As Zhan lengrui has done in the past five years, an Xiaoxiao can do without interfering with any old man's life.

However, she was not sure what others would think of Zhan lengrui if she really ignored it.

Will Zhan lengrui regret his unwise attitude one day.

This is an Xiaoxiao's entanglement and what he cares about most.

What's more, I can't accept it.

I can't accept that this man will one day not care about his possibility.

After so many years, after so long time, an Xiaoxiao finally admitted that the man was the existence he might abandon in his life.

"Dad, I'm sorry!"

Even if Chang Haomiao really cares, he won't tell himself.

Even if I feel Chang Haomiao's care, I won't give up.

Therefore, all an Xiaoxiao can say now is "sorry".

Chang Haomiao looked at an Xiaoxiao and suddenly felt that his heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Yes, what else can't be put down.

An Xiaoxiao gets along with old man Zhan more than herself.

Before an Xiaoxiao's life experience came out, master Zhan's attitude towards her was obvious to all.

That is, after knowing everything. That's why I changed my attitude.

In other words, if these things hadn't happened, maybe an Xiaoxiao and Zhan lengrui would be a better couple now.

It's a pity......

"Xiaoxiao, your mother and I really don't want anything now. As long as you can be good, it's enough."

An Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Dad, thank you!"

Neither father nor daughter spoke any more.

Like the stars in the sky, they are really so beautiful......

Luo Kefan finally gave up questioning yuan Chengjiang and ordered people to look at Yuan Chengjiang.

After dinner, Luo Kefan continued to the place where yuan Chengjiang was detained.

Zhan lengrui is injured. Even that person has suffered. It's hard to guarantee that they won't come back here again.

To be on the safe side, he is most at ease only when he guards himself.

In the middle of the night, Luo Kefan only felt empty in his heart and couldn't sleep. He always felt that something was missing.

Let others look at Yuan Chengjiang and walk around by themselves.

It's midnight. I'm afraid no one won't sleep at this time.

Rocking slowly, he walked back and forth. Finally, when he saw where he stayed, Luo Kefan was startled.

Not an Xiaoxiao's residence, but Qin Yu's residence.

Yes, he hasn't seen where Qin Yu is since he came back today. He seems to be missing. He didn't appear in front of him at all.

"Now, will you sleep?" Luo Kefan murmured to himself and stayed in front of Qin Yu's house. He hesitated. He couldn't go there now, but if he didn't, how could he know what he wanted most.

Luo Kefan was full of entanglement. For a time, he only walked back and forth in front of the door, and there was no next move.

Just here, not far away, there came a man.

Seeing Luo Kefan, the man was stunned. He subconsciously wanted to avoid, but he didn't have time.

Why did Qin Yu come back from the outside now, and his clothes and hair were messy and his clothes were untidy.

Even his face was filled with heartfelt pleasure and excitement.

It's like having just experienced a very emotional and happy thing.

"Why did you come back now? Or from the outside..."

Luo Kefan frowned, in a bad tone.

Qin Yu was a little guilty, because the man's tone suddenly disappeared. With a sneer, Qin Yu looked at Luo Kefan coldly.

"Where I go has nothing to do with you. Do we have a word? Get out of the way."

Then he pushed away Luo Kefan and returned to his room.

When I went in, I made a loud noise on the door.


Luo Kefan was startled. It was the first time she did this to herself.

What the hell is going on?

One step forward, Luo Kefan knocked at the door.

After a long time, Qin Yu came to open the door. There was no change in his dress and just now. Even his face didn't mean to look good at all.

"Why, something?"

"I'm just asking where you've been so late. It's not your home, Kyoto or the United States. It's not safe for you to run around here. Have you thought about what to do in case the car just rushed over..."

The man, finally a little closer to himself, is now in such a posture.

With a sneer, Qin Yu kicked Luo Kefan's leg hard, "you care how I go. I can do whatever I want. It has nothing to do with your wool. I tell you, don't mind your own business and take good care of your situation."

Closing the door again, Qin Yu ignored Luo Kefan directly.

This man is really going to kill himself. He doesn't care.

She doesn't believe it yet. This man can really tell himself what's wrong.

Luo Kefan and old Qin Yu ignored themselves, so they turned around and left happily.

Looking at the tightly closed door of the room, Luo Kefan was worried.

Well, it was all right. Why did it suddenly become like this? It's hard not to come true what happened and who you met.

But no matter what Luo Kefan said, Qin Yu just didn't speak.

In the end, Luo Kefan couldn't get through on the phone. Qin Yu completely ignored it now, as if he didn't care about Luo Kefan at all.

Originally, he got rid of a troublesome thing, but I don't know why, Luo Kefan felt as if he had no goals and ideals.

A lot of things are missing from the whole person.

It's hard not to come true because I'm really too nervous and suddenly relax.

Otherwise, how could there be any other messy ideas.

Thinking, Luo Kefan calmed himself down.

Back to Yuancheng River, Luo Kefan sat down, but he had no idea of sleeping. He sat in bed all night and couldn't sleep.

It's really strange. I thought I had nothing in my heart, but now I find that my heart is really strange and uncomfortable......

After a sleepless night, Luo Kefan was so sleepy the next morning that he couldn't open his eyes.

An Xiaoxiao gets up and comes to the side. Seeing the appearance of Luo Kefan, he thinks Luo Kefan has watched yuan Chengjiang all night. He is so frightened that an Xiaoxiao quickly asks Luo Kefan to have a rest.

I don't know what happened to Luo Kefan. He blushed so badly, as if he had done something wrong.

Qin Yu came out and laughed at the scene.

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