"Xiao Xiao, don't listen to what he said. The original thing has passed. No one will want you to do anything. Your mother and I didn't want to blame others. We don't need you to do anything."

Yuan Chengjiang directly blocked Chang Haomiao's mouth.

"You just listen. Miss an is so powerful. How can you care about the problems of those children now? I believe miss an will have her own judgment on this matter. It should be absolutely no problem, right?"

Chang Haomiao hooked his lips and smiled like a pervert.

An Xiaoxiao's eyes were cold, "you said."

"What's the matter? It's a long story. Let's talk slowly."

Yuan Chengjiang motioned an Xiaoxiao to sit down.

Seeing an Xiaoxiao sitting down in front of him, he slowly opened his mouth.

"In fact, these things you care about are not entirely your father's reason. After all, the real culprit is the one who is superior to the war family!"

War master!

An Xiaoxiao thought of this man the first time.

But why does he exist?

Yuan Chengjiang told an Xiaoxiao about the cause and effect of the matter.

What Chang Haomiao didn't say just now is that the man who gave the order is master Zhan.

Master Zhan stopped all the information sent by Chang Haomiao. In addition, at that time, he just checked out that Luo xuning was pregnant. The war flag was stubborn and kept holding Luo xuning.

Master Zhan gave orders, which was also the last cruel.

Give up everything, leave everything, and let Chang Haomiao completely disappear there.

After that, as long as you make your own decisions, you can solve all the problems.

But he forgot that Chang Haomiao was not the only one there.

There are also a group of brothers who live and die with them, and more importantly, there are a group of people they are protecting.

Chang Haomiao failed and was besieged. The reinforcements who thought they would come soon didn't arrive at all.

Watching his teammates leave him one by one, his heart is more painful than anyone else.

But...... No way out.

For them, they had to wait at that time.

When master Zhan sent someone over, it was already late

Yuan Chengjiang lost all his family and hope at that time.

It was also at that time that a man found him and told him that he would give him everything he wanted and let him take revenge......

"At the beginning, your parents' tragedies all appeared because of the old man of the war family. For me, the culprit is just him. As long as you nod your head, we can work together."

"Together?" An Xiaoxiao sneered, "for an old man, I don't know what else you want to do. Yuan Chengjiang, I'm different from you. Although I hate him, I'm still the daughter-in-law of Zhan family. He hurt me, but it's also a place for me to shelter. I won't let you hurt anyone."

"What about my wife and children? You are so great and want to protect everyone. Tell me why they don't have news now? An Xiaoxiao, I tell you, no one will care about you. All of them care about their own interests. If it's not Zhan lengrui, what do you think you are at home?"

Yuan Chengjiang almost yelled out. Looking at an Xiaoxiao, his face was cold.

"What I am at home has nothing to do with you."

"So, now you mean you want to protect the war family and let me kill Chang Haomiao in front of you?"

With a sinister face, he took out the gun from his pocket and looked at Chang Haomiao.

"Yuan Chengjiang, you want to die!"

An Xiaoxiao was just about to stand up when he was put on his head with a gun.

"I don't know whether I want to die or not, but now, you are all in my hands."

With a sneer, Yuan Chengjiang got up, "don't worry, I won't move you now. After all, I can't explain to that person, but you'd better be honest with me now. Otherwise, I don't know what other people on this mountain can do."

He dared to threaten himself with Qin Yu and them.

"Take them away and look at them both."

An Xiaoxiao was caught by the man and brought to the cave where he had just been locked up.

I thought yuan Chengjiang came with them. After entering here, an Xiaoxiao realized that Yuan Chengjiang must have planned at the beginning. Otherwise, how could he find such a cave in a short time and prepare things for daily needs?

An Xiaoxiao and Chang Haomiao were locked up in a nearby cave. Those people didn't tie them up again.

An Xiaoxiao was terrified and took the mobile phone he had just secretly hidden.

Fortunately, I just had one more heart.

"Dad, we'll talk about it later. Now we must contact Luo Kefan first." Seeing that Chang Haomiao wanted to talk to himself, an Xiaoxiao quickly stopped him. After whispering, he began to send a message to Luo Kefan.

I don't know why. The news is like a stone sinking into the sea. It doesn't work at all.

"You don't have to contact again. I left a clue to Kefan when I just came here. He is so smart that he can't not know what's going on." They haven't come yet. That only shows that they are in trouble.

"Dad, when you came..." an Xiaoxiao looked at Chang Haomiao and suddenly looked a little more dignified in his eyes. "Dad, did you know what had happened? Did you know that everything here was a scam? Did you know that Yuan Chengjiang was here?"

Chang Haomiao has never been so domineering in front of himself, but he has never been a man to be slaughtered.

Zhan lengrui suddenly disappeared. His heart seemed to hang a big stone. He couldn't be at ease.

Chang Haomiao came over like this. It's hard that he didn't ask Zhan lengrui on the way.

If asked, why is there still no preparation?

"How could I know, Xiao Xiao, what are you talking about now?" Chang Haomiao's face was cold and gloomy. "I'm your father. What's your attitude towards me now? I admit that I did wrong. Let yuan Chengjiang hate me so much, but don't forget Xiaoxiao. Zhan lengruizhan's family is the culprit who really destroyed our family and separated our wife and children."

Chang Haomiao deliberately spoke loudly. Gave an Xiaoxiao a color.

Then he whispered, "Yuan Chengjiang must have moved his hands and feet here. If he dares to return his mobile phone to you, he must not be afraid of you holding it. Now we should not only learn to ask for help, but also find ways to save ourselves.

"Do you know about it?"

"I don't know. If I had known, I would have come earlier."

He is not stupid. How could he not take Zhan lengrui with him.

Although an Xiaoxiao was still a little suspicious, he nodded, followed Chang Haomiao's example and roared, "I don't care what you think. I'm not divorced from Zhan lengrui now. You just can't move him. When has it been? You've held a grudge until now!"

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