang Haomiao nodded and sent the doctor away.

The doctor was wrong. He clearly knew what was going on. Otherwise, how could he change his clothes?

He is pretending to himself, trying to accept him quickly.

An Xiaoxiao curled his mouth and looked through.

At this time, the mobile phone rang.

It's Yuan Ming Lu.

"What's the matter?"

"Has boss Zhan gone back? He was attacked with me just now because he was separated from everyone. I don't know where I am now, but I think the purpose of those people should be me. Boss Zhan changed clothes with me and now goes to distract those people. I don't know what to do now."

An Xiaoxiao takes a closer look at Zhan lengrui's clothes.

Sure enough, isn't this Yuan Ming Lv's dress?

I didn't even find out just now.

An Xiaoxiao stared at Zhan lengrui and didn't know how to speak for a moment.

"You... How did you meet those people? Where are you now?"

"I'm fine, as long as boss Zhan is safe. When we drove to chase our second uncle, we were ambushed. When boss Zhan just got off the bus, he was shot on the nearby glass with a gun, and then we got separated."

So, is that when there will be glass?

What he just said is true!

An Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes. "Well... Well, take a look and come back as soon as possible. It's really not good. I'll let someone pick you up. Don't be brave yourself."

Speaking, an Xiaoxiao's thoughts have all been put on the man in front of him.

Looking at Zhan lengrui lying on the hospital bed, an Xiaoxiao felt even worse.

He must be angry with himself this time.

Your distrust

Anyway, if Zhan lengrui doesn't believe him, he will be very uncomfortable. Then, he may be more angry and stay away from him.

Looking at the man's face, an Xiaoxiao's heart is more uncomfortable.

This face, this nose, this eye

In the past five years, only I know what I think in my heart. Now I'm back. Originally, the two can be together, but

Slightly lowered his head, an Xiaoxiao sat there, but his body fell down and his head was next to Zhan lengrui.

Look at the man around you like two people lying on a pillow.

In my heart, there was a sudden inexplicable satisfaction.

An Xiaoxiao looked at the man close in front of him, and his eyes were more gentle.

Looking at it, I just feel full of tenderness.

Close your eyes and just lie beside him.

Suddenly, an Xiaoxiao suddenly felt as if something had moved around and opened his eyes again. The person who should have been lying suddenly raised his head and suddenly covered his lips.

An Xiaoxiao stared in shock.

"Xiao Xiao, good..."

As if a voice with charm sounded, an Xiaoxiao only felt that he seemed to have been immersed in the gentleness of men.

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